Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 3)

Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: Chapter 5

I probably shouldn’t have bombarded her with shopping for the fundraiser, but I didn’t want to let the opportunity pass me by. I should have waited until she was settled, but I wanted to do something with her. I wanted to get out of the house and show her the world she could have if she stayed with me.

If she were mine.

And she is. Sophie just doesn’t know it yet.

“Daddy? Can we go to the carousel while we are out? Pleeeeease,” she begs, staring up at me with her big eyes that shouldn’t have this much power over me.

“You know it. We’re going to go shopping, get lunch, and ice cream.” I tickle her sides and she giggles, kicking her legs as I try to put on her shoes.

“Ice cream! With sprinkles?”

“All the sprinkles you want, Ella Bella.”

“Yay! Nanny Sophie is coming, right? I don’t want to go without her.”

“Yes, she is.” I peer up from my daughter to see Sophie sliding her purse onto her bare shoulder. She’s changed into a tight pair of jeans and her shoes are a chunky white wedge.

She looks like summertime.

I love summer.

Her shirt hangs off her shoulder, showing the smooth skin that I want to trail my fingers across until I grip the back of her neck to pull her in for a kiss.

Something about showing the slight amount of flesh has desire burning so deep, I feel the vines of it gripping my soul, pulling me forward to claim Sophie.

“What are we going shopping for, Daddy?” Ella asks.

I finish tying her shoe. “Well, we have to get some formal clothes and maybe get you a few things too, but we are going to spoil Nanny Sophie. What do you say?”

“Yay! Can I pick things out too for Sophie?”

The grin is forced because I’m trying to imagine the things Ella would buy for Sophie. They would probably be all pink.

“Maybe. That would be fun,” I state, keeping it neutral and Sophie laughs in the background.

“Are we ready?”

“Ready.” Ella leaps off the couch and flies down the stairs. “Uncle Gianni!” She says so loud, it echoes through the house. “You’re coming too?”

“Someone has to keep an eye on all of you,” he replies.

“She’s excited,” Sophie says as she walks down the steps.

I follow beside her. “She is. I can’t promise what she’ll choose for you.”

“I’m excited to find out. You know I can purchase my own clothes, right? I don’t expect you to buy them.”

I open the front door for her so she can exit first. “I know, but this is for work, so I’ll be paying. Don’t argue with me, okay?”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Okay.”

I snag her wrist and gently spin her to me. “And don’t roll your eyes at me, Sweet Sophie.”

“And why not? If it causes for an eye roll…” she tests, giving me an unsure look.

I lean forward and whisper. “Because, Sophie, I’m the kind of man who proves there is only one reason to roll your eyes and that’s in bed.” Before I do something she’ll hate me for, I head to the car where Gianni is waiting for us with the car door open.

“You play a mean game, Matias,” Gianni says.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He hides his grin with a shake of his head. “Mmmhmm,” he replies.

I climb into the SUV, double-checking Ella’s seatbelt in her booster seat before settling next to her. Sophie climbs in next, cheeks tinted from what I said.

At least, I hope that’s why they are red.

“So, where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise,” I tell her. Gianni will know where to go because it’s the only area where I shop.

It’s all designer brands. The best of the best.

“What if I don’t like surprises?” she replies from the corner of her mouth, hiding her amusement.

“Then that’s too damn bad, isn’t it?” I snap playfully, her gaze dropping to my lips for the—I’ve lost count of how many times she’s done that.

What would happen if we gave in?

“Daddy, you owe me a dollar. You said a bad word.”

“Can we call it even with the ice cream, Ella?”

She snorts, crossing her arms. “In this econonemy?”

My brows rise in shock before every adult in the car begins to laugh. I fish out my wallet and wade through the bills until I find a dollar. “The word you’re looking for is economy. Where did you learn that?”

“Uncle Gianni watches the news every morning,” she chirps, tucking the dollar in her pocket.

“I got hustled.”

“She’s definitely your kid,” Gianni says, laughing under his breath.

“And I couldn’t be prouder.” I tug on her pigtails, noticing how long her hair has gotten.

When did that happen?

“Thank you,” I say to Sophie. “For doing her hair. I usually do, but I got caught up on a call—”

She places her hand on my arm to stop me. “Matias, it’s why I’m here. To help. You can brush out all the knots from her pigtails later. We’ll call it even,” she winks. Her sudden confidence is startling, but I’m pleased that she’s getting more comfortable around me.


