My Step-Dad Is My Mate

Chapter 1

Two Years Later

Biting down on my apple while I approached my front door, I bobbed NY head slowly to the song Hero by Kid Cudi & Skylar Grey.

School was a drag as usual. I wasn't one to be bullied or anything like that, it's just always depressing to me.

Entering my front door, I shut it quietly to avoiding gaining my mom's attention if she was home....or his

Since Richard married my mother, I've avoided them as much as I could for two years now.

Believe me, I love my mother more than life, but I can't stand seeing her and Richard together.

It's always hurt me, since they started dating, from the wedding and to this very day it still gets under my skin like nothing else.

Richard and I barely spare each other more than 20 words each per day, if not 1 0, but our moments of intense gazing are always shared. My feelings for him have grown so much stronger over these couple years and I'm afraid as to why they haven't gone away yet. I always deemed it as a high school girl crush type of thing but this is just psychotic.

I dropped my bag near the door entrance and proceeded to the living room to catch up on my Empire shows, but the thought, feeling and mood for anything Empire left me as my eyes set on the scene before me.

Richard was sitting on the couch with my mother on top of him, the two sharing a very heated make out session moment.

I growled loudly, as anger flared in me as well as a huge amount of jealousy.

"Danica!" My mom yelled out, breaking their kiss and scattering off his lap.

"I'm sorry sweetie. We just...- well we..." She trailed off, looking down at her hands blushing up a storm.

Thank God she didn't think my growl was anything more than what she assumed; a growl of irritance at the sight.

Calming down myself the best I could, I shot her a fake smile, something I had learned to do to perfection after all this time of living a lie about my true feelings.

"It's ...alright mom. I was actually about to go for a run..." I said.

A run definitely would be good right now. Freeing my wolf for a few hours, running out all my stresses and freeing me of then, at least for a little while is what I surely need right now. My eyes trailed over to Richard, who was standing behind my mother in silence fixing his clothes while his gaze was also on me.

"Oh but what about your birthday party?" She asked and I cringed. I forget my own birthday, not like I cared anyway. Only thing I couldn't wait for was the fact I'd find my mate and he'd free me from these out of place feelings for my step-father.

"I'l be back in time for it." I replied quickly, eager to leave the awkward atmosphere.

"Okay sweetie, but be careful.” My mom said and blew me a small kiss. I caught it and placed the imaginary kiss on my chest then blew her one back before turning my back to leave.

"Keep your guard up Danica." His smooth huskily sexy voice said, sending shivers down my spine.

I bursted out through the front door, heading towards the thick woods and stripped of my clothing, leaving them in a close by stump then shifted into my dark red wolf.

Shaking out my thick shiny fur I then jetted into the forest, admiring the feel of the wind through my coat and on my face.

Running in my wolf form as always made me feel a sense of calm I couldn't get from anything else. It made me feel free, like I had nothing to worry about. No awkward home to go too, no unexplainable feelings I feel I should I have a reason for or explain. I just felt free.

I came to a large open field which was filled with white daisies and white roses. I often came here when I was younger after my father died. To scream, cry and let out any emotion that I didn't want to express in front of my mother. It became my little Safe Haven and it still is.

Doing a quick scan or the area, just as a precaution to make sure no rogue wolves were around, I then laid down and rested my head between my paws and let my thoughts take over.

I can't keep my true feelings for Richard to myself any longer if they won't go away.

But what kind of daughter would I be if I ruined my mother's marriage? Maybe I can play it out for just a while longer...

This is the last year of high school after all, I planned on moving out. The distance between him and I would surely do me good.

I hope.

With all my thinking, I didn't realize I had fallen asleep in my haven.

I felt a body nudge mine, but I let out a small threatening growl then tried to continue with my nap, until I got nudged harder and I bolted up, baring my teeth at whoever it was.

A large grey and silver wolf stood before me, looking at me with amused eyes and I felt myself heat up as I realized who it was.


"What do you want?" I asked through link and he chuckled.

"Your mother was getting worried so I came to look for you. Tracked your scent here.” He replied then nodded his head to a fresh tank top and jean shorts near his paw.

"Shift." He requested and I wanted to roll my eyes so badly but I ignored my temptation and picked up the clothes in my mouth, going behind of a large oak tree and shifted into my human form, putting on the clothes.

When I came from behind the tree. Richard was standing there in long black jeans, with his chest on full display.

I tried to tear my eyes away from the site but I couldn't seem too. "Danica? Hello." Richard called out my name, while snapping his fingers in my face, snapping me out of my reverie.

Wait when the hell did he get so close?

"Uh...s-sorry....Let's just um ..y-yeah" I trailed off then turned around to head home, that was until I felt Richard grab my hand, sending waves of tingles up my arm.

"Danica..." Richard whispered as he tilted his head back, with his enlonged teeth showing.

In the blink of an eye, I was pinned down against the soft forest floor with Richard on top of me.

"You smell so good.” He whispered against my neck then placed a warm kiss on it, making me groan in delight.

His canines scraped against my neck, the exact spot my mate's mark would reside.

Suddenly he pushed himself off of me, almost like I had burned him and I looked up to see Richard pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Party is starting soon, let's go." He said then started to walk ahead in the direction of my house.

What the hell was that?

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