My Dark Prince: Chapter 26
Romeo Costa: We might be late.
Zach Sun: Why?
Romeo Costa: Dallas.
Farrow Ballantine-Sun: What’s Dallas doing?
Dallas Costa: Contemplating how the gym can simultaneously be my husband’s happy place and my own personal jail.
Romeo Costa: Not my fault you told your doctor you’re emotional eating after labor.
Dallas Costa: No, I said I’m BACK to eating after labor and it makes me emotional. There’s a difference.
Zach Sun: Is there, though?
Dallas Costa: Absolutely. It’s my default factory setting. Now he thinks I’m suffering from postpartum depression and need something to release endorphins.
Romeo Costa: You reap what you sow. In this case, eat.
Dallas Costa: How can exercise be prescribed? It’s not even a drug. In fact, I’ll NEED drugs after this. My ass is on fire.
Frankie Townsend: late to what
Zach Sun: Where’s Oliver? That was his cue to dump a mediocre anal joke into the chat. Pun intended.
Romeo Costa: MIA with the missus. We might have to bring food in case he’s forgotten dinner parties require feeding the guests.
Farrow Ballantine-Sun: @Frankie Townsend, a welcome (back) to the neighborhood dinner at the von Bismarck’s.
Frankie Townsend: since when. why does no one ever tell me anything
Frankie Townsend: hello