Nosuë: The Wandering Vampire

Chapter V: The Wanderer’s Departure

“How long is it going to stay?”

I raised my head.

Taneka had approached Ronald downstairs, as they were getting ready to leave, very early in the morning. I couldn’t help it: I pricked up my ears, paying attention.

It wasn’t the first time she asked him that question, but until then it had been almost cordial. Now her discomfort was palpable.

“I don’t know, as long as he needs to,” he answered, dumb as garlic.

“As long as it needs! It’s eternal!”

“They do not live forever.” Ronald laughed sweetly. “They are just very long-lived.”

“I don’t care, Ron. It can’t stay here forever.”

“He. Please, Taneka. And why not?”

“Oh, it… he is not a stray dog!”

“Of course not, he’s a vampire.”

“Exactly! Ronald Littyan, please…”

“Come on, Taneka, love. What’s the matter with you? Nosuë is harmless.”

“Harmless! Harmless! I’ve seen it… him come home from his… hunts. And the rumours? Missing persons, murders?”

“Nonsense. Nosuë assured me nothing ever happens to his victims.”

“Bullshit! It would tell you anything to stay in our attic!”

“Taneka! You didn’t tell him that.”

“Of course not, I’m polite.”

I heard him sigh patiently.

“My dear,” said Ronald. “Nosuë is like you and me, like a human being.”

“Yes, Ron, murderers and thieves are human beings too.”

She was comparing me to a murderer. That was pretty cruel even for a frightened woman, because I hadn’t killed anyone in ages. Yes, I was a hunter. Yes, I was a vampire. Yes, I was a wanderer. But that didn’t involve killing. It didn’t involve making people suffer. It didn’t involve being a monster.

Oh, well. To you, what’s the difference between a vampire and a monster? To Ronald, there was a world. To Taneka, nothing.

“Darling, he didn’t hurt us,” the man insisted. “And speak quieter, he can hear.”

“Let him! Ronie, darling, I’m frightened…”

“Come on, my love, why? He’s a good person.”

“Person! He’s got fangs, Ronald! He growls like the tiger at the zoo!”

“So what? I growl when we’re in bed, too.”

“Oh! Cheeky!”

He laughed nonchalantly. He didn’t take Taneka seriously. Her fears, her insecurities. His wife’s fear made no sense to Ronald, who had looked for us, studied us all his life. But I had seen the terror in that woman’s eyes many times. Some humans are like that: they look at us like monsters out of their most horrific nightmares. They don’t understand us… and most of them don’t want to, either.

I had been in that house for a total of thirty-seven nights, enjoying the comfort of the attic: I had cleaned and refurbished it, I had tidied up the junk and I had spent long, empty hours sitting in a comfortable emerald green armchair. But it couldn’t last. I had known it all along, but the certain end was coming sooner than I had expected.

I knew Ronald’s book was half-finished.

’Well,’ I thought bitterly. ’He’ll have to finish it on his own.’

At least he had a good number of answers to complete it.

Unfortunately, by the time I made that resolution it was morning already, so I had to stay there, in the dark, safe from the sun.

But I would do it. I would go. I would leave the happy newlywed couple alone and continue my life as a wanderer… for probably many centuries to come.

When the sun went down, Taneka came home from her job at the bakery. There was a smear of dried dough on her cheek, but she didn’t seem to notice.

She saw me leaning against the doorframe that separated the small hall and the living room, and let out a cry of horror.

“Nosuë!” she exclaimed in a choked voice. “W-wow, you frightened me.”

“Yes, I know,” I replied quietly. “You scare very easily if I am near you.”

She blushed. I thought I was imagining it, but no, she blushed. She understood that I knew her thoughts about me, and it embarrassed her.

“I… Well…” she mumbled.

“I’m a vampire, Taneka.”

I interrupted her and straightened up, slowly, gently, without making any sudden movements. I felt like I was dealing with an out-of-control puppy, a scared little animal.

“I know you’re uncomfortable having me here,” I said. “I know you don’t sleep, and at work you’re awkward and nervous, because there’s a vampire in your attic.”

“Nosuë, I…”

At that moment the door opened again, and Ronald came in.

“Oh, hello!” He smiled brightly, though tired after all day writing articles, cutting them out, typesetting them, and listening to the demands of his boss, who was apparently a tyrant. “Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you two talk alone before.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” I said. “I’m going to say something to you both.”

“Can it be while we dine? Well, we…”

“I know who’s having dinner, Ronald. And no. It has to be now.”


He was looking at me with genuine curiosity, genuine interest. He had an ink stain on his nose. Why did they always come home with stains?

“I’m going.”

Ronald didn’t understand, because he burst out laughing.

“But didn’t you have something to tell us?” he asked, amused. “Now you say you’re leaving?”

“That’s what I have to say, Ronald. I’m leaving.”

“Well, you leave many nights.”

“You’re not understanding me. I’m leaving. Completely. I’m not coming back.”

Taneka covered her mouth with one hand, holding her breath, but her heart was beating fast. Ronald’s wasn’t.

“What…? “No, wait, why? Taneka!”

“I didn’t say anything!” she exclaimed.

“She didn’t,” I said. “I just think it’s time.”

“Time? You need stability, Nosuë, you have told me so many times, that is what you were brought up for.”

“I’m not going to have stability here, I’m but a welcome parasite.”

Ronald gave his wife a hard look. I felt sorry for her, because it wasn’t her fault. I feigned a sigh, out of inertia, old human habit, and straightened up.

“Listen, I…”

Suddenly, the words died. They both looked at me, but I said nothing.

I had heard something.

“Are you expecting a visitor?” I whispered.

“A visitor at this hour?” Ronald frowned, puzzled. “No, why?”

“Because I heard footsteps outside… and they’re coming.”

With a bang, the door opened.

Aaaaand cliffhanger much? More in the next chapter! Thank you so much for reading!

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