Chapter Gud Wife 548
Chapter 0548
"What? What's going on? Did he do something to you? Tell me! Where is he?"
"No! He didn't do anything to me. Dad's really drunk and hasn't come out of his room. A little while ago, I heard his door open, but when I went to check on him, it was locked again. I called for him, but he won't answer."
"Laura, is that why you called me? Is that why you're crying?"
"No, Dad's like this because I..."
"Laura, you're worrying me. Just tell me already-what's going on?"
"Dad's like this because we just found out that I'm pregnant..."
"What?! Laura! Oh, my God. Now it all makes sense. But is that why you called me? What about Maximus?"
"No... I needed to talk to someone. I needed to talk to a woman. I know you'll understand. Believe me, I never wanted things to get to this point. I've been so careless, but I'm sure that when I tell Adrian, he'll be happy." "Then if you have a partner, why are you so upset? And why is Maximus acting this way?" "I think I've disappointed him, even though he won't admit it."
"Laura, having a baby-bringing a child into the world-has huge implications. You're too young to fully grasp that. Sis, I know it's wonderful news, but have you thought about what your future will look like? Maybe that's why Maximus reacted the way he did."
"I know! I know! But I love Adrian with all my heart, and he loves me too. So I think that'll be enough for us to move forward, don't you think?"
Serenity had been raised by Marcus, and he had always been very straightforward about that topic. Like a father talking to his daughter, he handled it masterfully. Now, seeing Laura, so young and already facing such a big responsibility, Serenity felt grateful for having had "that talk" with Marcus-a candid conversation where he didn't hold back and spoke openly about sex and its consequences.
[Hesperia, 5 years ago]
"Yes, Dad?"
"Who's the young man who dropped you off at the office?"
"Who? I didn't see anyone..."
"Serenity, I know you. When you lie, you press your lips together more than usual and wrinkle your nose. You'd better tell me who he is, or I'll investigate myself...'
"Dad! Don't do that! You have a knack for scaring off my boyfriends..." Serenity said, quickly covering her mouth.
"So, this young man isn't the only one?"
"No, Dad, that's not what I meant..."
"Serenity, I think it's time for a father-daughter talk."
"Dad, don't you have an important meeting right now?"
"It's more important to have this conversation now than to wait until we're dealing with a complicated situation.
Chapter 0548
Trust me, if I don't do it now, I'll regret it later," Marcus sald, pulling out his phone and calling Frederick to cancel or reschedule the meeting.
"Serenity, I know you're a mature and responsible young larly-that's how we raised you-but the world outside this house is very different. Your mom worries about you, and so do I. If it were up to me, I'd send you to a convent and never let you date anyone. You're my little girl, and I don't want some idiot showing up, promising you the moon, the sun, and the stars. I can give you those, and honestly, I know you're capable of getting them for yourself."
"Dad... You surprise me..."
"Sweetheart, tell me something-are you a virgin?"
"Dad! What kind of question is that?"
"You're 15 years old, you're beautiful-it's a natural question. Don't think I'm trying to invade your privacy, but I want us to talk about it."
"Okay then, Dad, what exactly do you want to talk about?"
"Sweetheart, I know you're a smart girl, and I trust you'll choose the right person. It's a wonderful experience, but it should happen because you want it to, not because someone pressures you. And if anyone tries to pressure you, just tell me I'll break their legs."
"Dad! You're being so dramatic!"
"No, I'm not! I'm a man, and I know how we think. I love you, sweetie, and I don't want you to change your plans out of curiosity or a careless mistake."
"Don't worry, Dad. When that time comes, you'll be the first person I tell, and I hope you'll have the same advice ready."
"Serenity!" Marcus said, raising his voice.
"Dad, I appreciate that you want to talk about sex, and I know you're very open about it, but I'm just not interested in that stuff right now. Honestly, I find it gross."
"I hope you always see it that way! In fact, if you ever consider becoming a nun, I'd fully support it." "Dad!!!"