She removes her hand and places it on her lap quickly. I stare at her hand longingly, wanting to touch her without permission because I’d already have it. I’d be able to touch her, pull her against my side, kiss, and do whatever else I wanted.

Sophie tugs on her sleeves again, breaking my thoughts as her fingers play with the material of her shirt. Gone is the curiosity of her skin against mine and worry replaces it. She’s always covering herself up, always hiding, and I want to know why.

“We’re here,” Gianni says, pulling into the parking lot.

“You brought me to the luxury mall?”

I unclip Ella and set her on the ground. “Is that a problem?”

“This is too much. I can go to other stores.”

“No,” I say in a tone that leaves no room for argument. I take Ella’s hand in mine and Gianni surveys the surroundings, watching for anything out of the ordinary.

“I can empty the mall so it’s just us, Matias. You know they won’t mind. Not for you,” he reminds.

“No. I like it when people are here. It’s fine, Gianni.” I squat in front of Ella, my knees cracking and reminding me of my old age.

I hold in a grunt, hoping I’ll be able to stand without a problem. I’m young, newly forty years old, but this life is rough on the body. I’ve been shot, stabbed, had both my legs broken, and a dozen other things happen. I’m lucky I’m in one piece.

She hops on my back, knocking the wind out of me when a sick thought twists my mind.

What if something happens to me and she’s left all alone? What if she goes into the system again. It only solidifies the fact that I need to marry Sophie. She’d take care of Ella. I know she would. Even though she’s only been here a day, she belongs.

We have plenty to learn about one another, but something about my life feels complete now, and I know it has everything to do with Sophie.

“Will they allow me in looking like this?” she points to her outfit.

I turn, lifting a brow as I look her up and down. “There’s nothing wrong with what you’re wearing.”

“I’m wearing a fifteen-dollar shirt and jeans. You’re wearing a thousand-dollar suit.”

It was much more than that, but she doesn’t need to know.

“It doesn’t matter. Once they see me, they wouldn’t care if you were wearing a plastic bag.” I wait for her to catch up and when she’s next to me, I lean down. “And what did I say about talking about yourself like that? I don’t like it.”

“I wasn’t talking bad,” she argues, but still sounds sweet. “I was stating a fact. Some places have dress codes.”

“And if they did, I’d handle it.” My tone is dark, a tone she hasn’t heard before, and she gasps.


“That’s for me to worry about. Not you.”

Gianni opens the door, and two police officers are on either side of the entrance, giving us a firm nod.

Unlike Carmine and Ari, I made it clear I don’t want a chummy relationship with cops. They are on the payroll. That’s it. This is a working relationship, but I know the two cops. The officer on the left needed cancer treatment for his wife, so I fronted bill because he’s been loyal.

I take care of them. They take care of me.

But the moment they don’t have my back, I won’t be afraid to kill them and get them off my payroll.

I’m not afraid to kill to prove a point and even worse, I’ll be quiet about it. No one would understand what happened to the cop. He would just go missing one day. No note, no outside circumstance to make them question if he’d ever abandoned his job or family.

He simply wouldn’t exist anymore.

“Wow.” Sophie glances around the luxury mall and I have to say, it is impressive. It’s two floors of pure marble with name-brand designer stores on either side. Above us, a marvelous chandelier that is easily the size of my foyer.

If it fell, we’d be dead.

“Why don’t we start on the right and work our way to the left side?” I offer, heading to the first store I see. I turn around to see Sophie at the entrance but she is not going inside. “Sophie, come on.”

“I can’t have you do this.”

“You won’t be able to stop me, so get in here now before you do something as silly as upsetting me by not spending my money,” I command, trying to keep the infliction in my voice light.

I’m serious but I don’t want her to know that. I want her to have anything she wants and if she won’t allow me to give it to her, how will I get her to stay?

“Nothing too flashy.” She points a finger at me.

“I’m not the one picking out the product. You are.”

“Mr. Milazzo,” Greg, the owner of this store greets me. “I’m surprised to see you so soon. Was the family ring not to your satisfaction?” his thick, but well-groomed, gray brows pinch together.

