My Demon, My Love... - A Slave's Redemption

Chapter The Good Moments Must be Cherished pt. 2

“Now, you must seal your union and solidify your commitment to the ways of darkness with a blood rite. The evil that courses through the veins of Prince Reve must make their way into Azlyn’s body and the fiend that lives inside Azlyn must flow through into Prince Reve.”

“Kane, the knife, please.” Reve requested.

Kane, carefully, handed a bone-handled knife to Reve. Reve took Azlyn’s right hand and turned her palm upwards. He pressed the knife in the center of her palm and made small incision. The blood, quickly, began to flow. Reve then handed the knife to Azlyn, who, carefully, made a small slice into the center of Reve’s right palm. They then joined their right hands together; allowing their blood to mix.

Azlyn winced as Reve’s blood first began to enter her system. The blood of a demon has toxic properties and burned, momentarily, feeling like an acid bubbling against her skin. Although, this feeling subsided and was replaced by a sudden surge of power. Azlyn had never felt so strong in her entire life.

“As the blood combines; the darkness binds. As the blood combines; the darkness binds.” Reve and Azlyn began to chant in unison while Andvari continued the ritual.

Andvari pulled over a tiny, ornate table and brought out a large, golden chalice adorned with blood-red rubies. He filled the chalice with a deep-red wine and then began including the ingredients.

“Powdered angel wing and shavings from a unicorn’s horn.” Andvari poured a glittering, white powder from a bag into the chalice. “A hair from the back of a werewolf, a toe from the left foot of a griffin, and the front right claw of a dragon.” Andvari dropped in the hair, then crushed the claw in his fist before dusting the powder into the goblet; after which, he squashed the toe and placed it into the mixture.

Azlyn did her best not to show any emotion on her face. As bad as the mixture looked, it could have been worse.

“The teeth and petals of a Biting Willowsnap Flower, as well as, the roots of the Deadly Devil’s Succulent.” Andvari continued by pressing these plants into a powder and mixing them with the brew. “The scale of a mermaid, the heart of a fairy, and the eye of a troll.” Andvari rubbed the scale against his fingers, sprinkling it like salt. Then he pulled out the tiny fairy heart, mashing it into a goo. With the eye of the troll he smooshed it between his fingers, like a grape, popping it and squeezing the juices into the cup.

Azlyn could feel her breakfast rising in her throat as she fought back the urge to vomit. As disgusting as this was, Azlyn knew how important it was that she successfully complete this ritual.

Andvari spent a minute mixing up the ingredients. Then he returned his attention to the group.

“Now I will need blood stolen from a human, as well as, blood that is offered by a demon.” Andvari informed them.

“What?! Nobody told me about that.” Azlyn inquired.

“We did not want you to be upset by this.” Reve explained.

“If it makes you feel better, miss, we used to kill the slaves, now we only have to take a small amount of blood.” Andvari offered.

Azlyn scowled; this information did little to make her feel better.

“Couldn’t we just use my blood.” Azlyn inquired.

“No, yours and Reve’s blood is the final ingredient. We need the blood of another human.”

“You can take my blood.” Nissa interjected, raising her hand.

“Nissa, I cannot ask you to do that.” Azlyn stated, shaking her head.

“You don’t have to. Prince Reve already did. I’ve known that I was going to do this for you since before I came to the estate.” Nissa filled Azlyn in. “I am happy to do this, Azlyn. Do not worry.”

Reve gave the bone-handled knife to Andvari. Nissa stepped forward and offered her hand to Andvari, however, he yanked her forward and, viciously, placed a large gash in her arm; allowing the blood to drip into the chalice.

“I apologize for the cruel way in which I had to do that. Unfortunately, the ritual calls for blood to be taken by force from a slave, so I am required to be, somewhat, brutal in my demeanor.” Andvari asked for Nissa’s forgiveness.

“It is alright. I understand.” Nissa responded, grasping at her arm, and stepping back into her place.

“Now for the blood, given freely, from a demon.” Andvari requested.

“I will give my blood.” Kane offered, stepping forward.

