Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 46: First Kiss

Since the start of the month rolled around, all of the kids in the village began prepping for the soon-to-be daily routine of heading to the train station to travel to the largest town in the prefecture, about ten miles from where we were living.

The new school year was about to start and a few actually were excited about leaving the confines of the village. I often thought back on my fantasy of actually attending myself.

I knew it was going to be a lot quieter in the village, and I thought about if I should go along too. I ultimately decided against it, knowing that I was there to live and learn. That and the fact that I had completed the last semester at a university just before flying here, so there really wasn’t a need to add that onto my pallet.

All of the junior high and older were allowed to go as they all had mastered the ability to assume a human form. Yokai are so amazing and I was learning more and more about them every day. Even Asha’s attendants had to attend school. So Saya was going to be gone.

One thing that was unique to the Mie prefecture was that since it was a predominantly rural prefecture, the students didn’t have to go to school during most of the week. This is due to the fact that they were needed to help with their families back home. As a result of this, classes were only held four days out of the week.

The schedule reminded me of how Rachel and I used to hold our lessons. I started to miss those days. Part of me hoped that once I got home after this trip that we’d resume that schedule.

My friends and I spent the last night before the start of school out on the beach. The sky was extraordinarily clear with more stars shining in the sky than I had ever seen before. The moon was also the fullest one could hope to see. The five of us sat around a small bonfire and talked.

It wasn’t like it we were separating, just mourning the end of the carefree days of no school. I was going to be the only one of the group to stay back and hold down the fort. It also going to be lonely without them here.

I slowly stood up and stretched my body. “I think I’m gonna go for a walk guys, I’ll be right back.”

The group all smiled and nodded. “We’ll still be here Aria-chan,” spoke Saya, taking a stick and poking the fire. I smiled to everyone and trotted off.

My feet felt good as they sank into cooling sand, feeling it wash over my toes. My tail swished softly behind me, brushing the top of the sand every so often. My mind trailed in and out of thought.

My destination was actually the small rocky cliffs that sprouted out from the shore. It was a nice place to go and think if only for a moment.

When I arrived, it took little effort to scale them, finally reaching a certain spot, and taking a seat. I peered out onto the ocean, listening to the waves as they crashed against the rocks below.

Again my mind wandered off and I lost all track of time. I thought of home and my family, wondering how everyone was doing while I had been away.

A giggle rose from me as I imagined Silvi in her cave, munching on freshly roasted deer. I could even hear the sounds of bones crunching between her fangs. Velhemina was more than likely either in the greenhouse attending to the fruits and vegetables, watching them grow and mature.

The twins would be out in the fields with their parents helping to tend to the flocks. I could see the dryads tending the groves and orchards, with the first fruits slowly ripening. The gossip would possibly have traveled to Nerazon or helped with the irrigation of the grain fields.

The professor would be sitting in the library, preparing notes for whatever purpose or even assisting the Loreian network on some task. I pictured the maids and staff scurrying about the Manor, attending to something.

Then finally there would be my mother, the image of her sitting in the parlor looking over business reports as they lay strewn about over the coffee table. Beside her rested a half-drunk cup of coffee or tea.

A soft rose on my face as the image of her wearing glasses slipped into my mind. I was known to wear them too to help me read. It made me look cuter in my opinion. I pulled a leg into my chest and wrapped an arm around it, resting my chin onto my knee.

“You…look like a princess just sitting there like that.”

My ears perked up at the voice. My gaze quickly turned down to see Kenji standing just below me. My heart thumped hard in my chest as I looked at him.

His smile broadened, “Why didn’t you tell me that you were a hachibi?” I tilted my head and I looked over to see that my tail had indeed unfurled into all eight. Fear crept up my spine.

My face burned bright red trying to hide it, “I…I didn’t want you or anyone treating me any differently.”

He smiled, “And you being one will change what exactly? Sure, you’d receive a few odd glances, and not to mention how half the village would be asking questions. But everyone would still see you as the girl this village has accepted as its own.”

I looked to him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. He slowly crawled up the rocks until he sat next to me. My eyes darted around, thinking that Fenris was nearby, but couldn’t find him anywhere.

I then looked back to Kenji, who was practically sitting inches from my face. His smile was still as genuine as the first day we met. “I still believe that you are possibly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”

A sly smile rose on my lips as my cheeks burned red in the dark, “Maybe you should get out more.”

He chuckled softly, “Perhaps. Even if I did, it would still be true.”

“I also found out that you’re not Tsukino-sama’s daughter.”

I shook my head, “She’s like my aunt while I’m here.”

“So I’ve been told.”

My tails curled around the rocks as I stared up at him. It wasn’t that Kenji was bolder than Drakon or Savero. It was that he actually was here in front me, and hadn’t been trying to vie for my affections like some nobleman. Plus him being about my age also helped out a lot.

I smiled to him, “So what brings you up to my little rock?”

