My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 25


Third Person Point of View

“I know the consequences,” Leah begged Velvezhi.

Velvezhi scoffed. She scowled at her foolish granddaughter. She knew that Leah did not fully know the consequences of trying to help her worthless mate. There was no chance of survival for Leah. She would be dead and that’s permanent. Velvezhi sometimes blamed her daughter for not raising her own children as she did. She was deeply disappointed.

“Don’t you dare!” Insuvai shouted at Leah. Insuvai felt betrayed. If Insuvai had known that Leah wanted to sacrifice herself, she would have never brought her here.

Velvezhi rolled her eyes. It was always Achira and Insuvai getting attached to their descending family. She was sick of it and wanted it to come to an end. She missed the days when it was just her, Insuvai, and Achira.

“Very well. As you wish, but you are foolish.” Velvezhi agreed. She knew the consequences as well. Achira and Insuvai would be mad, her daughter, Laura, would be furious at the loss of her only daughter. She didn’t care. Leah was offering to end her life and she didn’t wish for her to be alive anymore. It was a perfect opportunity. Velvezhi pulled out the long silver dagger that was in her coat. The look of horror on Insuvai’s and Achira’s face made her hasten her pace. Before they could stop her actions she plunged the dagger straight into her heart.

Insuvai tried to reach her sister to stop her actions, but it was too late. Leah’s eyes fluttered shut and she fell to the ground dying instantly. Leah didn’t even make a sound as she drifted into peace. Velvezhi watched as she took her last breath as Achira and Insuvai screamed.

Alec listened to this scene unfold with shock and horror laced on his face. A sacrifice was made, and the sacrifice should be fulfilled. Velvezhi stood over top of Leah’s body and whispered, “Ōnāy, eṉṉiṭam vā.”

Velvezhi walked to Alec, who had not moved a muscle, and placed her palm on his cheek.

“Mīṭṭamai,” Velvezhi muttered.

If Alec thought losing his eyesight, in the first place, was the most painful thing he had went through then he was wrong. Gaining his eyesight was worse, it felt like a needle being jammed into his eyes over and over again. It felt like a migraine at its peak, like staring into the sun for hours without looking away, and like getting bleach into your eyes all in one.

Velvezhi stepped back as white light radiated from Alec’s eyes like a military flashlight.

Alec muffled his screams, as he thought they were a sign of weakness and fell to his knees. He groaned as the pain continued to hit him in cycles.

Soon the pain stopped and he was on his hands and knees. His breathing was heavy and the world spun, one negative thing about his newly restored eyesight.

“Damn.” He muttered to himself, not expecting to feel the excruciating pain. However, that was not the most agonizing experience yet. He heard it for himself, but he had to see if it was really true. His heart split in two as he looked forward. Nothing was more painful than losing a soulmate.

His world seemed to stop for two reasons. He had never seen such a more beautiful woman in his life. She laid lifelessly on the ground, and he observed her face. Alec thought that she looked more perfect than an enchanting angel. But, she was dead. He wouldn’t even get to look into her eyes for the first time.

Insuvai wept as she fell to the ground beside Leah. “No no no.” She repeated to herself. Achira joined her caring sister and comforted her. Achira was the most powerful sister, but she did have feelings as well. Achira tried keeping herself composed for the sake of her sister. She had always been the one to comfort both of them.

“Why did you do that?” Achira glared at Velvezhi.

Velvezhi rolled her eyes, “She asked for it.”

Alec came back to the realization that his mate was dead because the witch had killed her. He growled furiously making everyone, even Velvezhi, jump in shock. His wolf had surfaced but he didn’t shift, which was an ability some wolves possessed. It made him powerful, and the anger fueled his fire. He jumped forward baring his elongated canines and growled. Alec’s yellow eyes were glowing and swirling with emotions.

He hovered over Leah’s body, “Get away!” He snarled and snapped at them. It was like he was turning feral on the outside and inside. Insuvai and Achira jumped back in fear and that angered Velvezhi. She would never let anything happen to her sisters. She stood in front of her sisters, protecting them from Alec.

“You killed her!” Alec shouted at Velvezhi. He stood up and walked toward Velvezhi with his claws out. He wanted nothing more than to tear her throat out.

Velvezhi made an invisible barrier to block Alec from getting close to her and her sisters. “No. You killed her.” Velvezhi said with no emotion.

“I’m not the one that put a dagger in her heart.” Alec thought that was a reasonable explanation. He was not the one that physically killed her. His wolf howled in pain, and he tried to reach the witches so he could slaughter them all. The barrier was so strong that no supernatural creature could pass it.

“No, you did this.” Velvezhi walked over to a table and grabbed a glass sphere. Insuvai and Achira were too much of a mess to interact with what was going on.

Velvezhi soon stood in front of Alec with a victory smirk on her face. “You are foolish. You are stupid. Most of all you were abusive. She was glad that she died. She wanted it, begged for it. Not because she wanted to help you, but because she wanted her suffering to end.” Velvezhi taunted him. She threw the glass ball a couple feet away from the both of them. When it broke, bitter memories played like a movie. It caught the attention of everyone.

