My Protector (Bewitched And Bewildered Book 2)

My Protector: Chapter 5

‘Justice! Look what the wind blew in,’ a delicate looking man yelled from behind the wide dark wooden counter. The taller dark haired man looked up and smiled.

‘Meryn! We haven’t seen you in a while. Where have you been hiding?’ He waved them over to sit at the counter.

When they sat down the shorter man practically climbed over the bar to give Meryn a one armed hug.

‘Hey Sydney, I want you to meet Elizabeth Monroe. She just moved to Lycaonia, and guess what? She’s Gavriel’s mate,’ Meryn shared, practically bouncing up and down on her barstool.

The blond haired man looked at her, eyes wide. ‘Get out! Congratulations honey!’

‘Elizabeth this is Sydney Fairfax and the tall, dark handsome man behind him is his mate Justice O’Malley. They own The Jitterbug.’

Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile at Sydney’s enthusiastic greeting. ‘Thank you. Gavriel is everything I’ve ever wanted in a mate.’ She winked at him and he threw his head back and laughed.

‘He’s what a lot of women wanted, if you know what I mean. Now. What can I get you two lovely ladies?’ He wiped his hands on a red tea towel and looked at them expectantly.

‘I need coffee. Like I really need some coffee.’ Meryn yawned wide.

‘Poor thing. Definitely a double strength Bittersweet Mocha for you. What about you Elizabeth?’ Sydney asked, reaching for a large cup to get started on Meryn’s drink.

‘Make it two.’

Sydney grinned. ‘You got it. So while I get these drinks started, tell me all about your yummy mate. Ow!’ Sydney rubbed his bottom and scowled at Justice. Justice kept walking towards the supply room.

‘I’m mated, not dead!’ Sydney yelled. Justice turned and gave his mate a dark, heated look before walking through the double doors.

Sydney turned to them with a shit-eating grin. ‘I love it when he gets possessive. But seriously, what is Gavriel like? He’s always so stoic. All of the unit warriors defer to him without question; he just has this commanding air about him.’

‘He’s gentle, that surprised me, but it’s true. Every time he opens his mouth I lose a piece of my heart,’ she sighed and smiled thinking about her mate.

‘Look at that face, she’s already a goner. But seriously what can you expect when it’s Fate herself bringing the warriors their mates?’ Sydney poured a delicious looking chocolatey substance in each cup and stirred in a generous serving of steamed milk. When he was finished he placed each cup in front of them with a small plate of shortbread cookies.

Meryn took a sip and sighed. ‘Perfect as usual.’

Elizabeth lifted the cup and took a small sip. The bitter chocolate was perfectly balanced by the espresso and milk. ‘Pure heaven.’ She wrapped her fingers around the cup letting the warmth seep into her cold fingers.

‘So what have you been up to?’ Sydney asked Meryn, settling in on a stool behind the counter.

‘Just helping Adair with the trainee program, I got an email this morning that the council is willing to try it out and will give a final decision after a few months. I’ve also created the online feedback forum that the council wanted and the community message board.’

Sydney smiled. ‘I saw that the kids have taken over the message board. They have been posting our version of urban legends on there for the past two weeks. I hadn’t heard some of those stories in decades.’

Elizabeth set her cup down. ‘Did they have the story about the Dark Prince? That one was always my favorite growing up.’

Sydney nodded. ‘And the one about the shifter who couldn’t make up his mind whether to be a human or animal.’

Meryn looked from Elizabeth to Sydney and back. ‘I haven’t read the one about the Dark Prince, who is he?’

Sydney leaned forward. ‘He is practically a God amongst vampires. One of their most famous legends of him is how he single handedly stopped the Great War five thousand years ago. After going berserk and decimating a large portion of the shifter’s ranks he came upon an enemy who was dying, a shifter commander. Supposedly the shifter expressed a single regret, that he hadn’t made it home to meet his newborn son before joining his mate who had died giving birth. His story struck a chord deep in the Dark Prince’s heart. He carried the shifter to the vampire medical tent and made his people treat the enemy so that he could live to see his son. That single act of compassion triggered other acts of kindness on both sides of the fighting by those who longed for peace, until a cease-fire was called.’

