My Demon, My Love... - A Slave's Redemption

Chapter Try Not to Overthink

It was the morning of the day before Azlyn and Reve were to be married. Azlyn awoke in a large, cushy bed wrapped up in satin sheets. She yawned and stretched out as far as her limbs could reach. She had told Umay that she would happily stay in a servant’s quarters, especially given that they were the nicest servant’s quarters that Azlyn had ever seen.

However, Umay had insisted that Azlyn stay in their finest guest suite. Her argument was that she was here for her wedding and any bride should have only the most luxurious accommodations. Not to mention, she is the bride of a prince, that made Azlyn a princess and Umay wanted to ensure that Azlyn received the royal treatment.

As much as Azlyn was enjoying her stay at the Viveks; she was anxious to be reunited with Reve. She had been counting down the minutes until he would join her at the estate and she was finally in the last hours. Reve would be there by midnight at the latest. A huge smile spread across Azlyn’s face; she knew that they had only been apart a few days, but it felt like it was so much longer.

Azlyn jumped out of bed and took a quick shower. She picked one of the exquisite gowns that Umay had loaned her to wear during her stay. After getting dressed, she rushed around the house until she found Umay.

“Good morning, Umay!” Azlyn crooned.

“Ah, good morning! I see that someone is in a good mood. Could it be because tomorrow is her wedding day?” Umay teased.

Azlyn did not even answer; she just began jumping up and down, clapping as she went.

“I thought that we would spend the day decorating the gazebo with flowers and candles. It should help to keep your mind off of Reve’s arrival tonight.” Umay suggested.

“I think that is a great idea!” Azlyn squealed with delight.

“I thought that you might.” Umay chuckled. “Now, eat something for breakfast then we’ll get started.”

After breakfast, they gathered up the decorations and flowers that Umay had shipped to the estate. Azlyn was thrilled as they began to open the boxes of decorations which were filled with candles, twinkling lights, and garlands of flowers. They began first by stringing the twinkling lights and floral garland across the ceiling of the gazebo. They were talking as they went; Umay telling Azlyn everything that she knew about the human realm.

“Is it nice there? What is the food like? What do people wear? Are the rulers fair to their people?” Azlyn kept bombarding Umay with questions.

“Woah, slow down there, one question at a time. There are a lot of nice things about the human realm, though, I’m sorry to say that you will discover some not so nice things as well. A lot of the rulers are fair; humans have a strong belief in freedom and they are often willing to die for it.” Umay explained. “For example, the country that you will be starting in is called the United States. They do not have a king there; they have a president and he is elected into office by the population.”

“You mean, the people choose their rulers?” Azlyn asked, intrigued.

“In many countries, yes they do.” Umay answered.

“How strange.” Azlyn thought.

“Is that where Dalair and Penelope are? In these…umm…United States?” Azlyn inquired.

“Yes. You will meet with Penelope and Dalair after you pass through the portal. They will help you get what you need to get started in your new realm.” Umay asserted.

“What will we need?” Azlyn questioned, worried that this was going to be even harder than it already seemed.

“You will need identification, so that you can get jobs and housing.”

“Will that be hard?”

“Dalair knows others that will help with that sort of thing. It may take a little time, but Dalair and Penelope will be happy to have you stay with them until everything is set.”

“I feel bad putting them out like that.”

“Do not worry so much. Once you are in the human realm everything will be fine. It’s getting there that is the hard part. But you should not be focusing on such things. Tomorrow is your wedding, let’s spend our efforts making sure that it is perfect.”

Azlyn took Umay’s advice and began focusing more on the placement for the candles and flower vases. Until a thought crept into her mind, that she had not had the time to consider before.

“Oh no, Umay! I almost completely forgot about your wedding!” Azlyn blurted out.

“My wedding? That won’t be for several months, maybe even a year. Why are you worrying about that now?”

“I will miss it. You are doing all this work for my wedding and I won’t even get to see yours.” Azlyn pouted.

“That’s alright, Azlyn. As much as I would love to have you and Reve there or my brother and Penelope, for that matter. It is more important to me to know that you all are safe and happy. We will celebrate the next time that we see each other?”

“When will that be?”

“Well, I cannot speak for Kane, as a royal he would never travel to the human realm under normal circumstances. I, on the other hand, travel there twice a year. Though that may have to become less frequent once I become royalty as well. Nevertheless, I will, on occasion, make my way to the human realm to visit Dalair and Penelope. If I can see you and Reve during my visit, as well, then that would be wonderful.”

“We will definitely have to be sure to arrange that.”

It made Azlyn, hopeful, knowing that she would still get to see a familiar face on occasion. She was worried that she would never see anyone that she knew ever again. Her only solace had been that she would still be with Reve, as that was the most important thing of all.

They continued with their decorating, even rolling out a long, white, cloth aisle for Azlyn to walk down. The whole place had come together so beautifully; it looked like something out of a painting. Azlyn could hardly believe that the vision before her was meant for her wedding; she had never dreamed that she would be married at all, much less in such a beautiful place and certainly not to the being of her dreams. Her eyes began to tear as she smiled; her anticipation growing stronger.

“Look at the time, Azlyn! They should have left the castle by now; they are on their way!” Umay chimed. “Why don’t we go inside and get some dinner? They will be here in the next couple of hours.”

Azlyn followed Umay inside. She did not know how she was going to eat. She was much too excited for her reunion with Reve to think about anything else.

“He is on his way!” Azlyn thought. “We will be together again soon!”

After dinner, Azlyn sat at the window that allowed her the best view of the drive up to the estate. The moment that she saw their headlights, she would run outside to meet them.

Several hours later, Azlyn finally saw the thing that she had been waiting so patiently for. A faint flash of light began to appear through the trees. Azlyn jumped out of her seat; throwing her chair backwards causing it to crash to the ground.

