My Dad’s Best Friend (A Touch of Taboo)

: Chapter 9

We’re going to get caught.

My orgasm sweeps me under. I scream against his palm and surge up, trying to take him deeper. Jonas immediately understands what I need. He wrenches my leg higher and keeps fucking me, one orgasm rolling into a second as he follows me over the edge, his strokes getting harsher and rougher until he grinds into me, filling me up just like he promised.

I expect him to move back, to put some distance between us, but Jonas releases my leg and settles more firmly between my legs. He carefully removes his hand from my mouth and leans back enough to study my expression. Whatever shell-shocked expression is on my face must satisfy him, because he drifts his fingers across the damp hair at my temple. “You’re terrible at following instructions, baby girl.”


“No, you’re not.”

A goofy smile pulls at the edges of my lips. “No, I’m not.” I give his ass a squeeze and coast my hands up under his shirt to the muscles of his back. I sigh a little. “I would really like you to be naked, Jonas.”

“You’ve been disobedient from the very start, and you keep making demands.” His gaze drops to my mouth, which is right around the moment when I realize that he hasn’t kissed me. Something akin to disappointment lodges in my chest, but with my body still practically vibrating from the pleasure of those orgasms, it feels flimsy at best. Who cares if he’s not a kisser? He’s giving me what I wanted; asking for more would just be greedy.

I feel extremely greedy right now.

I lick my lips, watching him watch the movement. “Are you going to…punish me?”

“Do you think you deserve it?”

“Probably.” I can’t help a giddy little laugh. “After all, I’ve disappointed you.”

Jonas strokes my temple again, his expression going contemplative. I can’t tell what’s part of the game and what’s reality in this moment. He’s looking at me like he can pull my thoughts directly out of my head. I could tell him it’s pointless to put in that much work; I’m more than happy to share what I’m thinking. But he’s leading this interaction, has been from the moment he walked into the room and found me with my fingers in my pussy, sniffing his pillow like some kind of horny fool.

Honestly, it’s kind of a relief.

After being in charge of my father’s company for six long months, I am exhausted. I’m tired of making all the calls, all day, every day. Handing over the reins for a weekend filled with roleplaying and pleasure is something I’m only too happy to do. Especially if the rest of the time with Jonas is like this.

He seems to come to a decision and his mouth goes hard. “I ought to put you over my knee.”

There’s no way he misses how my pussy clenches in response to that statement. I grin up at him. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

“You’re no more sorry now than you were the last time you apologized.” But he doesn’t move back. In fact, I’m mildly shocked to feel his cock hardening inside me again. Jonas thrusts a little. It’s an easier fit now that he’s made room for himself. Still tight enough to steal my breath, but there’s none of the almost-pain that put such a delicious edge on my pleasure.

He glances at the closed door. “I suppose since all that racket didn’t wake up anyone, we can save your punishment for later.”

Just like that, we’re back in the game. It doesn’t matter that this room looks nothing like my childhood one or that we’re alone. Nothing matters but the fantasy we spin around each other. I stroke my hands down his back and arch a little against him. “I can be quiet this time.”

“I don’t believe you.” There’s amusement in his tone, a benevolent softening that is just as intoxicating as his disappointment. “However, I’m willing to give you one more chance.”

I already know I’m going to fail. I already anticipate whatever he’ll do in response to that failure.

I’m nodding before he’s finished speaking. “Yes.”

Jonas eases out of me. The loss of him draws a whimper that earns me a sharp look. He climbs to his feet and glances at the door one last time. “It’s a bad idea to keep going.” He refocuses on me, his attention landing on my pussy where I’m still bared from the waist down. “I don’t think I give a fuck.”

He pulls his shirt over his head. God, he’s even sexier than I imagined. His muscles aren’t exactly carved from stone, but he obviously works out and just as obviously uses that body for more than just repetitions in the gym. His pants quickly follow and my mouth waters at his thighs. The man does not skip leg day, and I appreciate that more than I can say. “Turn around.”

Jonas blinks. “Excuse me?”

Shit, that came out like a command, didn’t it? I prop myself up on my elbows and give him what I hope is a sweet look. “Please, Daddy. Will you turn around for me?”

For a moment, I think he might deny me, but he finally sighs out an irritated breath and spins a slow circle. I had my hands all over his ass, but seeing how perfectly grabbable it is has me biting my bottom lip. “You’re sexy.”

“You’re trouble.” He eyes the bed and, with another sigh, yanks the comforter and sheets off it. “Better to limit the sheets we’re ruining to the fitted one.” Jonas climbs onto the bed and positions himself against the headboard. “Come here.”

I crawl to him and have to bite down a little sound when he grabs my hips and hauls me up to straddle him. I start to lift myself up to take his cock, but he shakes his head, a line appearing between his brows. “So impatient.”

“You’re welcome?” I make a face. I’m horribly afraid that I’m pouting, but this man brings out the brat in me. “Sorry that I’m eager to ride your cock.”

“Blake.” The little snap he puts in my name has me straightening my spine. Jonas gives the shirt I’m wearing a dirty look. “Take it off.”

Now it’s my turn to hesitate. To glance at the door. “If I do, then anyone who walks in will know exactly what we’re doing.”

“As opposed to what we were doing before.” He rests his hands on my knees and curls his fingers around to hook the back of them. A light touch, but possessive all the same. One yank and I’ll be plastered against him. Jonas tilts his head to the side, studying me. “Were you caught with your boyfriends when you lived in your parents’ home?”

“Bold of you to assume that I had only boyfriends.”

He nods in concession, his lips curving a little. “I stand corrected.”

I shift, but he hardens his grip, keeping me in place and preserving the distance between his cock and my pussy. Apparently we’re having this conversation until he’s satisfied. I huff out a breath. “I had a lot of sleepovers with girlfriends before I came out to my parents. Boys weren’t allowed overnight, but I had boyfriends over enough to learn how to play innocent when someone walked on the creaky board down the hall.”

“You snuck around enough to get good at it.” A mild statement, but it stings deliciously all the same.

I shrug. “I like sex. I have since I started having it. And I didn’t move out until I was twenty-two, so it’s not like I was living as a saint while in my parents’ house.”

“Obviously,” he says drily with a pointed look at our current positions. “One would have assumed with all that experience that you learned how to be quiet.”

I open my mouth, but reconsider arguing. Instead I shrug and give him a statement both true and meant to incite. “It’s never been a problem before.”

Heat flares in his blue eyes. “Liar.”

“I’m not.” I give into the urge to slide my hands up his chest, reveling in the light dusting of blond hair there. “Just like I’ve never called anyone Daddy before. Just like I’ve never come so hard before.”

“Dirty little liar.” He traces his thumbs over my knees, making me shiver. “Do you often seduce your father’s friends?”

Is there a note of jealousy there? Hard to say. But the new tone in his voice wasn’t there when I talked about my boyfriends and girlfriends. I find that I like the idea of Jonas being just a little jealous. “Does it matter if I have?”

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