Meryn leaned forward eyes bright. ‘I know this story! After the cease-fire the shifter commander disobeyed orders and abandoned his post. He walked on foot back to Lycaonia to meet his son.’

Elizabeth and Sydney both frowned. ‘That’s not part of the story, Meryn. Which thread did you read that from? We may need to take that one down.’

Meryn shook her head. ‘That’s the story Gavriel told me when I got bored and wouldn’t leave him alone when he was on guard duty.’

Sydney laughed. ‘I imagine he would have done anything to keep you entertained. Anyway, nowadays vampire parents tell their children to be good or they will tell the Dark Prince that they have been bad.’

Understanding dawned in Meryn’s eyes. ‘So like the Boogeyman? Humans do the same thing to their kids. Be good or the Boogeyman will come out of the closet and eat your soul. Though the story of the Dark Prince makes him sound kinda good. I can’t really see him eating children’s souls.’ She took another sip of her coffee.

Elizabeth looked at Sydney; they exchanged shocked expressions. Sydney turned to Meryn. ‘No, the Dark Prince isn’t like that. When the parents threaten the children that they will tell the Dark Prince they have been bad, the children stop acting up because they don’t want to disappoint him. He is their hero. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, humans can be fucked up.’ Sydney shuddered.

Meryn stared at them in disbelief. ‘Come on, you have to have heard of the Boogeyman. Everyone knows about him. He lurks in dark shadows and under beds and if you’re bad he comes out and either eats your soul or kidnaps you away from your family and eats you while you’re still alive. He takes on the form of the child’s worst fear.’

Elizabeth couldn’t believe what she was hearing. ‘Meryn, human parents tell their children this tale? It’s barbaric!’

Poor human babies!

Meryn shrugged. ‘Well, yeah.’ She suddenly grinned. ‘You should hear what they say about werewolves and vampires.’

‘At least vampires and shifters are real,’ Sydney countered.

‘So are Boogeymen,’ Ryuu said from behind them.

They all turned to look at him in horror.

‘Seriously?’ Meryn whispered.

Ryuu nodded. ‘Boogeymen are derived from the legend of boggarts. Boggarts are said to be evil sprites, which actually makes them sound more harmless than they really are. In all actuality what you’re describing are demons.’

Elizabeth scooted closer to Meryn. ‘But they aren’t really real, right?’ she asked.

Looking surprised, Ryuu’s eyes went to each of them in disbelief. ‘Yes, but they haven’t been seen in our world in over two thousand years.’

Elizabeth let out a relived breath. ‘Thank all the Gods for that.’

Ryuu smirked. ‘Actually, thank your Dark Prince, I’m pretty sure he led that crusade.’

She and Meryn stared at the normally quiet squire then looked at each other.

‘I don’t think I want to know anymore.’ Meryn turned back to the counter.

Ryuu gave a half bow. ‘Of course, denka.’

Elizabeth agreed whole-heartedly, the less she knew about Boogeymen the better.

Sydney gave a nervous laugh and shook his head. ‘Okay, on to better news. Did you hear that Elise Bowers found out she’s having a girl? She’s over the moon! Of course I heard Daphane didn’t take it well,’ Sydney snickered.

Meryn laughed and looked at Elizabeth. ‘Looks like she’s having a bad day all around then, isn’t she?’

Grinning Elizabeth nodded.

‘Okay chicks, spill,’ Sydney demanded.

Meryn told an overdramatized version of that afternoon’s meeting. Sydney was laughing and wiping his eyes at the end. He turned to her. ‘You’re welcome here anytime.’

‘Thanks, I’m already a huge fan of the coffee. This place is stylish and upbeat. I can definitely see myself coming here a lot.’

Sydney blushed. ‘Thank you. Justice and I have put our hearts into this place. It’s a dream come true being able to do this with my mate.’