I lift my hand, showing the remarkable job he’s done for this ring to fit my finger. Carmine passed it down to Ari, who gave it to me, and I needed to get the ring resized and polished.

“No, it’s perfect. My…” I try to introduce Sophie, but I don’t know what to call her. “My friend is looking for jewelry and it is on me so anything she wants, put it on my card.”

Greg’s entire face changes from tired and dull, to happy and bright. A smile takes over his face that reminds me of the Grinch, wrinkles crinkling his eyes.

“Of course. So glad to have your business back, Mr. Milazzo.” He looks over my shoulder, smiling at Sophie. “Please, I’m happy to help in any way I can. Is there anything specific you’re looking for…” he trails off, not knowing her name.

“Sophie,” she says, inching forward as if she’s timid.

“And what are you looking for, Sophie?” he places his hand lightly between her shoulder blades before dropping it.

“I’m not sure.” Her eyes plead for help as they meet mine. “Matias?”

“Everything,” I answer. “Bracelets, necklaces, earrings. Whatever she wants.”

If I’m not mistaken, Greg’s eyes glaze over as if my words cause him to get high. “Wonderful. I’ll close the store—”

“—That’s not necessary,” Sophie interrupts, panicked.

“Please, keep the doors open.” I have a feeling my Sweet Sophie will want a way out if she feels the need to run.

That’s okay.

I love a good chase.

I sit down with Ella on the large leather sofa, and Gianni stands in the space between Sophie and my daughter.

Smart man. They are the only two people in the room that need protection.

I spread my arms across the back of the couch and Ella places her head in my lap, her eyes closing to take a nap. She always hates stores like this. Anything too “adult,” and she’s bored. I don’t blame her. I want her to enjoy every single part of being a child while she can because being an adult is overrated.

“Oh yes, that’s a beautiful piece, Ms. Sophie. Would you like to try it on?”

“I couldn’t. I—”

“—She’d love to,” I state, carefully standing so I can ease Ella’s head down on the couch.

Gianni gives me a firm nod, switching places with me so I can give Sophie the push she deserves.

When I stand next to her, my body heats with recognition of her being so close. Our arms barely touch, but it’s enough for me to hear the hitch in her breath. I angle my body so I’m looking over her shoulder. If she were to turn, she’d run right into me. Leaning down, I whisper, “Has anything caught your eye?”

She startles, jumping and her back hits against my chest.

My hand wraps around her arm to steady her and her ass settles against me, my cock rising from her nearness.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. I only want to help,” I say gently, not wanting her to run away from me. “Tell me. What do you like?” I speak soft and sweet, wanting to prove that it’s okay for her to voice her opinions.

She points. “I love that necklace. I’ve always thought emeralds were beautiful.”

I snap my fingers at Greg. “I want your entire emerald collection out so Sophie can look at it,” I state.

“Yes, Mr. Milazzo. Gladly.” He fumbles with his keys to unlock the case.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she says. “I could have asked him.”

“You wouldn’t have.”

She gives me the side-eye and clicks her tongue. “I don’t think I like how well you’re figuring me out.”

“I’m good at reading people, Sophie. It’s one of the many things this job of mine requires.”

Greg places all the stands containing the jewelry on top of the glass counter. Sophie immediately reaches for a beautiful diamond chain necklace with a large emerald as the setting piece.

“Wow,” she whispers. “I didn’t know anything could be so beautiful.”

I open my mouth to say something cliché back but decide to keep my lips sealed. “We will take it.”

“Matias, no. That’s so expensive. I can’t have you—”

“In fact, Greg. Box up the entire collection, please. For the rings, please size her first.”

“Let’s see if they fit, shall we?” Greg takes Sophie’s hand and slides on a wide gold band with emerald and diamond accents. “Looks like they will be a perfect fit anyway. This collection was made for you, my dear.” Greg tries to slide the ring off and I stop him.

“She’ll wear it out.”

The room brightens as soon as the smile graces Sophie’s face. She stares at the ring, her eyes becoming watery, and when she looks up at me, I know right then and there: I’ll do anything anyone asks me to, if it means getting to see her look at me like this again.

“Thank you… No one has ever—I mean—I haven’t—No one—” She gives up trying to find the words. “Thank you.” She goes to wrap her arms around me, and I go still, not expecting a hug.

