My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 12 – Getting Scott from the pub.

Lila's POV

"Are you out of your mind?” Rachel shouted as I hung up the phone with Scott. I began toward the door. “You can't just go there. He could be dangerous.”

“I can't let him hurt himself,” I say as I grab my coat.

“It's not your problem to fix, Lila,” she told me, following closely behind.

I paused to look at her.

"He called me; I'm now in his recent phone record. He made it my problem.” She didn't look convinced so I added, “You didn’t hear him a minute ago... he sounded like he was in pain.”

“Fine, but I'm coming with you,” Rachel said with finality, grabbing her own coat.

I gave her a thankful smile before leaving the room.

I really didnt like pubs; any kind of bar I tried to stay clear of. I wasn't much of a drinker, and I certainly didn't like hanging around drunk people. But from when I dated Scott, I remembered that he enjoyed going to any kind of bar that he could find. He would often drag me to them, and I'd have a miserable time.

By the end of the night, I always had to drag Scott out of the bar. I guess now that we are broken up, things aren’t much different. It made me wonder where his new girlfriend, Sarah, was. This should be her job now.

“There he is,” Rachel muttered, pointing at the bar. Scott was surrounded by a bunch of empty glasses and practically hanging off his bar stool.

I sighed before approaching him.

“Scott?” I said, placing my hand on his back. He jerked in the seat, nearly falling over as he opened his eyes, fixating his gaze on me.

“You came,” he said in a slurred whisper; instantly the scent of beer and whisky hit my nose, causing me to wince. “I should have never cheated on you. Please, forgive me Lila..."

“Let's just get you home, Scott,” I said to him, trying to help him off the stool.

He leaned against me for support.

“I want to treat you so good, baby... I'm so sorry...” he sounded completely out of it.

I couldn't mistake the fury in his eyes and the low growl that escaped his throat as he stared down at Scott. He kept his hand firmly on his shoulder and it seemed he was continuing to apply pressure until Scott was nearly squirming with discomfort.

There was a part of me that wanted to intervene and get Scott out of Enzo’s grasp, but another part of me just wanted to let it happen.

I felt disgusted with Scott for trying to have his way with me and deserved whatever Enzo was going to do with him.

“You're drunk,” Enzo said in a deep and threatening tone. “If I wasn't a professor, I would kick your ass right now.”

I could see Scott visibly trembling. I went to say something, but Enzo spoke again.

“What are you doing out at this late hour?” He was still staring at Scott, but I knew his question was for me.

"Scott called me drunk. I was worried so I came to bring him home,” I answer, rubbing my swore wrist.

"He hurt your wrist.” It wasn't a question, nor was he looking at me still. I looked down at the redness around my wrist. This wasn't much of anything; I've had worse injuries.

I went to tell him that I was fine, but the sounds of Rachel's car horn stopped me.

She was waving us over from the driver's seat.

“Can you help me get him in the car?” I asked, peering up at Enzo.

His body was tense, but he didn't argue. He kept his hold on Scott and escorted him into the backseat of the car as I slide into the passenger seat. I was expecting Enzo to leave after that, but to my surprise, he also got into the backseat of the car as well, keeping his hold on Enzo as Rachel pulled away from the bar.

What was he even doing at the pub?

Once we got back to the academy, Rachel parked the car and peered over at me.

“Are you going to be okay?” She asked.

“I'm fine,” I told her with a small smile. “Thank you for being here. You can go back to our dorm though. I can handle it from here.”

"Are you sure?” She asked, raising her brows.

She peered in the backseat at Professor Enzo who stayed quiet with Scott leaning against him, completely asleep.

"Yes," I assure her.

She nods before we all get out of the car.

It didn't take long to reach Scott's room. Enzo refused to leave me alone with him and honestly, I didn't really want to be alone with him.

Not after what he just tried to do.

Once Enzo dropped Scott off on his bed, we turned to leave, only pausing when we heard Scott's drunken murmurs.

“Don't leave...” he murmured. “Lila...”

I pressed my lips firmly together; I wanted to tell him off, but I knew no good would come from that while he was still drunk. He wouldn't even remember it in the morning.

I went toward his door with Enzo behind me.

“Sarah...” Scott breathed in a half-sleep state of mind. “Sarah... poisoned... you..."

I froze, turning to him. His eyes were opened slightly, and he was looking directly at me.

"Why would she do something like that?" I asked.

For a moment, I thought I saw a glimmer of humor in his eyes and a smirk appears on his lips. But then he closed his eyes, and I knew he was drifting off to sleep.

"Scott, why would she poison me?” I demanded to know.

He gave a soft scoff.

“She knows..." he breathed. “You're a Volana..."

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