‘You remind me of my fathers. They also work together.’

‘Broderick Monroe right? I saw pictures of him and his mate in last year’s Midwinter newsletter from Noctem Falls. They’re both so handsome. I remember telling Justice that we have to visit Noctem Falls, if only to go to their tailor.’ Sydney’s face took on a happy expression.

‘My uncle’s squire, Sebastian, acts as their tailor. High quality clothing is my only vice. I was spoiled by his work growing up.’ Elizabeth pointed to her sweater.

‘Lucky girl,’ Sydney said sounding envious.

‘Maybe I should find a tailor,’ Meryn murmured, looking down at her cartoon tee-shirt and long sleeve thermal.

Ryuu spoke up quickly looking pleased. ‘I have already contacted three possible candidates. Whenever you decide you’re ready for a fitting I will arrange for them to come to the estate.’

‘Maybe next week. Around the house I don’t think it matters, but when I go out visiting I want to look nice.’ She looked at Elizabeth’s sweater and sighed. ‘That looks snuggly.’

‘Maybe Father Christmas will get you one this year.’ Elizabeth winked.

Meryn perked up. ‘Really?’

‘Get your measurements done and we’ll see what happens.’

Meryn turned to Ryuu. ‘Okay, call those tailors, tell them any time next week is good.’

Ryuu bowed. ‘Yes, denka.

Elizabeth pulled out her phone and checked the time. ‘Come on Meryn, we still need to go to the book store for your history books and that lovely pastry shop before we head back to the estate.’ She turned to Sydney and held up her empty cup. ‘Can I get one to go?’

Meryn drained her cup. ‘Me too, please. When we get back we have to start on those databases and if I’m not caffeinated the lines of code blur together.’

‘I’ll make them extra-large.’ Sydney stood and started their drinks.

‘Thanks, Sydney.’ Meryn turned to her. ‘What do you think the guys are doing?’

‘Probably working very hard at being muscular and training with their clubs and sticks.’

Meryn laughed. ‘They are so boring.’

‘We put up with them anyway,’ Elizabeth smiled.


‘I installed the spell alarm over the front windows,’ Quinn said wiping his hands.

Aiden looked at the small runes in the window frame. ‘Good work.’

Colton walked over to them carrying a large box and handed it to Gavriel with a grunt. Gavriel looked down at the box, then back up to Colton.

‘It’s C4; can you run it back to the armory? I confiscated it from Graham, I think he’s forgetting we actually have to live here. I want to head back before they sneak something else in.’ Colton turned and hurried back the way he came.

Aiden’s eyes widened and he started walking toward the backdoor. ‘Graham!’

Gavriel shook his head and decided to take the long way around to avoid that argument. He walked out of the front door and around the house. He was on his way back from the armory when he heard someone call his name.

‘Gavriel. Gavriel Ambrosios.’

He stopped and looked around. Moving slowly he reached behind him under his jacket and grabbed his gun.

‘Tssk, tssk. No need to get violent, I just wanted to chat.’

Gavriel pulled the gun, released the safety and brought it up.

‘Come out where I can see you, then we can talk,’ he suggested.

‘I am out where you can see me; maybe your transition is messing with your eyesight.’

Gavriel flinched. The disembodied voice chuckled. ‘Oh yes, we know about that. You’re at your weakest, aren’t you? We’ve been watching you. Everyday you’re one step closer to becoming like us. I’m here to tell you, you have been chosen.’

‘I am nothing like you. I have a mate, my soul is anchored. Chosen for what?’ he asked.

‘You’ll see.’

‘And if I refuse?’

‘You won’t have a choice. Ta ta for now.’

Gavriel swiveled to the left, then to the right, he couldn’t hear anything. Cursing, he walked backwards to the porch before putting his gun away. The bastards were too close to home for his comfort, especially now that his mate was here.

Walking inside Gavriel spotted Oron Vi’Eirson and Christoff Du’Prince, the fae and vampire warriors from the Gamma Unit.