Kenji smiled in return, “You of course. I know it’s only been a short time since you and I first met, but something drew me to you. It’s hard to explain. We often play 'keep away' or you pretend not to notice me, when in fact I do. You’re so much different than any of the girls here, and I’m not saying this just because you’re American or that you’re the niece of Tsukino-sama. When you and I were alone together the other day, it really made me happy.”

My cheeks blushed even deeper, my heart rate seemed to spike as I listened. He stared into my eyes, “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?”

I shook my head.

“Well they are,” he replies softly, “golden-eyed kitsune only come around once in a while. And more often than not they stem from nobility.” I took in a shallow breath.

The source of the mana that allowed me to first transform originated from Yukari, who also had golden eyes. So you might think that I would inherit the same from her. But that isn’t the case.

Silvi has golden eyes, but that’s a common trait amongst red dragons. But when I first transformed into a dragon, my eyes became ice-blue.

The same could be said when I transform into an alraune. Velhemina’s eyes are blood-red in color, but mine are a mix of purples and yellows. So even if the mana source possesses certain traits, they aren’t always passed onto others.

He smiled softly. I could feel his tails playfully brushing against mine. I didn’t know what to do or think while he sat there. Kenji really was charming me, but again, slowly and not stilted or rehearsed. So this was what is felt like to have a boy subtly express his feeling. It was nice and simple.

The waves continued to crash against the rocks, sending up jets of sea spray. But I didn’t even register it.

He then leaned in closer as he towered over me. His dark eyes shimmered in the moonlight as they stared into mine. I felt my chest starting to seize up with my heart pounded rapidly in it.

Soon I found myself leaning into him. My eyes gazed into his. His hand rested onto mine, clenching it softly. We were now only a hair’s breadth from each other. My skin prickled as his warm breath fell onto my neck. His thumb then slipped under my palm, stroking it.

I closed my eyes as I soon found his lips softly pressing against mine. My heart exploded into flurry of rapid beating as our lips moved softly over the others. Mine felt soft and tender against his slightly taught and firm.

We sat there on the rock, holding the kiss. Our lips moved slightly, slowly caressing the others as they rolled over themselves.

When we finally pulled apart, I gently touched my lips, still feeling his against mine. I could taste a saltiness from the kiss, which meant he had been out on the ocean fishing.

I looked up at him gazing deeply into his eyes. Kenji then held my cheek in his hand, stroking it softly with his thumb.

“That…that was my first kiss.”

He smiled tenderly, his eyes softening as he looked into mine, “Mine too.” A soft giggle rose from me.

He smiled, “You have a really cute giggle. You know that right?”

I grinned to him, “So I’ve been told, but don’t stop.”

He then pressed his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes, softly letting the world pass us by.

The sounds of cheering and clapping could be heard, rocking me from the serenity. I looked down to see all of my friends and his there, whooping and hollering at us.

My gaze then turned to see Yukari standing amongst everyone with Fenris by her side. A devious grin stretched across her face as I then caught the sight a phone in her hand.

A cold shiver crawled up my spine. You did not do what I think you just did. Her grin broadened. She did. I let out an exasperated sigh as I head slumped forward.

Kenji chuckled, “What’s wrong?”

I looked up at him, cheeks blazing red. “She either sent a pic or a video of us kissing to my mother back in America. I probably will be teased by her, after congratulating me. After which I am going to have a very, very long conversation with my aunt about this.”

He grinned, stroking my cheek more, “Let her be for now. Just enjoy the moment.”

I giggled, nodding to him, “You’re right.”

I made took a quick count of my tails, softly tapping the tips into the rock. Still have eight, guess that wasn’t the event to trigger the ninth, I thought. Also there was the fact that when my eighth did emerge, it was proceeded by receiving a massive shock.

While receiving my first kiss is a massive shock, apparently it wasn’t enough to trigger it. Not that I was overly eager to obtain it. I was quite happy just having eight and being a kitsune more than anything.

I leaned into him, resting my head onto his chest. Kenji wrapped his arms around me and held me there. I giggled to myself as his tails wrapped around mine, taking two for every one of his.

I gazed back out onto the ocean. Savero…Drakon, eat your hearts out.

Although for some reason I half-expected the former to leap out of the ocean and demand to know why Kenji was kissing me. If he did, he’d have to face down both Yukari and Fenris. Both of whom could easy dispatch the merman. Thankfully that didn’t happen.

I closed my eyes again, still feeling his tails wrapping around mine. I also felt his hand stroking my arm gently.

“So what now?” I asked.

I felt his shoulders shrug, “I don’t know. Some might grow to think we are in a relationship.”

I grinned, “I highly doubt that I am your girlfriend after just one kiss lover boy.”

He smiled, stroking my hair, “Nope, but maybe. What I do know is that you don’t have to hide the fact that you are a hachibi anymore. Most in the village have already suspected that you were hiding the number of your tails. They’re not upset with the deception, but will wish that you are more open with it. So don’t fret about showing off your tails. Kitsune take immense pride in our tails.” I nodded, bobbing mine within his.

The night grew long and the moon had already set beneath the horizon. Kenji and I had since left the rocks and strolled along the beach, tails still grasping each other. We would make cursory glances at one another.

