My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

The second half of the match gets off to an explosive start. As soon as the timer starts, Aiden’s team unleashes a relentless barrage of aggression. The Freeze bursts across the ice in a unified push that sends the Capital reeling.

The Capital is clearly caught off guard. As the Freeze return the Capital’s attacks tenfold, they stumble time and time again. Now, it’s Aiden’s team providing the body slams and forceful tactics.

The audience can’t believe what they’re seeing. Fans of the Freeze jump to their feet and roar with excitement as the gap in the score gradually closes. Fans of the Capital stand stock-still in shock.

With each passing minute, the tension builds more and more. The Capital team tries their best to push back against the Freeze. Despite their skill, the unified front of Aiden’s team is unstoppable.

The clock ticks down. At long last, the two teams are at a tie. The audience is bursting with excitement, chanting and screaming in favor of their own team. I join in with them enthusiastically.

Only seconds remain when the defining play of the game happens at last. Aiden has broken away from the crowd in a shooting across the ice. The audience begins to roar, drowning out the sound of his skates, slicing through the ice. I jumped on my feet as it seems as though he might be about to score.

Aiden is only feet from the goal when a member of the Capital team rockets out of nowhere. His path shows he isn’t going for the puck-he’s going for Aiden. The audience lets out a cry of shock as the player slams directly into Aiden, brutally forcing him into the wall surrounding the rink.

“Aiden!” I cry out desperately. It’s impossible to know if he heard me over the outcry of the crowd. The Jumbotron focuses in on a shot of Aiden, crumpled against the wall, his legs and body twisted on naturally from the impact.

The capital player forces his stick forward and scooped the puck toward himself. Aiden’s teammates tried to rush to intercept him, but the shock from Aiden’s painful moment has dearly distracted him. All eyes are on the capital player, who is shooting like a rocket toward the freezes score. The crowd is in a complete frenzy, fans of the phrase, despairing and fans of the capital rejoicing.

My eyes never leave Aiden. Even as the pack shoots across the ice, all I can do is look at him. Come on, get up. I think, desperately, almost leaning over the wall of the rink, almost learing up against the glass in my desperation if there is a Luna queen or moon goddess out there somewhere, please, help Aiden be OK.

Then it happens. And what seems like a heartbeat, Aiden is back on his feet. I stuck in a breath between my teeth as I watch him, study himself and, like nothing happened, shoot after the capital player.

The audience breaks into an uproar as they notice, Aiden has gotten back on his skates. The capital player, seemingly confused by the audiences change, glances over his shoulder just barely. I can only imagine he sees nothing but a flash of white before he sent spiraling. Aiden, in a beautiful maneuver, his taken back the puck.

Ice cream so loudly, I think my own eardrums will burst, clapping with excitement. The audience joins me as A toward the goal. I watch the stop clock with fear, seeing only three seconds remain. Three…. Two…..

With a sound like a gunshot, the puck flies into the capitals net. The force is too much even for the goalie to stop Milliseconds later, the buzzer sounds. The audience explodes into rocks. Cheers.

Phase of the freezer beside themselves with joy. I feel adrenaline pumping through my v

y veins, almost as if I had been playing hockey Aiden’s team skates toward him and pulls him to an aggressive group lug each cheering for him. 1 capital players watch with vitriol for a moment before skulking back to the locker room


With a sudden surge of energy, I hurried down to the edge of the rink. The coach and team owner have already opened th side door to join the team and their celebrations I follow, too.

Oh, cauli a glimpse of Aiden and the crowd of players. His face is flushed with figure, and his hair looks wild and untamed. Fran see the energy shuning from lus eyes. I deel a seven pulled toward him that I can’t deny.



Chapter 50

I break through the crowd and jump into Aiden’s arms. He catches me and embraces me tightly, breathing in my scent something that I’ve learned has is a comfort to him. I kiss him almost feverishly, and he matches my energy

However, as I begin to pull away, I noticed that Aiden seems to be favoring one of his feet over the other. I frown slightly. I arch my neck, trying to get a closer look, but Aiden is quickly swept away by the team again, and pulled into celebrations.

The next half an hour pass is in a whirlwind. I gather my things and meet the team in the locker room, just as they’re finished changing. The head owner, cheerfully announces, the bar will be heading to for a celebration, and the team yells victoriously once again. The energy in the room is completely electric as everyone rushes around, congratulating one another and preparing for the aftermath of the gaine…

Even the drive to the bar seems far too short. Aiden and are only able to exchange a few happy words before it’s feels as though we’re pulling into the parking lot. The two of us head inside and join the team for another night of celebration.

As soon as Aiden arrives, all attention turns toward him. His teammates in Vargo is a lake can’t stop talking about his incredible plate. Even the TVs up above the bar are playing recaps of the game, most of which are Aiden’s highlights. The announcers can’t stop discussing how incredible his recovery was

Despite my excitement, my mind keep watch, keeps wandering back to hell. Aiden was favoring one foot over the other. Even now, he seems slightly off-balance. Worry Nas at me. Still, in an able to find a moment alone with him.

I think I might never get the chance until 1 hear energetics music begin playing. Aiden turns toward me with a broad smile, and takes my hands. His eyes are full of happiness as he pulls me onto the dance floor. I have only join him, the two of us finally, letting loose and enjoying the music. The dance floor quickly fills with other patrons, celebrating the freezes, well carned victory.

I take a moment to scrutinize Aiden more closely. Now that the two of us are dancing, it’s potential injury seems even more obvious. I try to hide my frown, throwing my arms around his shoulder, and leaning in as though to whisper some sweet nothing

Are you hurt?” I ask softly. Aiden, skis meets mine, hisexpression momentarily showing his pain before he schools his features into a reassuring smile.

“It’s probably just a sprained ankle,” he admits, I’m sure he’ll be fine in a few days. Don’t worry about me Dash I don’t want anyone here to be anxious because of me, least of all you”

Even as he speaks, I can’t shake the feeling of foreboding that drips my heart. Some something strange in the back of my mind seems to whisper that things could never be that easy, not for us. For now, I let it slide, and Aiden and I dance the night away. Still, I promised myself to keep a watchful eye on Aiden, he gets the care that he needs, no matter what it takes.




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