‘Can you do a full perimeter sweep? Check for any signs of an intruder and report back. Be on alert.’ Both men saluted. Oron pulled out his gun and checked the chamber. ‘You look a bit spooked sir. Are we checking for anything in particular?’

Gavriel growled and both men straightened. He knew it wasn’t like him to show emotion, but the transition was making him volatile.

‘Another one of those invisible bastards showed up here at the Alpha estate not five minutes ago. Start north and head around east. I’m going to find Aiden and send a second group south. Check in every five minutes.’

‘Those fucks! I’m getting real sick of this shit.’ Christoff bared his fangs and hissed. The large fae clapped him on the back. ‘Cheer up, we may find them this time.’ Christoff’s answering grin was scary. Oron turned to Gavriel, ‘We’ll be back, sir.’

Gavriel went inside to search for Aiden. He found him and pulled him and Colton into the hallway. ‘I just had a feral stop me outside, seemed he wanted to talk. I didn’t see a bloody thing though.’ Gavriel ran a hand through his hair.

Colton growled. ‘Sonofabitch! They are getting bold coming up to the Alpha estate. What did he say?’ Colton asked. Gavriel could see his jaw was tight. Aiden hadn’t said a word but anger was rolling off of him in waves.

‘Basically that ‘they’ knew I was in transition and at my weakest.’ He turned to Aiden. ‘Maybe these alarms and defense enhancements aren’t such a bad idea. We need to also check into figuring out a spell that can be used to set a perimeter. I don’t like how close they’re coming, especially when we can’t see them.’

Aiden had to take two deep breaths before he answered. ‘We need to get a unit out there looking for them.’

Gavriel nodded, ‘I sent Oron and Christoff out, they are heading north.’

‘Then we’ll get the rest of their unit to join them and send Beta south. Tell Keelan and Darian that Alpha Unit is house sitting for a couple days while we figure out a way to set a perimeter.’

 Colton nodded and pushed off the wall. ‘I’ll get everyone moving. I can’t sit still right now. What if Meryn or Elizabeth had been back there?’ he asked quietly clenching his fists.

Gavriel felt his stomach turn. ‘We can’t think like that, it will be a distraction. Let’s concentrate on what we can do.’

‘I’m going to pull Keelan, Quinn Foxglove from Gamma and Kade Burdock from Beta to start on spell research.’ Aiden didn’t say another word and walked away. Gavriel knew how he felt.

Colton laid a hand on his shoulder. ‘Thank the Gods they still seem to be afraid of Ryuu’s shikigami. Don’t worry; we won’t let anything happen to Meryn or Elizabeth.’

‘Thank you my friend.’

‘I’ll be getting Graham and Sascha together if you need me.’

Gavriel watched as Colton walked towards the front door. He had only just found his mate, he couldn’t lose her, not when he had just found her.


‘What the fuck!’

Gavriel recognized Meryn’s voice and went running. He nearly collided with Aiden in the hall as both men ran for the front door. When they got there they came to a grinding halt. Both women were huddled together and were being shielded by Ryuu, all three were covered in blue flames. Shopping bags lay at their feet. In a perfect circle on the porch, scorch marks showed where the fire spell had gone off around them. Aiden immediately went to the wall by the door and removed the hanging brass ornament. He carefully moved it to the second peg located on the outside of the drawn spell circle disarming the alarm.

He turned to his mate. ‘Oh my Gods! Meryn! Baby, are you okay? I thought we had disarmed the front door. It shouldn’t have been active while you were still out.’ Aiden rushed forward only to be brought up short by a growling Ryuu. Gavriel had never seen the normally calm squire ever look so angry. Ryuu stepped forward and bumped chests with Aiden.

‘Do you know what could have happened if I had not been with her!’ he shouted.

‘Back off squire. You don’t know what’s happened here today,’ Aiden said, getting in Ryuu’s face.

Gavriel pulled a shaken Elizabeth into his arms. Meryn was trying to wedge herself between her mate and her squire.

