Chapter Gud Wife 629
Chapter 0629
"What kind of nonsense is this? Of course, I loved Mary! I still love her!"
"Do you? Then why did you let Marcus take her? If you loved her, why didn't you fight for her?" "Because it was what was best."
"For who, Peter? For you? For her? For Marcus? Because it sounds to me like you sacrificed your love, and now you're back, ready to drag us all into chaos."
"Is that why you're here?" Peter asked, sitting on the edge of the sprawling lawn.
"I want answers. Why did you do it? What drove you to create this disaster, Peter? Marcus wants to kill you. The documents we've uncovered reveal the truth about your and his nature."
"Nature?" Peter asked, his voice sharp.
"You're a killer, Peter."
Peter froze, then lowered his head. "It was a dark time. He was a good man, but they destroyed him. He was drowning in his guilt and rage. I had to help him."
"Help him? You murdered someone for him?"
"He was scum. If I'd known Frank would betray me, I'd have cut him into pieces and dissolved him in acid, just like the others."
"Peter... do you hear yourself?" Maximus said, staring at his brother in disbelief.
"What? Are you shocked by your brother now? Oh, come on, Maximus! We all have a dark side. You were a damn fetishist...." Peter sneered.
"Oh, here we go again!" Maximus shot back, rubbing his temples. "That's completely different! Having consensual relationships like that is not the same as killing people. There's no comparison."
"I know!" Peter said, chucking a rock into the distance. "But if you ask me, I don't regret anything. I freed many families from the filth in their lives. And since then, I've looked after them."
"What do you mean, 'looked after them"?"
"All the men I killed... they were family men. For one reason or another, they got involved in that world. Killing them left widows and orphans behind, and I know that wasn't right. But believe me, those families are better off without them."
"Yes. I created a fund for those widows and their children, ensuring they have a good life. Don't think I'm some kind of animal. Those men I killed? They were rapists, murderers, thieves, and abusers. The families they left behind lived in hell because of them. Their lives only improved when those bastards were gone."
"Oh, brother," Maximus muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't fathom what you've done or who you were back then. I suppose Mary never knew about this?"
"No. But she's going to find out."
"Are you talking about the investigation?"
"Yes. Neither Marcus nor I are coming out of this unscathed." Chapter 0629
"What were you trying to accomplish with all of this, Peter?"
"To be honest? When I started the investigation, I wanted to know who ordered the hit on me. At first, I found out it was Alexia your wife. But the deeper I dug, the more I uncovered. Turns out it was all orchestrated by Frank. He wanted revenge for the manhunt Marcus launched against him, and since I was one of Marcus's most trusted men, I became a target. But the truth runs deeper than you'd expect." "What are you talking about?"
"It took me a long time to piece it together, but I discovered that Leonardo and Frank never severed ties. My father -our so-called father-was still working with Frank. That fool still trusts that scumbag. And the worst part? Dad and I had made peace. If he knew that Frank-his ally-was the one who ordered the hit on me...
"Leonardo is not a good man, Maximus. Now that you know he's not your father, get this through your thick skull: when this all comes to light, I won't lift a finger to save him."
"What are you planning to do?"
"Nothing. I don't need to. What I've set in motion has already started. You started it." "What do you mean?"
"The past always catches up with us, brother. The question is, who will end up with the company-Frank Levett or Leonardo Palmer? That's why you came back to your position, isn't it? That's why you removed Marcus and my son. You're waiting. You came here to clear your head. But the harsh truth is, you've already made your decision. You're going to bankrupt the company. I know it, Alden knows it, and the only question is whose hands it'll collapse in Frank's or Leonardo's."