Chapter 188 Stupid question
The room was silent. Not a single sound can be heard as they put all their attention on Claire Peterson.
Claire was silent as well as her eyes darted from one journalist to another.
She doesn't know how to respond to that.
Alex noticed her silence as he too knows what really happened three years ago. From under the table, he placed his hand on top of her. Claire flinched slightly then turned her attention towards Alex.
He squeezed her hand in assurance and nodded his head to her telling her that she can do this.
Claire turned her attention back and cleared her throat. "Um, yes... as all of you are wondering the reason of my disappearance, was because I was busy taking care of my marriage with Alexander Harris as I mention earlier that we have been together for three years." "So, are you saying that you purposely disappear from the business industry to take care of your wedding? I thought the wedding happened because the two of you made a deal. So why are you taking care of it?" The journalist said in a curious tone. Claire hoped the question earlier will be the last but sadly it is not. It seems like the journalist have other plan in mind.
"Even though Alex and I marry not because of love doesn't mean I did not take care of it. I did and I very much enjoy my time. And in those three years, I spend my time with Alex grandfather that's why I disappear from the business industry. Besides, nobody likes woman leading. Am I right?" Claire add a little joke at the end to ease the air around the room.
A chuckled can be heard from the people around including Alex.
"What do you think of Robert when you appointed him to be the CEO?" another journalist chimed in.
The corner of her lips curl up into a smirk. Another unexpected question but this time she knows what to answer.
"Well, first of all I must give him credit for keeping the company afloat however, I must say, no one can do a better job than Claire Peterson herself." She said confidentially that makes the audience chuckled. "Only now our stock market slightly drop due to the unexpected news. I assure all of you that our company is not involved in our marriage. We aren't planning to merge or buying each other company stock to take over so don't worry."
She shoot them a smile.
"It seems like everyone is satisfied with their answers and their curiosity has been fulfilled. So, our Q&A session has en-" Alex words got cut off by an unexpected voice. "You didn't mention your parents, Ms. Peterson. Where are they?" Claire froze for the second time.
This is getting all too much with the question.
Clenching her fist under the table, Claire suddenly feel angry and irritated. Matthew who watch the conference from the side notice Claire expression. He knows she is angry with the question.
Alex glanced at Claire as he took notice her expression. "I'm sorry but no more question." He ended with a slight smile, and he pulled Claire gently and they walked away.
Camera flashes following their move and the journalist continue to shout their name wanting to ask more question.
The bodyguards protects them from getting mobbed by these people.
Matthew appear on her side and guide her to her office together with Alex. They enter the lift and the ride in silence.
Matthew took glance at her. "Claire, are you okay?"
Claire stared at the elevator door blankly. "Someone pay them."
"What are you talking about?"
Both Alex and Matthew said in unison. They both frowned as they stared at each other in dislike.
"The last question. Who the hell asked about their parents when the topic of the conference was to clarify about my wedding with Alex. It doesn't make sense." She scrunched her brows in annoyance. "How do you know someone pay that one journalist?" Alex asked curiously.
The lift dings open and they walked out from the lift and headed to Claire's office. She immediately settled herself on her desk.
"Because the question is unnatural. It's like he purposely asked that to reveal my secret because he knows something about me." she explained.
"But how would do that in a conference?" Alex still find it hard to believe. Claire eyes stared directly at him. "Alex, I have a lot of people who hates me...including you. So, they will do anything to stain my name and ruin my image and company."
Alex dislikes it when Claire mentions that he hates her because that is the past and Alex doesn't hate her anymore instead everything that happened in the past was his fault and not Claire. He realized that late.
He was about to argue but Claire
beat him to it Look, I don't want to
explain it in detail. The point is I know someone was paying that journalist cause none of us mention our parents and it's an unnecessary question to ask since they will not gain any information about us or our company by asking that question."
Claire sighed tiredly. "What matters is our conference is over, people on social media watched it and the journalist will make an article about this. The rest is for people to judge."
Alex nodded solemnly. "Of course. You handle the question nicely Claire."
She stared into his brown orbs then looked away. "Thank you, Alex. I could say the same for you too." Claire then turned to Matthew. "Matthew, I need you to keep an eye on the stock market and inform me if there is any changes."
He frowned. "Me? Why not Sandra?"
Claire rolled her eyes. "Because you
are my adviser. Now go." She gave him a look that made Matthew walked out of her office but not before mumbling incoherently under his breath. He was about to keep an eye on Harris in case he did something out of the box, but it seems like Claire can handle this herself.
"Alex, about my answer earlier..." Alex turned to her raising his brows. "I'm sorry for telling all those lies about your grandfather."
He nodded in understanding. "It's fine Claire. We have no choice. And I know you don't want people to know about your past." Claire took a deep breath. "Yes."
They stared at each other eyes for
quite some time. The shining sun penetrate through Claire office window, and it shines to her face emphasizing her feature. Only then did Alex realized how graceful Claire look. Her office door burst open and ofcourse it was none other than Matthew.
Matthew frowned as he took notice of them.
Claire coughed awkwardly and Alex rocked back and forth in his heels.
"Well, I must get going. I will inform you with...our situation." Claire nodded. "Of course. Thank you, Alex."
"Thank you to you too Claire."
Alex then leave the office but not before stopping in front of Matthew. "Mario, is it? Thank you." Matthew didn't get the chance to respond as Alex left the office. "Asshole." He muttered under his breath then turned to Claire. "What are you two doing?"