‘Calm down both of you! Aiden, why in the hell is our house booby-trapped? What happened?’ Meryn was rubbing her hand up and down Aiden’s arm.

Glaring at Ryuu he pulled Meryn against him and rubbed his chin on her head.

Elizabeth turned to him. ‘Gavriel, what is it? What’s happened?’

He and Aiden exchanged looks. Gavriel sighed, there was no point in keeping them in the dark.

‘We had a feral come on to the property today. He got extremely close to the house.’ Gavriel watched as Ryuu folded his arms over his chest.

Meryn turned to Aiden. ‘Is that why you booby-trapped the door?’

‘It isn’t booby-trapped. Initially I had the men help set alarms through the house for you. So you’d feel safer in our home, but after today I have Keelan, Quinn and Kade looking into creating a perimeter spell. I don’t even want them close enough to set off an alarm.’

Gavriel watched Meryn’s face soften. ‘You’re the best husband any woman could ask for.’

Aiden looked down at his mate. ‘Do you really mean that? We can have a real wedding if you want one.’

Meryn shook her head. ‘I was being petty this morning and I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was scared about something else and took it out on you.’

‘Come on Meryn, I need to inspect every inch of you to make sure you’re okay.’ He scooped her up and turned to Ryuu.

‘Thank you for saving her. Have Colton show you where the alarms are set.’

Ryuu nodded. ‘I’ll also work with Keelan, there may be some things I can do to help with a spell.’ He bowed to Meryn and walked away.

Aiden turned to Gavriel and grinned before he sprinted up the stairs with his giggling mate.

‘Never a dull moment around here is there?’ his mate asked him. When he looked down her eyes were twinkling.

‘No.’ He looked around. Everyone else was busy. He held out his arm. ‘Could I interest you in a mid-afternoon respite?’

Her eyes widened and she blushed. She laid her hand on his arm. ‘That sounds lovely.’

Gavriel waited until they reached the top of the stairs before he began to grab his mate’s rounded ass. The thrill of the chase had his blood boiling. He shut the door and began to strip out of his clothes. Laughing, she jumped on the bed. Unfortunately, momentum carried her off the bed and into the wall. He watched in horror as she slid down out of sight.

‘Beth?’ He ran over to the bed. There was only a few inches gap between the wall and the bed. He looked up frustrated. The headboard was built into the wall.

‘Beth, answer me.’ He was about to rip the bed away from the wall when he felt something on his foot. When he looked down, a tiny snow white bunny was nuzzling his leg.

Carefully, he picked her up. ‘You constantly amaze me. My little bunny.’ His mate licked his face then wiggled in his hands. He set her down on the bed and watched in wonder as she shifted back to human. She shook out her long blonde hair and smiled up at him impishly.

‘I’ve had to shift to my rabbit form on more than one occasion to get out of a sticky situation. Of course shifting back without clothes was always tricky.’

He finished unbuttoning his shirt and let it drop to the floor. Smiling, she turned over until she was on all fours and began to crawl towards the head of the bed. Gavriel felt his fangs burst through his gums as her ass swayed back and forth, tempting him. He kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants before pulling off his socks. The fabric of his boxer briefs against his cock was almost painful. He shucked out of them and climbed onto the bed. He reached out and pulled on her ankle until she was flat on her stomach. He began to tickle the arch of her foot. Laughing she thrashed around on the bed.

Gavriel watched her unguarded expression and couldn’t help the joy in his heart. Over the centuries he had been with many women, but he had never experienced these types of simple moments.

‘I’m … I’m … so … gonna … kick your ass. Just … as … soon … as … I can … breathe!’ his mate yelled. He took mercy on her and released her leg. She turned over on to her back breathing hard and smiling. ‘You’re crazy.’

‘I prefer the term eccentric.’ He relaxed next to her and lazily ran his fingers down her body. He started at her collarbone, he followed the line of her body between her breasts, down the slope of her stomach until he reached her rounded mound. Watching her expression carefully he lightly teased the tiny, soft hairs before moving to trace down her leg.

