My King Mates

Chapter Chapter Thirty One

“There the dress is now perfect,” Leyla tells me after she cuts the thread from her needle. Leyla grabs the dress and walks over to me. I stand up from the chair that’s next to the mirrors and take the robe off. “How long till the ball?” I ask “1 hour. We have enough time to get you ready” Leyla tells me.

“You’ll be getting your hair and makeup done here since you aren’t allowed to see the King until you are announced at the ball,” Leyla tells me. I nod my head as Leyla buttons the dress up. I look at myself in the mirror again and I can’t help but be amazed. Leyla did some amazing work. I can’t wait for Sawyer to see me in this.

Through the mirror I see Leyla putting her blue gown on. I’ve never seen her in anything fancy like this before. She’s built for the luxury look plus the pastel blue looks amazing on her. A knock at the door was heard and Leyla tells whoever is on the other side to come in. Four ladies all pushing carts walk in. They smile at Leyla but when they spot me their eyes light up.

“Good afternoon Luna Queen,” all four of them tell me then bow. I offer them a soft smile and nod my head. “I hope you don’t take this wrong royal dresser but we all were fighting on who would work on the Queen. Everyone in the kingdom has been waiting so long for your arrival” one of the four girls tells me.

“If I were in your shoes I’d be doing the same” Leyla tells the ladies. They all giggle and smile at Leyla. “Should we get started? We don’t have a lot of work to do but it would be nice to get done early in case we need to fix anything.” A girl with black hair and green eyes asks. “Let’s,” I tell them. Two girls one being the black-haired and green eyes and the other being the one who admitted they all were fighting on who would work on me walks over to me.

“Hello, Queen I am Macy,” The black hair and green eyes girl told me. “And I’m Jayla” the other one introduces “It’s a pleaser to meet you both I’m Amber,” I tell them. “Queen Amber. It fits you” Jayla tells me.

“If you could your Majesty sit down so we could start on your hair and makeup” Macy tell me. I nod and sit down in the chair that I was sitting in earlier.

Macy who’s doing my makeup instructs me to close my eyes I follow her orders. Both girls tell me to relax and they promise to make me the prettiest girl at the ball. I giggle at that because I know that isn’t true. I’m a mere human while these ladies standing before me and at the ball are all Werewolves. Everyone knows that Werewolves are the most beautiful and handsome creatures there are. No one can beat them in looks.

After a while of my eyes, closed products were added to my face and hair plus some small talk with both Macy and Jayla. I learn some about them. Jayla’s parents love the name Jay and were going to name her that until they found out they are having a girl so they added the la, in the end, to make it sound feminine. After her story about her name they both tell me they are finished.

I open my eyes Jayla helps me up and walks me over to the large mirrors. Macy holds up a mirror behind me so I can see what my hair looks like. I stare at my face and hair in awe. “You’ve both done an amazing job. I love it” I tell them. Macy smiles at me while Jayla squeals. “I can tell people I did the Queen’s hair and brag that she loves it” Jayla continues to squeal.

My makeup is very light exactly how I like it. My eyes are a pink smokey eye in the inner lide is a light shimmer pink. The light pink blends into a darker pink on the outer lid. The lid has a thin layer of eyeliner that finishes into a cateye with false lashes. The waterline has a thin line of eyeliner with a bit of a pink smokey eye copying the eyelid.

Jayla did an outstanding job on my hair. She curled my hair and added tiny white flowers. I can’t believe it’s possible for me to look this amazing. Another knock was heard at the door. I look over at Leyla is she expecting anyone else? Leyla looks at me as confused “who’s there?” She asks.

“Beta Flynn” Flynn replies. Leyla relaxes. “What do you need?” Leyla asks. “I’m here to get collect you and Queen Amber” Flynn replies. “Am I all ready to go?” I ask the girls. They both smile at me and nod.

“We’re coming” Leyla announce to Flynn. “Thank you both again,” I tell Macy and Jayla they smile at me and bow. Leyla thanks her makeup and hairstyles and we say our good bye’s then we leave with Flynn.

“You both look breathtaking,” Flynn tells us. “King Sawyer is going to want to hide you away from every male tonight” Flynn laughs. I giggle at his comment. “But I do have to warn you. There are a lot of females who caught word that the Alpha King met his mate and they aren’t happy about it. A lot of females were hoping to become the Luna Queen so tonight be prepared for anything” Flynn warns me. I take a deep breath and nod in understanding.

“I hope I won’t be having that problem with you,” Leyla tells Flynn. He smiles at her “the only reason girls go after me is because they want to be close to the Alpha. They want all the power, not a little bit of it” Flynn tells her.

