Chapter 0860
Chapter 0860
"If you're asking me if I'm scared-yeah. I'm terrified. This has never happened to me before... at least, not that I remember.
"When I was 25, I won't lie to you-I wasn't a saint. Not even close. Money and pleasure were my priorities. Back then, I had a toxic, messed up relationship with Alden's mother. But that was years ago.
"And then there's some woman named Mary. Apparently, she was important to me, but I can connect my life to hers. All I know is that now, she's married to my best friend and has a happy family.
"Celeste, I know I'm not the best man for you. Look at me- I have nothing but money. I don't even know who I am anymore. I lost my identity.
"Yesterday, I had a breakdown over the damn clothes in my closet. I know it sounds stupid, but it's not. Every time I walk into my room, I feel like I'm suffocating. That's why I wanted to come here-to see if there's anything left I can rebuild."
He let out a deep breath before continuing.
"If I'm being completely honest, up until yesterday, when I got home... I didn't know what the hell to do with you.
"I didn't know how to act around you.
"Fuck, Celeste... You're the mother of my children.
"And the moment I touched your belly, I knew it was real. They're there. It's not a dream. It's not a lie.
"They're real, and they need us.
"You said it yourself-being alone hurts.
"I wasn't alone as a child, but at 16, my father dumped me in a boarding school in Galea and never looked back. From that moment on, I had to learn to survive on my own. I even tried to kill myself once.
"Loneliness is a dangerous thing. It makes you do stupid shit.
"And I admire you for that.
"You're strong.
"I can't even imagine you at six years old, alone.
"I can't imagine you at sixteen, working any job you could find just to survive while I, at the same age was drowning in self-pity because I had nofamily... but plenty of money I refused to touch just to spite my father.
"I don't want my kids to grow up without a father.
"I won't deny them the right to have a family.
"I know I have a lot to make up for. I don't even know how much yet, but I know
I've hurt you. And I swear to you, I will fix it.
"Maybe life is giving me this chance to make things right.
"Maybe this is my shot at starting over.
"Because whether we admit it or not... our kids will always keep us connected.
“But listen to me-I know that if you don't want to stay with me, I have to accept that too. I won't force you into anything.
"But I will be there.
"For you.
"For them.
"You'll never have to do this alone.
"I'll do my best to be the father they deserve. I mean... I already raised a teenage son and a grandson-so I must be good at it, right?" He chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood.
Then, his gaze softened.
"I'm not stupid, Celeste. I know I've made you cry. And I can see that you still love me. You can deny it all you want, but your eyes tell me the truth."
He took her hands in his.
"I just want one thing. One chance. A chance for you and me to get one thing right together-aside from our kids. I won't promise I'll never piss you off Honestly? I'm annoying as hell. But I swear, if I do piss you off, it'll be over some stupid house-related shit-not anything serious."
His voice dropped to a softer tone.
"And look, I know that if I promise you I'll be faithful, you won't believe me. But I promise I will never do anything to make you think otherwise again. I woke up with a second chance. And I intend to use it. Maybe, after all... things aren't as bad as they seem. Don't you think?"