Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 159: Love In The Air

Blaise hadn't realized how much he hated traveling by sea. The first time he had done it was with Abby and it didn't seem all that bad aside from having to jump overboard to save her once.

But traveling with not one but two of his three companions who got horribly seasick made life difficult. Add that to the fact that Edmund and Marcy were flirting whenever they weren't vomiting and that Jae chattered on constantly about the girl he was going to marry and he spent the better part of two months in a foul mood.

Traveling was not fun unless you had the right companions. Blaise was beginning to wonder if he would ever enjoy traveling with anyone but Abby or if he had simply gotten unlucky this time.

He spent most of the journey thinking about her as he stared out at the sea. The ribbon she gave him had taken up permanent residence on his wrist.

At first he worried that it would get too dirty to return but Marcy had informed him that it was possible to wash ribbons; it simply took a little delicacy. But he watched carefully for any signs of fraying. He wanted to return it to Abby in the same condition she gave it to him.

The first sight of his homeland filled him with mingling relief and melancholy. He was really back. He would have to report in to his commanding officer and do a whole lot of smooth talking, which wasn't his strong suit.

Everyone he knew would in for quite a shock since he was returning with three foreign dignitaries. Well, makeshift dignitaries anyway. The Independent Nation of Kanta was still a young country. He was sure they would have proper ambassadors and such in time.

Right now all they had was the second son of an earl, a baker turned political aide, and a jeweler's apprentice who had little idea what he was doing. Blaise sighed. It would be a miracle if this actually worked.

He had been so confident in his plan before but now that he was actually here…

When they finally weighed anchor in the port, a teenage girl with her silvery hair tied back in a braid was pleading desperately with the second mate. "Please, can you check again? There has to be a letter for me. Maybe it is addressed to my father Daran instead?"

He shook his head. "Sorry miss. The only letters I have are from the queen of Annalaias for other members of the royal family."

The girl looked crestfallen until she spotted someone on the deck of the ship. For a moment Blaise thought she was looking at him and was confused until he realized Jae was directly behind him.

She scrambled up the gangplank and threw herself into Jae's arms. He spun her around before holding her tightly against his chest.

"You came! I thought you would send for me with a letter, not that you would come personally!" Kirienne giggled in delight. "Oh, it is so wonderful to see you!"contemporary romance

Jae gently stroked her cheek with his thumb and sighed in contentment. "You too. How is your family?"

"The same as always. Papa will be pleased that you came here yourself; he hadn't wanted to miss the wedding. Can we get married here? The next ship doesn't leave until spring…" she continued as they walked off the ship and out of earshot.

Blaise's heart twisted uncomfortably watching them. How nice it must be to have the affection of the one you love. All of the love in the air was starting to get to him. Edmund, who was the slightly more seasick of the two, was being held up by Marcy as they walked toward the gangplank. She was whispering reassurances to him that they had arrived and he wouldn't have to step foot on another boat for half a year.

It was such a long time to be parted from someone and yet might not be enough time to implement his plan. He sincerely hoped his commanding officer and the king's cabinet were willing to cooperate.

Marcy was the one with the silver tongue; this would be largely her victory if they succeeded at all. He was only needed to forge the connections and open the door.

Edmund was primarily here as moral support and another diplomatic connection between Annalaias and the Kanta. As for Jae…Blaise was worried about his role the most. He had spent a lot of time with Alamar before they left and had asked Marcy countless questions on the road before her seasickness rendered her useless but was he truly prepared?

He was the simple son of refugees with no real political training. If he accidentally offended someone important they were doomed.

The rest of the group caught up with Jae and Kirienne because he needed to know where the inn they would be staying at was located. She seemed surprised he wouldn't be staying with her family until he explained he was here on a diplomatic mission and needed to be in contact with his companions.

The girl was slightly put out by that and insisted at the very least that they all join her family for dinner. So they did.


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