I should’ve known there were females who wants my mate. I guess I was hoping there wouldn’t be any drama but who am I kidding? I’m with the Alpha King that title has drama in the name. “I should explain to you what’s going to happen. The ball starts at 5 pm. The pack will come in and at 6 pm Leyla will be announced first. After her Amber will be announced. King Sawyer and I will introduce both of you o the pack and after that, he will crown Amber as Queen and do the Luna and Beta Female ceremony. After all of that is finished it’ll be dinner and for the rest of the night will be dancing. Like a human’s wedding, Amber and King Sawyer will have the first dance where it’ll be you too than the second song Leyla and I will join. At the third song anyone can join at the time we can do whatever.” Flynn explains to us.

He leads us to a door and tells us to stand here and wait for the doors to open. He explains that there are guards on the other side and they will open the door when we are called. Flynn kisses Leyla before he leaves.

After he’s no longer in sight Leyla turns to me with a huge grin on her face. “Can you believe this!? Not in a million years did I ever think I would find my mate but since I did I’m so happy it’s the Beta so we can be even closer. But believe me Amber as your Beta Female I promise I’ll do anything in my power to protect you through any danger and throw some hands when girls try to steal your man and your crown” Leyla tells me.

“Thank you, Leyla,” I tell her. I wish I could express my feelings further but I’m so nervous I can’t think straight. Nothing sunk in until now. I have a mate that loves me at least I hope he does and wants me. I live in a castle instead of working in it. I’m ruling beside the highest power in the Werewolf world.

Tonight Sawyer will have the entire pack and werewolf world know that I’m the Luna Queen. Not only will there be a huge crowd of wolves here in person but the ceremony will also be on live television. There’s so much going on I don’t know how to process it all.

“Amber are you okay?” Leyla asks me after she calms down from her excitement. I nod “yeah I’m overwhelmed is all,” I tell her with a nervous laugh not knowing how to feel. “I know coming from your upbringing to this must be a lot. All your life you think you’re going to be a slave for some rich person and now you are that rich person” Leyla tells me.

“Are you girls ready?” Macy asks while walking up to see. “As I’ll ever be,” I tell her. She nods “everything will be perfect as long as those snoddy girls leave you and the King alone. I don’t want to make your nerves worse than they already are Queen Amber. But the other makeup and hairstylist told the girls and me how a lot of the females made comments on how they are going to make the King jealous and steal him away. None of them has a chance of course they don’t match your beauty” Macy tells me as she fixes my makeup a bit.

“Thanks, Macy,” I tell her. She smiles at me then walks away. “That didn’t make things better,” Leyla tells me as she looks at me I nod my head. “It was a nice warning though so I know what to expect,” I tell her.

Soon after our conversation the doors to the ballroom open. Leyla sends me a quick smile before walking out. When she started walking down the steps the doors closed again. It’s already that time? My heart starts to race I pace on the small balcony I’m standing on. After a couple of minutes the doors open again. Here goes nothing.

I step through the doors and hear a loud cheer. I let my eyes adjust to the bright lights then I walk down the stairs to the large stage where Sawyer, Flynn, and Leyla are all standing. When I reach the bottom of the steps Sawyer walks over to me and holds out his hand for me to take. I smile at him and place my hand into his.

He walks me over to where Leyla and Flynn are. “It is now time to crown your Queen,” Sawyer tells the crowd. Wolves were cheering and applauding until Sawyer told everyone to quiet down. Slowly the crowd hushed and Sawyer went on with the ceremony.

Sawyer faces me and grabs both my hands he squeezes them before he starts talking in his loud Alpha voice so everyone is able to hear him.

“Do you Amber agree to take the role of being Queen Luna and helping the Alpha King rule the werewolf kingdom?” Sawyer asks.

I look at him dead in the eyes and without any hesitation I reply “I do.”

“Do you promise to watch and protect the pack and kingdom?” Sawyer asks

“I do”

“Do you promise that you will never give up and abandon the Alpha King, kingdom, and pack no matter what?” Sawyer asks.

“I do” I reply.

Sawyer smiles at me before telling me to repeat after him. “I Amber vow to my King Alpha, pack and Kingdom that I will protect them, defend them, and love them till the day I die. I will not betray my Alpha, pack, and Kingdom I will treat them fair. I will take in any pup and treat them as my own. If I break this vow I will take any punishment without rejection” I announce. Sawyer lets out a breath and nods.

Sawyer walks me over to a table that Flynn is already standing by. Flynn picks up a beautifully engraved gold dagger. Sawyer places his left hand in Flynn’s hand. Flynn brings the dagger down and cuts a line into Sawyer’s palm. Sawyer closes his bleeding hand and brings the balled-up fist over a matching gold cup. Sawyer lets a couple of drops fall into the cup.

“Your turn” Sawyer whispers to me. I follow what he did and do everything that he did not even a minute ago. I place my balled-up bloody hand over the same cup and let a few drops of blood fall. Flynn picks up the cup swirls it around a bit and gives it to Sawyer.

My mate takes the cup brings it to his lips and takes a small sip. My face scrunches up in disgust without meaning to and I guess the pack thought it was pretty funny from the laughter. Sawyer chuckles as he gives me the cup. I look at the blood in the cup before bringing it to my lips and taking a small sip.

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