“They’re here! They’re here! Umay, they are here!” Azlyn cheered as she rushed to the front door.

Azlyn threw open the door and ran out to the driveway. She stood there, jumping up and down, as she watched the vehicle drive closer. Umay joined her moments later and they watched, together, as the slick black SUV parked. The doors of the vehicle opened; Kane stepped out of the driver’s seat and Umay swiftly went to hug him. Truda emerged from the front passenger’s seat; Azlyn thought it was a bit odd that Reve was not up front with his brother but did not allow it to worry her.

The last one to emerge from the vehicle was not Reve. Instead, Nissa climbed out of the back seat. Azlyn was excited to see her friend and offered Nissa a big hug. Nevertheless, she was completely distraught; where was Reve? Why had he not come with the others? Had something happened?

“Nissa! I am so glad that you are here!” Azlyn declared. “But I am confused. Where is Reve?”

Then Azlyn’s mind began to flood with the most awful thoughts that she could imagine.

“Is he alright? Is he still coming? Did he change his mind?” Azlyn babbled.

“Azlyn, calm down.” Nissa encouraged. “Take a deep breath. Everything is alright.”

“Reve is still coming. Do not worry.” Kane assured. “He just could not leave his horse. He felt that it would be less suspicious if he took off on his horse. Plus, he knew that it would be well cared for here at the Viveks. He should be arriving in the next couple of hours.”

Azlyn was dismayed by this news. Why would he choose to take a mode of transportation that required so much more time to get there? Was he not as excited for their reunion as she was? Was he not just as eager to start their new lives?

“Why would he be?” Azlyn thought to herself. “He has to give up everything for me and I do not have to give up a thing.”

Azlyn realized that she could not blame Reve if he wanted some time to himself. His whole life was being destroyed, so that she could finally have a real life. This was hardly a fair situation. After some contemplation, she decided to just pray for his safety rather than worry about how long the route was that he chose to take.

Everyone went inside and began to get comfortable. They insisted on celebrating Azlyn and Reve’s marriage; they hoped that the festivities would help to keep Azlyn distracted from the passing time. However, they had only finished their second drink when Umay and Kane disappeared into Umay’s bedroom. No one could blame them; they had not been able to find much time alone together since they had agreed to help Azlyn and Reve. Nissa and Truda did their best to distract Azlyn from that point onward.

“I do not think that I have ever had this much to drink before.” Nissa burped.

“Slaves usually aren’t allowed to drink. It distracts us from our duties.” Azlyn observed.

“I…I could see…see that…” Nissa slurred.

“That’s why you will enjoy working here so much more; there aren’t as many of those stupid rules to follow. Plus, Lady Umay is going to make you one of her personal servant’s, once she becomes princess. Then you’ll still get to visit your friends at the castle all of the time.” Truda blurted out, taking another swig of her drink.

“Wait…what?!” Azlyn asked in surprise.

“Truda! Prince Reve wanted to be the one to tell her!” Nissa scolded.

“Oh no! I’m sorry!” Truda guffawed. “Pretend you didn’t hear that!”

Azlyn could not help, but chuckle at Truda’s behavior as she flailed around, drunkenly. The whole affair had become quite comical. Azlyn was only accustomed seeing nobles drink and they rarely allowed themselves to get drunk; it was fun to see the other side let their hair down. They seemed to have a much better time of it.

“So, since Truda ruined the surprise anyway…” Azlyn teased. “What is going on?”

“Prince Reve…had me transferred…*hic*…to Lady Umay’s estate. He thought…you would feel…*hic*…better knowing that I was…in a safer place.” Nissa finally managed to explain.

“Well, he was right. That is such a relief! You will be treated so much better here!” Azlyn exclaimed, jumping up to give Nissa a quick hug.

“Happy wedding!” Truda cheered before falling sideways out of her chair.

All three women started laughing. They were probably the three most relaxed slaves in all of the realm at that moment in time. Though, it did not take long before thoughts of Reve began to creep back into Azlyn’s mind. At least, two hours had passed since the others had arrived and Azlyn could not help but wonder what was keeping him.

Soon after, Nissa and Truda began to fall asleep. Truda found her way back to her quarters, but Nissa only made it as far as the couch. Azlyn could not stand the waiting any longer. A number of horrific outcomes were playing out through her mind. She wished that Reve had just come with the others as they had originally planned. She felt guilt at feeling jealous of Umay and Kane for being together; she knew this was ridiculous, they deserved their time together as well, especially after they had sacrificed so much for her.

Azlyn did not feel like she would be able to relax. She had not wanted to get drunk like the others because she did not want to pass out before Reve’s arrival. There was a small part of her that wished that she had drank more, as she did not think that she would be sleeping tonight. She went to her room and grabbed a throw off of the armchair. She wrapped it around her shoulders and, quietly, exited out the front door.

Once outside, Azlyn tip-toed her way over to the large, ornate, wrought-iron porch swing. She sat there, staring into the darkness. She strained listening for any indication that Reve was near; she prayed to hear the sound of hooves or the whinny of a horse. However, the night was silent except for the crickets.

Azlyn continued to sit in the darkness; shivering in the cold night air. She had completely lost track of time, but she knew that it was well after two in the morning. Her constant worry was causing her to feel exhausted.

“Where is Reve? What could possibly be keeping him? Has something happened?”

Azlyn yawned, deeply, as her fear plagued her mind with unwanted thoughts. She had stared into the pitch black of the night for so long that she had not noticed that her eyes had closed. Her head grew heavy and it slowly dropped down to the seat beside her as she laid her body down along the swing. Before Azlyn knew it, she was asleep, and Reve had still not come.


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