Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 168: A Lot Could Happen In Three Years

Blaise was in Nyria when he received word that he needed to come back immediately to make it onto the next ship to Annalaias. He had been traveling for months, only stopping back in Shibatsu to get another assignment before leaving again.

This time he stopped back at home to deliver presents he bought in other countries to his parents and sisters. He had a feeling he wouldn't be seeing them again for a very long time and felt it necessary to visit them.

His mother fussed too much, as expected from her only son coming back for the first time in about a year, and he brushed off her smothering. His brother-in-law was doing a great job helping run the inn and for that he would always be grateful.

"You helped me out," he confessed when no one else was listening. "I did not want to be a carpenter like my father. Too much manual labor."

Blaise smiled. Things had worked out for both of them better than he had hoped. contemporary romance

"You are going to be a part of the group of Warriors helping train Kanta soldiers?" his father asked in concern. "Those mountains are supposed to be barren."

He shook his head. "No, I have been there before and seen for myself that they are a thriving fledgling society. Training their own military will help them continue to progress as a nation."

His father took his words at face value because Blaise had always been the type to objectively tell the truth. "It is a Warrior's duty to go where their commander tells them, no matter how far away that may be. I am proud of you, son."

He said all of that with a completely straight face. That was about as emotional as he got. Blaise had definitely gotten his personality from his father.

The visit ended quickly because he had to make it to the port to meet up with his companions and the thirty-one Warriors they had managed to recruit. All of them would stay with the Kanta for the next three years to help kickstart their military.

He became progressively more nervous as he approached the ship. A lot could happen in three years. He wasn't sure what to expect but it left a pit in his stomach.

His foreign companions all waved to him from on deck as he grabbed his things and lugged them up the gangplank. Edmund slung an arm over his shoulders in a very casual greeting once he made it aboard.

"Blaise! Good to see you. I almost thought you weren't going to make it back and we would have to leave you behind."

Marcy rolled her eyes. "Don't mind him; he's overdramatic. We knew you would make it in time because we sent word so early. Besides…you have a very compelling reason to want to return."

He flushed. She was the only one aside from Jae who knew the origin of the ribbon. When she gave him tips about how to wash it she asked why it mattered so much and he felt obligated to answer because she was helping him out.

As they moved into open waters, Blaise thought about what was waiting for him on the other side of this ocean. He hoped nothing about her had changed while he was gone.

He had changed quite a bit. Unlike when he met that music box peddler, he truly was a seasoned traveler now. And during all of his travels he had missed Abby desperately. At this point he might be willing to change his standpoint on settling down in one place. Maybe.

If they were able to spend more time together during the training program and she asked him to stay…there was a very strong chance he wouldn't be able to say no. That was the main reason he had left his family with presents. He might be back in three years or not at all.

What had she been up to all this time? Blaise was willing to bet she was making waves among the Kanta just like her sister had. She wasn't the type to sit back and let other people do things for her.

He could still remember the first conversation they had about her plan to leave Shibatsu. He had been astounded that she was working three jobs and helping with the chores at Hugo's place to pay for her room and board.

Anyone else with that kind of load would have worked themselves to death but Abby remained cheerful and full of energy. She told him that she appreciated the room and board she had been offered but that she couldn't expect anything more from her benefactors so she had to pay her way to Annalaias by herself.

She never complained or lost sight of her goal once. Blaise wondered what kind of goals she had now that she was back by her beloved Katie's side.

He was fairly certain he wouldn't return to find her betrothed, or worse, married. Abby had essentially sent him off with a lover's farewell even though they had never been anything other than casually friendly with each other. She wouldn't have forgotten about him in less than a year, would she?

It would be nice if he could forget about this and focus on something else but he had the sinking feeling that thoughts of her would haunt him this entire trip until he was able to see her again. She had that kind of effect.


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