“I am sorry, my prince, but it cannot be you. The blood of an immediate relative is not permissible. It must be given by someone without a direct relation.” Andvari explained.

“I will, gladly, give my blood for the cause.” Zareb spoke up.

“Zareb are you certain that you want to do this?” Azlyn questioned.

“Of course. I am happy to participate. Whatever you guys need, I am here to help.” Zareb assured them.

Zareb stepped forward and offered his hand to Andvari. Andvari pierced the center of his palm and cut it open. Then Zareb squeezed his fist tight, allowing his thick, black blood to drop into the serum; sizzling as it mixed.

“Azlyn, present your left hand to Lady Umay.” Andvari instructed as he handed Umay the bone-handled knife.

Azlyn did as she told to do, showing her left palm to Umay. Umay punctured Azlyn’s palm and made a slice across it. Azlyn held her palm upward and allowed the blood to, slowly, pool in the center.

“Lady Umay, please, hand the knife to Prince Kane. Prince Reve, please, present your left hand to Prince Kane.” Andvari coached.

Reve offered his hand to Kane, who did the same as Umay and cut an incision into Reve’s hand. Then Reve and Azlyn, both, placed their hands over the goblet and squeezed their fists, allowing the blood to flow down into the potion. With that, the brew began to slowly bubble, as if it was mixing by its own volition.

“Now, Azlyn, you are responsible for drinking the first portion.” Andvari stated as he handed the goblet to Azlyn, who winced from the cuts on both her hands as she accepted it.

Azlyn looked down at the bubbling brew in her hands. She gulped hard, not certain that she would be able to do this.

“Now, remember Azlyn, you must keep the drink down in order to complete the ritual and make your marriage official. If you cannot keep the brew down for the remainder of the ceremony, then your marriage will be seen as void. You and Prince Reve will not be allowed to wed.” Andvari warned.

Azlyn took in a deep breath; everything was riding on her ability to stomach this retched serum. She looked up at Reve for one last reminder of what she was doing this for. It all came down to this; if she could not make this happen, then everything they have fought so hard for would be for nothing.

Azlyn raised the golden chalice to her lips and took several big gulps. The liquid was warm and thick; it bubbled against her lips as she drank. She could feel the chunks of the body parts mingling with her tongue. The demon blood burned at his went down; Azlyn could feel the mixture as it moved through her intestines. She pulled the goblet away and quickly handed it to Reve. The nausea overwhelmed her instantly; her body retched as the concoction threatened to rise out of her. She fought the vomit back and held it inside, swallowing it as it rose; she was determined to complete this ritual successfully. She would not lose Reve; not like this, not when they were so close.

Andvari peeked inside the goblet to ensure that Azlyn had drank her fair share. He nodded to Reve to continue the rite, as he was satisfied with the amount that Azlyn had managed to stomach. Reve drank the potion without issue, wiping the leftover drops from his lips as he finished. Reve handed the chalice to Andvari who set it aside.

“Prince Reve and Azlyn, by the power invested in me by the King, Council, and all things dark, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride!” Andvari announced.

Reve, happily, grabbed Azlyn and pulled her into him. He dipped her backwards as far as he could before placing his lips against hers. She reached her hand up into his hair and pulled him into a deeper kiss.

The small group with them began to cheer and whoop as they continued their passionate kiss. Reve’s horns began to elongate, and Kane laughed before reminding him, with a tap on the shoulder, that they were still in public.

“Hey, hey, let’s finish this before you get to that.”

Reve and Azlyn stopped their kiss, lightly giggling as he lifted her back upright. Reve cleared his throat.

“Um…sorry about that.”

“Let’s just wrap this up then. So, these two can have some alone time.” Andvari chuckled. “Demons, demonesses, and humans, for the first time ever it is my privilege to introduce to you; Prince Reve and Princess Azlyn of the House of Reidar.”

“Congratulations!” Everyone cheered as they showered them with the traditional, volcanic, black sand.

