My Name is Not Cupcake

Chapter 10

I was frozen with the phone to my ear. I was caught red handed. I heard the dial tone and knew Mason hung up. I quickly masked my fear and put a smile on my face.

"Ordering a pizza from Dominos," I lied. "I kind of promised I would make a picnic basket, but honestly, all I want is some pizza," I continued easily. Peyton rolled his eyes and walked closer to me.

"Dominos doesn't deliver here. We have a Pizza Hut in town though," he said, gently moving me aside and dialing the number before handing the phone back to me. I mentally let out a huge sigh of relief. That was way too close. I started ordering pizzas when I realized that I didn't know what Elias liked. Peyton seemed to realize that too when I froze up. He held his hand out for the phone. I gave it to him, not feeling like fighting him on just telling me.

"And ten more large deep dish meat-lovers pizza with cheesy crust and another large cheese pizza," he added. My eyes widened at the amount. Eleven pizza's for four people? Surly that wasn't necessary. "To the Alpha's house," Peyton said before he hung up.

Alpha? Where had I heard that before?

Peyton squinted his eyes at me in a scrutinizing way. It made me uncomfortable.

"Next time, ask someone first," he said. I nodded quickly. I went back to my room and looked through my drawers before I found a teal blue bikini. It was a little too revealing for my taste, but it was cute. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and put a pair of high-waisted blue jean shorts and a simple white tank top on over the swimsuit. I stuck my feet in a pair of converse and sighed.

"Nova," Elias said from my doorway. I looked at him surprised. I didn't even hear him come in. He looked at me confused. "What's wrong?" he asked. I blushed and shook my head.

"Nothing, I just... Nothing," I stammered. Elias came in and took my hand gently. I felt the tingles run up my arm, making me blush even more.

He's dangerous...

"Peyton told me you ordered pizza for our picnic," he said. I nodded and averted my eyes.

"Yeah I did... I think they should be here soon, but I don't know since Peyton ordered like a hundred of them," I exaggerated. "Where are the girls?" I asked.

"They're downstairs waiting on us and the pizza apparently," he chuckled. He paused and looked off as his eyes glazed over before he looked back to me. "Now they're just waiting on us," he said. I nodded and started for the stairs. I walked down to see the twins bouncing in the bar seats with a huge basket in between them. They smiled and hopped down when they saw us. Alana started pulling me towards the door as Anya grabbed Elias and did the same. We got in the SUV with the basket full of pizza and took off. Elias stopped the SUV in a parking lot before we went the rest of the way on foot. We walked through the woods until we got to the clearing. It was so beautiful that it made me stop. There was a decent sized lake and the lush green grass was low. The trees around the area almost created a perfect circle. Elias set out the blanket and began pulling out the boxes of pizza. The girls sat on the blanket obediently. I sat as well and we all ate, although I wasn't all that hungry. My conversation with Mason kept running through my head. The girls went to play in the lake.

"So what do you think?" Elias asked me. I was about to reply when we heard a growling. It was so loud that the girls got out of the lake and sat in between Elias and I. Elias turned towards the noise and crouched defensively. I was shocked when a growl escaped his throat with even more ferocity. A large wolf emerged from the tree line. Right after, another appeared. Three stalked closer to us before there was Mason, dressed in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts.

"Mason?" I said happy and confused at the same time. I took a step towards him before Elias pushed me back.

"Stay behind me," Elias growled. The wind was knocked out of me by the push. I gasped and rolled over to my stomach. I coughed and tried to catch my breath as I got to my feet. I saw the twins cowering on the blanket. If Mason and Elias were there, I knew the girls would be okay. I ran.

"Nova!" Elias yelled. The growling turned into snarling. I didn't look back. The branches scratched me but I kept pushing. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I took a deep breath. I was ready to scream but a hand covered my mouth. I thrashed and fought.

"Nova! Nova! Calm down! It's me! It's just me!" the voice said. I stopped fighting and turned to see Mason. I sighed in relief and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, thank God," I breathed. Mason held me in a vice grip as he kissed my head. He pulled away and looked over his shoulder.

"We have to get you out of here now," he said quickly. He took my hand and we were running. I could see the parking lot before I was ripped away from Mason. My back hit a tree, making pain shoot up my spine. I gasped as I hit the floor. There was a growling that vibrated the forest floor and a large gray wolf. I gasped as my vision began to get clearer. Mason was coughing on his butt.

"M-Mason," I tried to say, but I couldn't hear my own voice. The gray wolf looked bloodthirsty. I knew what he wanted and I couldn't let it happen. Using all the strength I had left, I pushed myself forward and over Mason's body. I sobbed and waited for the pain but it never came. Well, at least not in the way I expected. I screamed as teeth sunk into my shoulder. I was yanked up by my arm and held close to someone. I knew that feeling...


I felt myself sobbing and going limp but I didn't understand. I wasn't in control of my body anymore. Nothing was making sense.

"... she's my mate, you can't take her from me," Elias growled.

"She's not your to take. She has a life and a family. The last thing she wants is to be holed away to give you pups for the rest of her life," Mason snarled. Elias laughed, but it wasn't light and musical like it normally was. It was dark and there was no humor in it.

"She is mine. Mine. I don't care if you do have Alpha blood. It's no match to me. I swear to God if you try to take my mate away from me again, I'll kill you," Elias growled. I put my hand to my neck only to pull it away and find it covered with blood. I started hyperventilating as everything became unfocused for a moment.

"She called me," Mason snapped at him. Wow, I just got thrown under the bus. Elias stopped and looked at me. I felt his grip tighten. "When she comes out of shock, she's going to hate you for marking her," Mason said. Everything started getting blurry. Mason growled and turned to a wolf right in front of my eyes. I was hallucinating. I was set on the ground before Elias was the gray wolf from earlier. This wasn't real. There's no way this is real.


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