Surprising to everyone in the store, including myself, I hold her in return, wrapping my arms around her, tight. It’s hard to believe this woman has only been in my life a day when I feel like I’ve known her so much longer. Our connection, the ease of being around her, makes me wonder if maybe in a previous life we were together.

If I believed in that sort of thing.


“Is there anything else you want from here?” I ask, pulling away but keeping my arms around her waist, my body refusing to detach from hers.

“No… I have everything I want. Thank you.”

I try not to interpret her stare as anything but polite, but it’s difficult when she’s looking at me like that.

“Here you are, Mr. Milazzo.” Greg hands over six matte black bags with gold foil lettering. I take them just as Sophie tries to.

“I can carry them,” I say. “A gentleman never has a woman carry her own bags. That’s one of the main principles.”

“I wouldn’t know. I haven’t ever met a gentleman before,” she states quietly, looking away from me.

“Mm. That time has come to an end. You’ll see how a woman is supposed to be treated.” I glance up to tell Gianni we are leaving, but he’s already walking toward us, a sleepy little girl lying in his arms.

“I believe we need a stroller of some sort.”

“She’s too big for a stroller, Gianni.”

“I can’t protect you or Sophie with Ella in my arms, Matias,” he replies, genuinely worried about our safety.

I suddenly raise my brows in amusement, wondering how Gianni doesn’t know this trick yet. “You know what sounds good?” I say a little loudly to wake the girl on purpose. “A pretzel. All dipped in cinnamon sugar.”

Ella stretches, yawning, then rubs her eyes. “Pretzel?”

Gianni rolls his eyes and sets her on her feet. “Food. Of course.”

“How was your nap, Ella Bella?” I hold out my hand for her to take and her little palm meets mine.

“It was good. I’m hungry.”

After getting a fresh, hot pretzel to keep her busy while we step inside another store, I find myself sitting and waiting for Sophie to come out of the changing room as she tries on a few dresses for the gala. Ella is munching on her snack while Gianni is standing behind the couch, back turned to keep us protected.

“I don’t know if I want to come out,” Sophie yells from the other side of the changing room door.

“Nanny Sophie! We have to see. Please,” Ella begs, drawing out the ‘e’ in please.

“Yeah, please?” I mock my daughter, giving her a wink and she giggles.

“Okay, but you can’t laugh.”

Anger possesses me so fast; I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from saying something crude. Who the hell would laugh at Sophie? She’s perfect. I make a mental note to ask her who talked so badly to her so I can fix the problem.

I stand, heading to her door when it doesn’t open. I give it a soft knock. “Sophie? I swear to you, the last thing I’d ever do is laugh at you. Open the door, Sweet Sophie.”

She sighs and finally the door opens. “Ta-da!” but she doesn’t say it with a smile.

My eyes widen as I take her in. I don’t know where to focus. The dress is bright red, tight, hugging every dip and curve of her body. The straps fall off the shoulders and morph into long sleeves. At the wrist, the material changes to lace where she’s looped her middle finger through it. Cleavage spills from the heart-shaped neckline and I want nothing more than to show her off.

But at the same time, I don’t want anyone seeing her like this.

She’s mine.

She’s fucking beautiful.

“You’re breathtaking.” I know she can’t miss the breathlessness in my words. My lungs can’t figure out a way to work when she’s standing in front of me wearing this. There are so many things I want to say, but I know it’s too early. I will scare her away.


I hate how surprised she sounds.

“Truly. If you don’t get this, I’ll have to fire you because you not owning this dress would be criminal.”

She fails to hold back her smile, and runs her hands down her hips. I don’t miss how her palms settle in the dip below her ribcage. I hold in a growl when a fantasy of me fucking her from behind as I grip that same spot overtakes me.

“I have a few more to try on, but I won’t let you see them. I think I’d rather surprise you on the gala day.”

“Well, I hope it’s this one because you look beautiful in it.” I don’t move. I can’t say anything else.

We stare at one another before she grabs the handle. “Um… I have to close the door, Matias.”

I shake out of my funk. “Of course. Sorry.” I step away and the door slowly closes, but not before our eyes meet one last time.

“She looked pretty, Daddy.”

“She did, didn’t she?” I say loud enough so Sophie can hear me.