We were nearly halfway to the village, its lights twinkling brightly against the starry velvet sky. The both of us stopped, with him taking my hand.

“I guess this is where we part for the night.”

I blushed, looking up at him, nodding softly. He leaned over and planted another kiss onto my lips, pulling back slightly, “Makes me wish I didn’t have to go to school tomorrow. Otherwise I would spend every moment with you.”

I giggled, “You’re quite the romantic, you know that?”

He smiled, stroking my cheek, before finally untangling our tails. He then turned, walking backwards a few steps, “I’ll see you later Aria-chan.”

I nodded to him, “Seeya.” He then turned and disappeared into the darkness.

I folded my hands over my chest. My heart had never once stopped beating like a drum during this whole time. I could still taste the warm, saltiness of his kiss.

My fingers gently traced my lips, still feeling his against mine. A giddy grin rose on my face as I swayed on the beach, tails wagging and swishing every way possible.

A cool breath then gently blew into my ear, causing me to yelp and jump. I turned to see my aunt chuckling loudly. I groaned and pouted at her, “You set that whole thing up didn’t you?”

She grinned, “What? Allowing him to find the courage to express his feeling towards you?”

My eyes flared at her, tails angrily slashing into the sand. This only made her chuckle even more, “Oh calm yourself, my dear child. All I did was clarify a few erroneous details about you. And of course document this momentous occasion.”

I growled at her, “So you did record and send it to Rachel?” She nodded. I groaned, head drooping, “Who by now has forwarded it to everyone in the Coven.”

My aunt smiled, “Not everyone. According to her, only a very select few will see it.”

I can count on one hand who exactly that video has been sent to. I groaned once more, shaking my head, then looked up at her, smiling, “Thanks.”

She smiled, pulling me into her arms, and kissing the top of my head, “For what my dear?”

I nuzzled her chest, “For being an amazing aunt.”

She smiled, rocking me gently, “You are quite welcome.”

I felt a cold wet nose pressing against my hand, looking down the see Fenris staring at me. I smiled stroking his face, “So I’m guessing you approve of Kenji too huh?”

The wolf nodded, “He is honest with his feelings for you. There is also the truth you do not feel apprehension while with him.”

I blushed softly, fingers still raking through his soft fur. He grumbled happily, his eyes very much showing a father’s affection. “Love you Papa Wolf,” turning to look up at my aunt, “love you too Yukari.”

She smiled brightly, kissing my forehead, “I love you too Aria-chan.” My bonded leaned in and lapped up my face, causing me to giggle.

A chuckling Yukari smoothed over my face with her thumb, “I should get you home, it’s time for bed.”

I giggled, “Ok.”

The three of us then turned down the beach and headed back towards the house. This…was a night I was going to remember. And I still had plenty of time left to be here to create even more memories.

I really didn’t talk to or see Kenji or the others much during the week. They often were long gone by the time I woke up, as they had to walk an hour to the train station.

Now I’m known to be an early riser, tending to wake up around 5:00 or so in the morning to go running, which I still did even when I arrived. But they had to be up even earlier just to make it up to where the house was and then proceeding on towards the station.

I did catch them a once while out for a run. The sun still hadn’t risen and I heard the faint sounds of people chattering. I ducked behind some trees about a few yards from the main road.

The glow of lights soon grew brighter as the village kids made with way in the darkness. They were led by the light of kitsune-bi, which floated in the air, and by chochin obake, yokai who were once lanterns who over time gained a soul.

I waited quietly until they passed. When Kenji did appear, it took everything I had not to just leap out.

I even wrapped my tails tightly around trees in order to further restrain myself. My mind was still racing with the memories from that night on the beach.

He was surrounded by his crew; all were talking about trying out for the various sports clubs at school with aspirations of maybe playing in the professional leagues if given the chance. But that didn’t matter to me other than Kenji.

My grip slowly began to loosen as the urge to jump started to grow. I then punched the side of my head, realizing that I was starting to act like some obsessed lover. I quietly faded into the forest, not wanting to arouse anyone’s notice.

I quickly dashed through the undergrowth and headed for home. Once there, I plopped onto my back where the house faced the ocean and panted heavily. I kept kicking myself, trying to push all of the crazy thoughts I was having.

What finally broke my tantrum was the sound of the wind blowing against the trees. Nature has always possessed the ability to calm my nerves whenever I felt excited or overwhelmed.

I placed my palms onto the ground and attempted to connect with the earth beneath me, drawing on my training as an alraune. I really hadn’t spoken to the plants since I arrived, wanting to simply focus on being here.

The calm, gentle energies of the plants around me help further sooth my troubled mind. I could feel their “words” echoing in my mind, telling me to breathe and allow my thoughts to drip away like the morning dew.

A soft smile rose on my face as I rolled onto my side, curling up tightly on the grass. My tails soon draped over my body like a blanket. It was times like this that I really was grateful that Yukari had brought me out here and for staying in this house. I slowly closed my eyes, letting the tension flow out of me like water, and found peace lying there.

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