My Wolf and I

Chapter 5 ✔


I sighed as he ran his lips up my neck to my ear. He whispered while keeping our skin touching “You have no idea what you do to me”

“Please,” I said not knowing what I was even pleading for. He pulled back and our eyes connected.

I jerked out of bed. Those eyes. . . They didn’t belong to Cato.

First Jayvee burdened me with his presents in class and now in my dreams?! “Hey is everything alright? Are the nightmares back?” Cato asked while sitting up next to me.

“Yea, a nightmare,” I stated while getting up from bed. “I have to get ready for classes.”

I would never tell him about the nightmares I’d get so there was no reaction from him; he just laid back down. I would never tell him because my nightmares always painted Cato as the bad guy.

Classes went by the usual speed, slow. You’d be surprised how long it takes to lug cooking supplies from your car to all your classes.

I decided against contacts today so to make things worse, my glasses kept trying to jump off my face all day. I sighed in contentment as I slammed my car door shut.

Last class of the day. Positive- no supplies needed. Negative- Jayvee I thought grimly. I looked at my watch to see that I was already late for class, which made me sigh loudly as I began to run.

“Well, well, well, look who decided to show his beautiful face.” Jayvee said while I took my seat next to him

“Don’t start with me, and what happened to no more flirting?” I asked

“I just can’t help myself. I can try to hold back for class, but I can’t make any promises. There’s just something you do to me.” He said reminding me of the dream I had- which made me blush.

“I-I’ll work on the sign that would go on the front of the building.” I stuttered

Thankfully, he didn’t comment on my blushing and nodded, “I’ll work on the layout.”

“Alright class that is all the time we have for today. I hope all of you are making good progress on your projects.” The teacher said before taking a long drink from their slushie.

I began to pack up what little supplies I had but before I could finish Jayvee said, “Hey now Sugar. Don’t go running off, I was good all throughout class. I feel like I should get a reward.”

“No,” I said immediately not wanting to get persuaded.

“Come on. At least give me your number. That will be reward enough.”

I sighed before saying, “I am giving you my number because we are partners for this class. No other reason, got it?”

“You have a boyfriend you are happy with, yeah I know.” He said while handing his phone to me which already had a new contact page open. I sighed before putting my information in. I handed him my phone ready to go as well.

“Hey, can I download a pic from google?” He asked randomly

“As long as it’s not porn.” I chuckled

When I got my phone back, I saw that Jayvee chose a picture of a Bluejay. “Why a Bluejay?” I asked

“It’s my favorite animal.” He said smiling. I nodded before changing his name on my phone.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Jayvee,” I said while standing and walking to the door.

“See ya, Sugar.” He spoke.

I stopped the car with a frown. I shouldn’t be smiling because Jayvee gave me his number. I should be smiling because I’m coming home to my loving boyfriend. I thought while getting out of the car.

Walking up the stairs to the apartment felt like climbing a mountain. When I finally got to the door, I felt sick. Which only got worse when I opened the door to find Cato on the couch. He was just sitting there, no TV, no music, no phone, and he looked sick to his stomach.

“Hey babe, you alright?” I asked while closing the door behind me.

“Not at all, but I need to do this, or else they will.” He said “I need you to sit down”

My heart began to beat out of my chest as I sat down with him on the couch. I had the back of the couch on my side with my legs under me, facing Cato, while he was sitting normally facing forward.

“There is no easy way to say this but, back in high school - the last party of the year. I drugged you. I didn’t do anything to you I swear, it was just a dumb dare. I didn’t want to hurt you. There is no excuse for what I did, but I was going through my dumb kid phase.

I felt numb. It felt like I was plunged underwater, Cato’s words muffled in my ears.

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