‘Humph.’ She practically growled at him.

He raised an eyebrow at her sour expression.

‘Did you say something, darling?’ he asked.

‘Oh yes, yes I did. I said, please fuck me now.’

He rolled and in an instant lay nestled between her legs. When he ran his tongue over his lips, he saw her eyes glaze over with lust at the sight of his fangs. Not many women could orgasm from being bitten, he was a lucky bastard that Elizabeth was one of the rare ones that did.

‘Are you ready for me? If I tease you again will my fingers find you wet?’ he growled in her ear.

‘Gods yes, please Gavriel, don’t make me beg,’ she panted.

‘I would never make you beg my sweet Beth, if anything I would be the one begging to have one more taste of you.’ He reached down and rubbed the head of his cock up and down between her folds making sure she was ready before plunging as deep as he could.

They moaned in unison. Slowly he glided in and out of her taking his time. He wanted to make this last. Pushing himself up he felt the muscles of his arms flex, but it was worth it, he could now reach her neck. Instinctively she tilted her head, her hands coming up to cup his ass. He felt her fingernails digging into his flesh and loved every second. He thrust deep and she cried out. The look of wild abandon on her face was his undoing. Leaning in, he sank his fangs deep in her neck. She screamed her pleasure and met him thrust for thrust as he increased the pace.

He felt her body spasm around his cock signaling her first orgasm. Grinning against her neck he continued to feed. He waited until the spasming stopped before he changed his rhythm. He thrust as deep as he could and began to hammer into her. When he heard her breath hitch he reached down and twisted her nipple before immediately moving to her clit. The second he touched her she exploded again.

His own orgasm came in a rush of blood and cum. Lifting from her neck he watched as her blood dripped onto the sheets. He threw his head back and roared as his balls emptied. Breathing hard with shaking arms he leaned down and swiped his tongue over the holes on her neck to close them. Gently he pulled out of her and collapsed to one side.

‘At least I didn’t black out this time,’ she said, yawning drowsily.

‘I’ll have to work on that,’ he murmured.

‘I won’t survive. Now, tell me what you didn’t want to say in front of Meryn.’ She rolled over onto her side and pinned him with a knowing look. His mate was far too observant.

‘The feral actually made mention that they knew I was in transition and at my weakest. He also said I had been chosen.’ He heard her gasp. He didn’t like the fear in her eyes. He pulled her close.

‘I’ll be fine. Even at my weakest they are still no match for me.’ He didn’t dare let her see his face, he knew she’d pick up on his lie. She rubbed her nose against his chest before placing a soft kiss against his skin.

‘I called my fathers today. My uncle said he would be calling you later for a little ‘man to man chat’.’ She twirled her finger around his belly button.

‘I’ll call Magnus later, I can just imagine what he has to say to me. More than likely the same thing I would say to someone newly mated to a favorite niece, something along the lines of ‘if you hurt her I will skin you alive’.’ He sighed.

‘I’m sorry, but it’s because we’re so close. Sometimes Daddy and Papa were busy in the lab, so he would watch me. In some ways I’m closer to him than my parents, because he wasn’t just an uncle growing up, he was my best friend,’ she confided. He groaned, the man would be gunning for him for sure. She looked up, concern on her face. He kissed the tip of her nose.

‘I remember Magnus from my time at Noctem Falls. I respected him as a warrior and I respect him as our Elder. If he feels the need to lecture me about the care of his beloved niece then I will let him.’

Gratitude filled her eyes. ‘Thank you.’

‘Anything for you. Do you suppose Aiden is looking for me?’ he asked pulling the blanket up around them.

She giggled. ‘I hope that Meryn wore him out so we can stay like this for a little longer.’

‘We’ll check on them in a little bit, for now let’s just enjoy the afternoon.’

She snuggled close. He closed his eyes determined to enjoy this time with his mate despite the threat looming over them.

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