My Dark Prince: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Dark Prince Road)
My Dark Prince: Chapter 48
Seb vB: Eating veggie sushi off Oliver’s bare chest for lunch?????? Gag.
Briar Auer: Ugh. You saw that?
Seb vB: That and the encore. I wish I snapped a pic of Oliver’s face when you informed him you adjusted all the clocks in the house because you don’t believe in Daylight Saving.
Briar Auer: God, your ears must’ve developed supersonic strength.
Seb vB: I see and hear everything from the window.
Briar Auer: Not creepy at all.
Seb vB: Don’t change the subject.
Seb vB: Are you still mad he interrupted your girls’ trip?
Briar Auer: Something like that.
Briar Auer: Blood must have blood.
Seb vB: Why stop at blood?
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