Andvari then handed them each a lit candle. Azlyn and Reve held their flames under each other’s right hand; the flames, symbolically, igniting the fires of passion within their blood-bound hands. Once Azlyn could feel her skin beginning to burn, they pulled the candles away. Then they each handed their candles to Umay and Kane. Azlyn took Reve’s arm and they walked down the aisle to the sound of trumpets playing over the loud-speaker.

Umay and Kane used the wax from the candles and dripped an ‘X’ onto the floor where Reve and Azlyn had been standing when they were wed. They handed the candles back to Andvari; before linking arms and following Reve and Azlyn down the aisle. Zareb stepped forward and offered both his arms, Nissa and Truda each took one before the three of them followed the others.

Kane escorted Andvari back to his car and made sure that he was paid handsomely for his services, as well as, his silence. Umay went to oversee the dinner preparations; she knew that Reve was eager to finish the celebration as quickly as possible.

“Are you feeling alright?” Reve asked, wrapping his arms around Azlyn’s abdomen.

“Actually. I feel great.” Azlyn answered, twisting around and wrapping her arms around him. “I am married to the most wonderful demon in all of the realms. Also, since I drank that strange potion and we mixed our blood; I have been feeling surprisingly strong.”

“I have heard that can happen. The phenomenon has been reported by low-level demons who marry above their station.”

“Why would anyone choose to willingly go through with that if they had another option available to them?” Azlyn questioned.

“Because it creates the strongest possible bond between partners.” Reve explained. “There is a part of me inside of you and a part of you inside of me. Now we are always together, forever; involved in and supporting every decision and every action that the other makes.”

“So, this is your strength that I am feeling?”

“Yes. You tap into your demonic partners greatest ability. It should wear off in a couple of days.”

“So, then, you didn’t feel anything from me because I am not a demon.” Azlyn pouted.

“That’s not true. I felt something very powerful. You see, human blood is like a kind of psychedelic drug to us. It makes us feel more amazing than I could possibly explain; it’s like a complete euphoria and your blood is the strongest that I’ve ever encountered.”

“So, you got high off of my blood?”

“If you want to put it that way then, yes, I guess, I did.” Reve shrugged.

“How often have you done something like this?’

“Well, obviously, I’ve never mixed my blood like that before. I have drunk human blood in the past, but it is not something that I have done in a very long time.”

“How long does the…high, last?”

“Sometime minutes and other time hours. It varies from person to person, as well as, demon to demon. No blood will affect two demons the same. From the strength of your blood, I would guess, at least, the rest of the day. Maybe into tomorrow.”

“Into tomorrow? We are supposed to be starting on our journey in the morning, will you be up for it?”

“Yes, of course. If I am still feeling any effects tomorrow, they will be minor. I have been trained to carry out missions under much worse conditions. Once I was poisoned with venom then dropped in the middle of the forest with nothing, but a compass and a pocket knife.”

“Why would someone do that to you?” Azlyn was horrified.

“That is the final challenge for any cadet wishing to be a member of the royal army. Just because I am a prince does not mean that I was exempt from the same trials that all my men were expected to undergo. I had to prove that I was worthy, just as everyone else did.”

“Everyone who joins the army has to undergo that test?”

“Yes, everyone in the royal army and the royal guard.”

“So Zareb did that, as well?”

“Yes. He was quite the candidate as well. He would have gone far in my army.” Reve stared off into space for a moment, lost in his thoughts.

Azlyn noticed that Reve had a certain gleam that appeared in his eye when he discussed his military career. He had trained his entire life to lead the military for the whole of the demon realm. She hoped that he could find a way to be happy with a dull, normal human life.

“Dinner is served.” Umay announced

As everyone headed towards the dining room, Reve grabbed Azlyn by her arm, holding her back for a moment. He pulled her towards him and pressed up against her back. He began kissing her shoulder and trailed the kisses up her neck towards her ear; he nibbled gently on her ear for a moment.

“You have a couple of hours to spend with our friends, but then you are all mine, Mrs. Reidar.” Reve whispered, sensually, in Azlyn’s ear.

Azlyn could not help but smile at his words as her body shivered with anticipation. From this day forward, they would be together as husband and wife. From now on, forevermore, she would be…

Mrs. Reidar.

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