My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 28 – The bake sale

Lila's POV

I took a step backward as children came running toward me. Their excited faces lit up as they got closer.

“I can't believe we are actually meeting you!” One of the girls said happily. “You are a legend around here!”

"A legend?” I asked, raising my brows in pure confusion. I glanced over at Dee who had a smile on her face. “I don't understand...”

“You fought the bad guys and saved that woman!” One of the kids explained. “Everybody is talking about it!"

"Word travels fast,” Dee said with a shrug. “You are like a hero to the kids.”

"We want to be just like you!”

“Teach us how to fight!

“We want to fight like the incredible Lila!"

I must have looked as shocked as I felt because Dee started laughing at my expression as she stood beside me.

“Can you teach us, Lila?” One of the kids asked again.

I always had a soft spot for children and saying no to them didn't sit right with me. As I stared around at all the eager faces, I knew it would be impossible to refuse them this.

"Of course, I'll teach you,” I told them.

To my surprise, they all started cheering and clapping. My face grew incredibly warm at the sudden attention I was receiving.

Enzo had gone to help some of the men of the pack with setting up the equipment before the bake sale began.

I was surprised the kids weren't asking Enzo to be their teacher. He was incredibly skilled in combat, and he was their Alpha.

I glanced over at Enzo in the distance; I was thinking he wasn't paying any attention to me, but to my surprise I see his eyes wandering in my direction.

His brows knitted together in such a formation that I laughed out loud; I knew this was going to bother him.

I turned away from him to face the kids.

"We can't always be here to protect her,” I replied.

“Sure, we can. She's, our mate. It's our job to protect her.”

"Staying away from her is protecting her,” I reminded him.

“In what world? She's a Volana. She has the scent and the look. Eventually, they will figure it out and find her without our help.”

“Hey Alpha, can you move those speakers to that area over there?” Someone asked from a far distance. I managed to pull my eyes away from Lila's long enough to go to the speakers.

As the evening went on, students started to return from the playground upon Dee's request. Their parents had also arrived and some others from the Calypso pack. Dee started to play this light pop music that had all the kids dancing and singing. I stayed in the distance, keeping a watch over everything as I often did as Alpha.

I ordered some of my gammas to keep watch in different parts of the schoolyard.

I didn't want to be too careful, especially after the attack on my mother. I knew the attackers were still out there somewhere and I refused to let them get past me.

Lila was with some of the children, selling the baked goods. She had a smile on her face that lit up brighter than the sun. Her dark hair glistened under the rays as she brushed her fingers through it. She was speaking to some of the women while the children sold baked goods around her.

Lila's laugh echoed through the schoolyard, making its way into my ear, and causing Max to howl in delight.

He was smitten with her, but I knew it couldn't happen.

By the end of the evening, the school had reached its goal for profit, and we were ready to leave. Lila had a huge smile on her face when she returned to my car. It was late in the evening, and I could see just how tired she was.

I would let her sleep at the packhouse tonight, but then tomorrow, she needs to go back to school. The ride back to the packhouse was quiet; Lila gazed out the window. She was thinking about something.

What I wouldn't give to find out what it was.

Knock it off, Enzo. You can’t go down that rabbit hole.

I scolded myself.

I parked the car out front of the packhouse and she quickly got out. It was like she was purposely trying to avoid me.

She went into the house as if she owned the place and went straight for the stairs; I followed after her, a little reluctantly. As she reached the last step, she walked toward the room she was in the last time she was there.

She remembered her way around this place well.

I don't think she noticed that I was following her because once she reached the door and grabbed the handle, I grabbed her arm to stop her, and she looked up at me shocked.

"Enzo?" She breathed. “I didn't realize you were there. Were you following me?”

"Why did you come here?” I asked her, keeping my tone low and my grip on her arm tight.

She narrowed her eyes at me as she thought about what to say.

“I've already told you... because you weren't in class and—"

"Why did you really come?” My tone was harsh; I was aware of that.

Her breathing grew heavy as she kept her eyes locked on mine.

“I was worried..." she admitted in only a whisper.

I was only inches from her; I looked down at her plump lips that were open only slightly. Our breathing became unison.

“You're incredibly dumb for coming here by yourself...”

"Are... are you saying you were worried?” She asked, her nose and cheek area became pink, and her voice came out breathless.

I pressed my body against hers until she was pinned between me and the doorframe. She didn't seem to mind; or at least, she didn't fight me.

She glanced at my lips, a sparkle in her eyes, she was giving me silent permission.

This was wrong on so many levels; but at that moment, I didn't care.

I leaned down and kissed her.

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