My Divine Diary

Chapter 500

Chapter 500

Things have come to this point, and theres no turning back, just do everything you can.

Su Hao is a relatively rational person. He knows that its useless to say more at the moment; finding a way to solve the problem is what matters.

But no matter how you calculate it, the conclusion is that twenty years later, a giant planet will collide with the Cultivation Star, leading to the extinction of the Cultivation civilization.

Now, facing Su Hao, there are two options: one is to do everything possible to stop the giant asteroid from hitting the planet, even at the cost of his life; the other is to take Yashan and some close people, ride the unfinished Leap. spaceship, leave the Cultivation Star, and start wandering rootlessly in the universe, persisting for decades or even hundreds of years, waiting for the energy and resources to deplete and perish.

Theres still twenty years left! Su Hao calculated in his heart. With the remaining time, he can still do a lot of things.

At this moment, theres no better choice. He wont run away because of the extra hundred years.

Although the global crisis he caused cannot be reversed, there should still be some responsibility.

His inner emotions have faded somewhat, but that doesnt mean his bottom line is gone.

Its better to die than to live in disgrace, he agrees with this saying, but when faced with such a choice, his inner pride doesnt allow him to cling to life for those extra hundred years!

Su Hao mocked himself inwardly: If I could live for a few thousand or tens of thousands of years, that would be alright, but if that were the case, I would definitely sneak away

However, the technology doesnt allow it. Artificial ecology is not something that can be achieved so easily, and it cannot be sustained for too long. Its hard for humans to survive independently of the ecosystem.

Su Hao made a decision in his heart, and he no longer hesitated. He quickly took action, organizing people from all over the world to resist the disaster according to the plan.

The most crucial part of the plan is to successfully build the coordinate positioning and transmission on Leap.

Su Haos plan is to teleport the Leap, a 200-kilometer asteroid, onto the flight path of the giant asteroid, and deviate it from its predetermined orbit through impact.

This plan is somewhat feasible, but the difficulty lies in the teleportation of Leap. Su Haos current mental power is not enough to teleport a small asteroid.

Perhaps adding Yashans mental power is enough. I also need to develop a technique for collaborative teleportation

Su Hao immediately found Yashan and said, Yashan, be prepared. This journey may end in twenty years.

Yashan nodded silently, mentally preparing himself. No matter what, he would follow Boss Weis footsteps through fire and water.

Su Hao said, But theres still a chance. We may not be able to destroy this giant asteroid, but just deviating it slightly will be enough. I plan to teleport Leap directly onto the trajectory of the giant asteroid and use Leap.s kinetic energy to form an impact, attempting to divert its orbit. But teleporting Leap. requires your assistance. We need to work together.

Yashan replied, Understood, Boss Wei. As long as theres a glimmer of hope, we cannot easily give up!

Yashan also had a stake in the transformation of this world. He cared deeply about it and couldnt bear the idea of it being destroyed inexplicably thousands of years later.

If theres a chance to save it, even if it means sacrificing his life, he wants to try.

Su Hao continued, We dont need to stay on Leap. anymore. Lets return to the Cultivation Star! Only when both of us are in front of everyone, will they come together and resist this crisis collectively.

Yashan agreed deeply. If they both stayed on Leap, even though no one dared to say anything on the surface, internally, they would surely criticize them for running away in the face of danger.

In this way, rallying peoples hearts to resist the crisis would just be a joke; no one would take it seriously.

Su Hao and Yashan made some preparations, then teleported back to the headquarters of the Starry Sky Group, holding a meeting with representatives from all levels, broadcasting worldwide, conveying their determination to jointly resist the crisis, and arranging various tasks.

Then, Su Hao alone researched how to coordinate the teleportation of Leap with Yashan.

Five years later. contemporary romance

A towering peak, hollowed out at the base, turned into a man-made platform, as if placing a mountain on top of it.

The entire mountain peak, including its interior, had been reconstructed.

At this moment inside, Su Hao and Yashan entered a large machine compartment and lay down separately.

Su Hao messaged Yashan through his assistant, Ill handle the coordinates for this collaborative positioning and teleportation. Just follow my instructions; you only need to act according to the prompts on the assistant. This is just a practice, no need to feel too much pressure

After going over the precautions, he asked, Are you ready?

Yashan replied, Ready, Boss Wei. We can start anytime.

Su Hao took a deep breath, adjusted his state, closed his eyes, and a large amount of spiritual power surged out of his body, activating the Perception Amplifier synchronously with his spiritual power.

Two hours later, Su Hao locked onto a certain position in space, exactly on the future trajectory of the giant asteroid.

The first step, operate the space wave at maximum power to generate a massive twin-space module, mental power annotation

Teleporting a mountain requires an extremely large space module, and the mental power requirement for Su Hao becomes extremely high. If he hadnt already cultivated to the Divine Body Realm and could support multi-threaded thinking, he might not be able to achieve this level.

Three hours later, the spatial module marking was completed, Su Hao eased some of the pressure on his mental power, and after a moment, he messaged Yashan, Yashan, do you perceive the spatial module I marked?

Yashan replied, I can perceive it!

Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief; as long as Yashan could perceive it, they could coordinate the teleportation.

Su Hao continued, The second step, positioning and delivering the negative space module

After a moment, Su Hao estimated that the delivery was successful: Estimated successful delivery. Ten minutes later, I will begin to pry open the space module and open the passage. Yashan, listen to my instructions and solidify it along the passage I open.

Yashan: Understood, standing by.

Su Hao began to extend a massive amount of mental tendrils outward, densely spreading and covering all the surrounding newly formed space modules until Su Hao felt extreme pressure.

Increase the force!

Soon, all the surrounding space modules vibrated, and Su Hao opened the space channel. He immediately sent a message: Yashan, stabilize this state now.

In just a breaths time, a large number of Yashans mental tendrils immediately surged along the channel he opened, while also taking over the vibration of the space modules from Su Hao.

However, just this channel alone wouldnt allow the mountain peak to pass through; the channel needed to be further widened.

Su Hao immediately withdrew, and his massive mental power continued to explore the outer layer of space modules.

His strategy was simple: use his mental power, which was many times stronger than Yashans, to pry open a smaller channel, and Yashans role was to stabilize the channel opened by Su Hao. Then Su Hao would free up his mental power, continue to expand the channel, and Yashan would stabilize it again. This cycle would continue until a channel large enough to accommodate a mountain peak was created.

This was Su Haos idea of how to transport large objects when his mental power wasnt enough.

The principle seemed simple, but the operation was not easy, and there was no room for error during the process. Thats why he and Yashan practiced with this mountain peak first.

After some time, when Su Hao felt his mental power beginning to weaken, he finally achieved the goal. He said, Its done. Next step, delivery! Yashan, lets pull together!

Yashan: !

Su Haos spirits were high, and he forcefully connected the mountain peak with himself, pulling hard.


The next moment, Su Hao and Yashan, along with the entire mountain peak, disappeared from their original location and appeared in space, quietly floating.

This was two years later, on the trajectory of the giant asteroids movement.

We did it! Su Haos spirits completely relaxed.

He then asked, Yashan, are you okay?

After a moment, Yashan replied through his assistant: ! Im okay!

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