Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 156: Ribbon

Abby had to explain how she and Blaise had become acquainted in more detail. Originally she had only mentioned that she met him through Hugo, the person who saved her when she came into this world and that they 'got friendly.'

Now that she thought about it, it was odd that he suddenly started showing up where she ate lunch every day since she had never seen him there before. As if he had done it on purpose to be able to see her.

But that wouldn't make sense because he never bothered to talk to her. She was the one who had to initiate contact every time. If he truly wanted to talk to her wouldn't it make more sense to do that rather than waiting for her every time? 

Katie reached out to touch her shoulder. "Abby, a guy wouldn't do that if he didn't like you. Or cross an entire ocean to make sure you were safe without payment. But that isn't the real question, is it? Do you like him back?"

She couldn't imagine someone like Blaise having tender feelings for anyone, let alone being in a relationship with him. Even if he wasn't leaving tomorrow.

"What does it matter?" she cried. "Isn't it better to nip things in the bud before anybody gets hurt? Even if we do like each other there isn't time to explore those feelings. I can't spend my whole life waiting around for somebody to come back."

Abby had already lost too many people important to her. She couldn't bear to wait and wonder forever. She had always wondered how military wives were able to survive their husbands' deployments. That sort of lifestyle seemed awful to her. 

As a freshman in college, before she met her second boyfriend, she met a cute guy who wanted to be a policeman. She had liked him but refused to date him because she didn't want to spend every day wondering if it would be the one he wouldn't come home. She couldn't do that after losing her parents. 

Katie's expression grew sympathetic. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. Of course you wouldn't want that after everything with Mom and Dad…and me. Goodness knows I craved normalcy and predictability after coming here too."

And just like that, the matter was dropped. Abby's heart was heavy but she knew that like all of her other crushes this one would pass. Maybe someday she could find someone who would be willing to stay here and have a normal, safe job.

Not that she really cared about that right now. She had barely found Katie again and needed to focus on building a life for herself here before she thought about any degree of permanency. She needed to get more used to this world and the Kanta way of life. Even entertaining thoughts of a relationship right now was stupid.


Dinner was a lighthearted affair with conversation flowing freely between Jae, Al, and Katie but Abby's heart felt like lead. She barely picked at her food knowing what was coming tomorrow.

The goodbye. With no guarantee of there ever being another hello.

Everyone went to bed early that night because of how early Jae and Blaise were heading out in the morning since they wanted to see them off. But Abby had a hard time falling asleep. She tried convincing herself that it didn't matter that he was leaving but wasn't terribly successful.

She had long been prone to overthinking things. Tonight was no exception. Uncertainty brought out this bad habit and there was so much surrounding her friend's departure that she didn't even know where to begin.

They set out to go at the crack of dawn. Simba popped out of the flap Blaise's knapsack and scurried away, presumably to hunt. He had been staying in the stable for the most part since coming here because he seemed to really like the horses.

A pang went through her when she realized that Simba would never be able to hide in his bag again. Even if he did come back it would be when the lynx was far too big.

Though she knew it would likely be fruitless, Abby wanted to do something to convince him to come back and see her again. She felt like one of those overdramatic girls in a period drama but couldn't stop herself as Blaise turned to leave. She internally kicked herself for being so cheesy but the words tumbled out of her mouth without her permission. 

"Wait!" she hastily untied the pale blue ribbon holding up her ponytail and set her bedhead free. "Take this with you. Bring it back to me the next time you come."contemporary romance

He paused for a moment before gracing her with the most dazzling smile she had seen from him yet. "It would be my honor to see this safely returned to you, Miss Abby."

Blaise accepted the ribbon gingerly, as if it were a priceless treasure and held it in his fist as he gave her one final salute. As she watched him walk away she didn't know if she would ever see him or the ribbon again.

Katie gave her another one of those annoying knowing smiles as they headed back inside but wisely chose not to say anything other than "you can use one of my ribbons for now." She probably knew that picking a fight with her sister right now would not end well for her.

Abby accepted a white ribbon from her sister and retied her ponytail without another word on the matter. The one she gave Blaise had been a gift from Abella and the only way she had to tie up her hair after coming to this world since they didn't have elastic hair ties here.

Resolutely, she tried to put both him and the ribbon out of mind and focus on helping Katie and Al with their duties for the day. She had made her choice and she had to stick with it.


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