Chapter 71
My Fated Human Luna Chapter 74
Gabriella POV
“Bret, what are you doing?” As soon as the words leave my mouth, Monica walks in. She looks between us before she runs out
of my office. Bret did not even act like he cared his mate just ran out of this office with pain all over her face. “What the hell is
wrong with you?” His eyes go back to their normal color and he looks like I slapped him. Like he is the wronged party in the
scenario. “Gabby, you’re my mate.” You have to be kidding me. He is really going to try this. “Bret, I’m going to give you one
opportunity to tell the truth about who your mate is.” “If you lie to me there will be consequences.” “Let me just make this clear, I
know who your mate is and it’s not me.” “Gabby you just saw my wolf at the surface because you are our mate.” “I don’t
understand why you don’t believe me.” “I would never lie about something as serious as the mate bond.” “I had really hoped you
were not going to make me involve anyone else in this but you have left me no choice.” He looks at me confused.
I pick up the phone. Tabitha picks up on the second ring. “What’s wrong, Gabby?” “I’m ok, I just need you to come to my office
please.” A few seconds later Tabitha appears in my office. She looks at me before she turns toward Bret. “Gabby, what is going
on” she asks, while shooting daggers at Bret. Tabby is a really good judge of character and like an aunt to me. “Bret here is
trying to tell me that I’m his mate.” “By the way you sound I’m going to guess that you don’t believe he is your mate” Tabitha
says. “Actually, I absolutely know I am not his mate but Bret won’t tell the truth.” She smiles “so I’m here to help him speak the
truth.” “Yes, you are.” “Gabby who is this?” “What is going on, I swear to you I’m your mate?” “If that is true you won’t mind
proving it.” “How can I prove it, you can’t feel the bond with me because you’re not a wolf?” “That’s where I come in” Tabitha
raises her hand. “I’m going to give you a truth potion that won’t allow you to lie.” I wait to see fear flash across his face but I don’t.
“I can’t believe you would doubt our bond after your mother, our Luna accepted the Alpha without any doubt.” This is his game to
use my parent’s relationship to guilt me into accepting him without question. He really is an a**hole for thinking he could trick me
because I’m human.
I walk over until I’m standing in front of him. I take his hand in mine before I drop it. “Obviously, you only heard parts of my
parent’s story.” “You missed the part where my mother felt the connection to my father even though she was a human.” “Guess
what, I feel no connection to you.” Now that fear I expected flashes across his face. “Gabby” he says my name but I raise my
hand. “So do you want to tell the truth or is Tabitha going to get the potion?” He stays silent and I can feel myself getting more
and more pissed as the seconds pass. “Answer your Alpha now” I say in a tone I didn’t even know I had. I see his eyes flash
black “you are not our mate, Alpha.” I turn back to Tabitha, “thank you, Tabby for your help.” “I didn’t do too much, Alpha” she
says, winking before she is gone. I turn back to Bret with an anger I have never felt before. To think he would try to trick me into
mating with him and deny his true mate. “There will be consequences for your deceit but right now I have to find your real mate
and make sure she is ok.” I walk past him without another word. This is one of those moments when I wish I had a wolf so I could
scent Monica.
I head out the back door of the pack house and up the path where a lot of the teenage wolves gather. When I get there, Monica
is sitting on the ground alone looking broken. “Monica”, I say, and she turns when I call her name. The tears that stain her
cheeks break my heart even more for this girl. How could he do this to her? How could he spit in the goddess’s face by refusing
her gift? “Alpha, I can’t” she starts to say. “Just call me Gabby right now, Monica.” “Gabby, I can’t do this right now.” I go over and
sit next to her. “Why didn’t you tell me he was your mate?” She looks in my direction with shock on her face. “How could you
know that?” “Let’s just say you have good friends that care about you.” “It doesn’t matter anyway he wants you not me.” “It
absolutely matters.” “I would never do that to you or any other she-wolf.” “I don’t want anyone but my own mate.” “I knew he
wasn’t my mate from the first time we met.” “Monica the truth is that he doesn’t really want me anyway.” “He probably wants the
t!tle that I can offer.” “It doesn’t make this hurt any less Gabby” she says with hurt in her voice. “I know it doesn’t and I’m sorry he
treated you this way.” “I wish he wouldn’t have been such a duma**.” “What do I do now Gabby?” I’m shocked at her question.
That she’s asking my opinion.
“I can’t tell you what to do, but if it were me and a man didn’t recognize my worth or value our bond, I would surely show his a**
the door.” She laughs and for the first time I see a girl who hides behind her b**chy att!tude. I stand and reach my hand out to
help her up. She takes my hand, brushing herself off. “Thank you, Gabby.” “You’re welcome” I say and we head back toward the
pack house. “Monica, why don’t you come to my office and you can help me decide a fitting punishment for a**hat.” She smiles “I
would love too.” We head up to my office and I have a feeling that Bret is going to be very sorry.