A few hours later, I’m holding twenty bags and so is Gianni. Sophie didn’t hold back once she got into the groove of shopping. I hope as our relationship grows, she’ll shop whenever she wants and get whatever her heart desires.

“Daddy, can we get ice cream?” Ella asks just as we load the bags in the car. “And go to the carousel?”

I buckle my daughter in. “Where else would we get ice cream if not where the carousel is? What do you think this is? My first rodeo?”

“I don’t know what that means, but it sounds fun.” Ella shrugs her shoulder.

“A rodeo is where you see people ride bulls and horses. They have barrel races, too, where they ride the horse as fast as they can to the barrel. The horse isn’t allowed to touch the barrel though. It’s a big no-no,” Sophie explains.

“I want to go to a rodeo! Please!”

“You just had to encourage her,” I mutter playfully.

“You started it,” My new nanny sasses at me. “You mentioned a word she didn’t understand. How else is she going to learn unless she’s told?”

Damn it, if she were truly mine, I’d find a way to silence her sass later by slipping my cock between those plump lips.

“You’re right.” I lift my hands in surrender. “You have such a smart nanny, Ella. I think she’ll fit right in here.”

“I do, too.” Ella kicks her legs as much as she can in her booster seat.

A few minutes later, we are pulling into the park and the carousel is visible. It’s new, an attraction they just added to the park a few months ago. We climb out of the car and Ella zips by us to run to the ice cream stand.

Sophie gets a chocolate and vanilla cone. I get a strawberry cone while Gianni and Ella get vanilla with sprinkles.

“Sprinkles, Gianni? Really?”

He simply grumbles, licking them from the ice cream. “They make me happy.”

Sophie snickers and we begin to walk toward the carousel. Gianni and Ella are ahead of us, practically racing to the ride. Gianni doesn’t like to admit it, but I know he loves going on the carousel with her.

I sit on the bench, right under a tree sprouting green leaves. Sophie takes the spot next to me while we watch the two get on the carousel. Ella picks her horse and I’m not surprised when I notice it’s the same one she always wants. Gianni helps her up and she grips the pole with one hand, eating the ice cream with the other.

Gianni takes the horse next to her to stay close, eating his ice cream with sprinkles.

Yet, he still looks intimidating.

“I have to ask,” I start, giving one more lick of my ice cream cone. “What made you need this job?”

“Well, I went to school and—”

“—I know you went to school, but you seem like the type of woman who didn’t need this. Yet, you did. Why?”

My gaze falls to her tongue, licking and circling the ice cream as she watches the carousel go round and round. The spark of desire I feel for Sophie lights to a full, raging blaze while I watch her tongue-fuck that cone.

She might not actually be tongue-fucking it, but my cock disagrees.

“I… needed a new start. I got the interview, and I was so excited because it meant I could finally leave my boyfriend’s place—”

“—Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?” Possessive jealousy engulfs me. It’s too bad if she belongs to someone else. I’ll kill him and have her to myself. I don’t care what I have to do.

She snorts, quickly licking the ice cream that melted and is dripping down her hand. “No. I wanted this job when I saw I could live at the house. I wanted out of my relationship, but come to find out, he was cheating on me anyways. I broke up with him then and there. Packed up what I could and went to the job interview. All I could do is hope you hired me.”

I let out a breath, relieved I don’t have to kill anyone. “Lucky me,” I say, taking a bite out of my cone.

“You say that now,” she teases, bumping my shoulder. “My ex didn’t seem to think so.”

“Your ex is an idiot. You deserve better than him.”

“He was upset that I wouldn’t…”

I look over at her, noticing her cheeks pinkening. “You wouldn’t, what?”

“I wouldn’t have sex with him. We were only together for a few months, and something told me not to, so I didn’t. He found my best friend to have sex with, though. I guess guys will get it anywhere, right?” Her tone is regretful and defeated.

“No. Not good men. Good men don’t fuck other women when they have the best there is,” I answer, placing my arm on my thigh so she can’t see my erection.

Knowing she’s a virgin, knowing she’s never been with another man, has every instinct inside me screaming to claim her as mine.

I’ll be greedy. I’ll be obsessive. And I’ll show her what it is truly like to be with someone who sees nothing else but her.

She’ll be mine.

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