Lake POV
The Elder and I take our seats at the head table. Jessica sits in a chair across from me. I hate to even have to look at her. “Elder
Bradford, that was a lovely service”, Jessica says. Razor is on edge and pacing in my mind. “Calm down Razor, it will be over
soon.” After about ten minutes, Jason walks over and sits down next to me. He leans in “Lake, you doing, ok?” “I just buried my
father, so not really.” “Besides that, I have a pack member that helped that b**ch to kill my father and tried to kill me.” “I won’t be
ok, until they are both dealt with.” He seems taken back by my answer. He composes himself before he responds. “I promise
you, Lake, I will help you figure it out and they will pay for what they have done.” “You are absolutely right they will.” About ten
minutes later, the omegas bring the food out and set plates down in front of everyone at the table. I watch as Jessica takes her
first bite of the food in front of her. I wait till she finishes about half her plate before I smile and address her.
“Jessica, are you enjoying the food?” “Of course, Alpha, the meal is delicious.” “That’s good, I had hoped the silver wouldn’t
affect the taste.” Her eyes get big and she begins to panic. She drops her fork “what are you talking about Lake?” “Lake what are
you doing” Jason asks. “I’m dealing with the people responsible for killing my father and poisoning me.” Atticus walks up to the
table and links me. Letting me know that Jason was observed putting silver in my food. I had told Atticus not to stop him, only to
watch. I turn to Jason picking up my plate and setting it in front of him. “Go ahead Jason, eat it.” “Lake, what the hell is wrong
with you?” “There is absolutely nothing wrong with me, no thanks to you and Jessica.” “It seems that I have been blind to what
has been happening in this pack.” “Fortunately, Atticus and Elder Bradford opened my eyes so I could see the truth.” He stands
“I don’t know what the hell you think is happening but I am your best friend.” “I would never do anything to hurt you or this pack.”
“I am to be your Beta.” “You are no friend, no you were a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” “You pretended to be my friend while you
betrayed me and this pack.” Atticus comes around standing next to Jason. “Why are you afraid to eat my food Jason if none of
this is true?” I can see the moment he knows that its over.
He smiles “you think your smart figuring everything out.” “It doesn’t change that the ba**ard is dead.” “What are you talking about
Jason” Jessica asks. “Save it Jessica I know that both of you killed my father and poisoned me.” An audible gasp is heard in the
room when the pack realizes what he just confessed to. “I thought of you like a brother and you betrayed me.” “I am no brother of
yours.” “You don’t deserve to be Alpha.” “Your weak and pathetic.” “Atticus take Jessica and Jason to the cells until I decide their
fate. “Yes Alpha” he says. He takes a hold of Jason while another warrior takes Jessica. I sit down in my seat after a wave of
relief and sadness washes over me. Elder Bradford lays his hand on my shoulder. “I’m proud of you, Alpha Lake, for putting your
personal feelings aside and finding the truth.” “Thank you, Elder Bradford, it was probably the hardest thing I have ever done.” “If
you’ll excuse me, I need a few minutes alone.” He nods and I stand to leave.
As I start to walk across the dining hall, I can hear the chatter of the pack members about the events of the evening. I turn to
address them. “As I promised, the wolves involved in killing the former Alpha have been caught and will be dealt with
accordingly.” “I will always be a fair Alpha, but make no mistake treachery by pack members against ranked members or the
pack will not be tolerated.” They all bare their necks to me. I turn heading upstairs to my office. “I know how hard that was for
you, Lake, I’m sorry” Razor says. “I appreciate that, Razor, but I’m glad we found out before we made that ba**ard our Beta.” I
walk in and take a seat behind my desk. “What will you do now about the Beta position?” “Will you rule without one like your
father?” “No, I plan to make right what should have been done by my father when he was Alpha.”
Kenneth POV
Derrick comes into my office and he looks concerned. “What is wrong with you, you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” “I know why
you haven’t heard back from Alpha Raymond.” “Alright Derrick spit it out.” “He is dead.” I can’t have heard him correctly. “What
the hell did you just say?” “Alpha Raymond was buried today in the pack cemetery.” I stand from my desk and start to pace.
“What the fvck happened to him” I growl and Bruno is at the surface. “I don’t have all the details yet Kenneth.” “I guess that
means you won’t have the packs support to fight the Scarlett Howl Pack” Derrick says. “We may be able to use this to our
advantage if they do not know who caused his death.” “I want all the details and I don’t care what you have to do to get them.”
“This changes nothing about my plans.” “I will have revenge for that ba**ard killing Lawrence.” “Don’t forget your first meeting
with Justin the rogue pack leader of the Broken Bones Rogues is tomorrow.” “Good, we need as many packs with us as possible
in case we don’t get the help from that little pr*ck Lake.” He nods and leaves my office. “With or without Raymond’s pack Archer
Lyons and his family will wish they never fvcked with my brother or his pack.”