“Open the damn door now!”

“You’re coming with me back to my pack.”

“No, I’m not.” Leah firmly stated “Ouch! You’re hurting me. Let me go!”

“Alpha, you’re hurting her.” Rem begged Alec to let go.

“Okay, let me make this clear. You either come with me or I’ll declare war and slaughter your pack. You know I will and can.”

“You aren’t allowed to leave this house. You can’t have any contact with males except my Beta Remmy. You can’t seek out any contact with your family or previous pack. And don’t get your hopes up, you are only my mate by the goddess’s choice. Therefore I am not falling in love with you. Ever.”

“Your lucky my wolf needs you, if he didn’t you’d die a painful, cold death.”

Alec watched himself strangle his own mate and a single tear appeared on his sad cheek. It was like the air rushed out his body.

“Don’t think about escaping. This pack is surrounded by miles of trees and guards posted at every corner.”

“Stop being a childish bitch!”

“Alec, I’m your mate I-” Leah tried to talk but was cut off by a slap to the cheek.

Alec remembered that day clearly and his actions made his heart painfully ache.

“My parents are dead. I’m blind. Last but not least. I don’t want a mate. What more is there to talk about!”

Watching these memories play was like torture. Alec realized all she wanted was to talk to her mate and have a good relationship with him, but it was too late.

“Shut the fuck up!”

“I’m not your mate.”

“I will do whatever I want,” Alec said and rested his hand on Leah’s back. Then he slid his hand down and squeezed her butt.

Looks of disgust formed on Insuvai and Achira’s face. Alec’s heart tightened and sweat formed on his body. He finally saw and realized the damage he had caused.

Alec saw Leah slap him hard, and he suddenly wished he could go back to that moment and change it all. More remorse filled his body when he saw himself strike her on the head.

“Why? Your mate!” Leah gasped.

“I want my eyesight. Not a mate.”


“You little bitch!”

“I’m going to fucking kill you, you bitch!”

Alec clenched his jaw at the bad memory when he almost choked in his own mate to death. Seeing it in person was the worst thing, and it made him feel shameful. Achira and Insuvai watched the movie-like images and they saw all the bad things Alec had done. It was like a fast run through of Alec and Leah’s life since they met.

“No, I mean. They actually think I would do stuff with you.”

“There is no us.”

“Well back when I was younger I wanted a mate. I can see how foolish I was.”

“Your right. Only my wolf wants you. I need to stop giving in to what he wants.”

“You know you have to be alone in a tent with me tonight, away from the humans." Alec threatened Leah.

“Your such a bitch.”

“Get it through your thick fucking head. I don’t love you. I never could love someone as weak as you.”

“Abuse? I’ll show you abuse.”

“Really you want to tell me to stop. When all your fucking doing is leading me on some adventure and hanging out with some lame ass witch.”

“How many times do I have to tell you. I need you alive to get my eyesight. When I get my eyesight, I am done with you.”

“I told you I’ll never want you. Sadly my wolf needs you. I want my eyesight, you could drop dead after I get my eyesight and I wouldn’t care. My wolf will get over it.”

Alec instantly regretted those words he had said. He basically pushed her to do this, he practically killed her with his own words.

“Shut the fuck up and quit telling me what to do!”

“No, you are probably just fucking him.”

“All I want is my eyesight. I don’t like the idea of mates.”

“Make that the last time you tell me what to do! I’m the Alpha.”

“I’ll do as I please.”

Alec sighed in relief when it was over, but the pain remained. It was all mistakes that he couldn’t take back. He stares off into the distance.

“What have I done?” He questioned himself.

He felt as tiny as a flea, and he wished he could just disappear. He suddenly didn’t care about his eyesight, his pack, or even himself. He just felt pain everywhere.

“I didn’t know it was that bad,” Insuvai whispered to herself as anger consumed her.

“I’ll do as I please.” Velvezhi mimicked him. “Ain’t that something?”

“I-Im sorry.” For the first time, Alec stuttered.

“It’s not us you should say sorry too. That will be your punishment. Living the rest of your life without her.” Velvezhi boomed.

Alec couldn’t take it anymore and he cried as he walked toward Leah’s body. He kneeled down next to her.

“I’m sorry. I should have done better.” Tears feel down his face. She was the most beautiful women to Alec, and he ruined it. He kissed her cold forehead and scooped her up in his arms.

“Where do you think you are going?” Insuvai sneered stopping Alec dead in his tracks.

“I’m taking her back to my pack for a proper burial,” Alec stated firmly.

“I think you have done enough.” Insuvai glared and walked forward with powerful strides. “Get out!” She yelled.

“Excuse me?” Alec was angry. His mate is dead, and he thought the least they could do was allow him to bury her.

“Put her down because you are not taking her! She is getting buried here.” Insuvai demanded.

“No, she is not.”

“Yes, she is! You’re the reason she is dead in the first place.” Insuvai argued. “I won’t tell you again. Put her down.”

“No,” Alec said and continued to the exit of the cave inside this mountain.

Alec fell to the ground, dropping Leah, and tried to breathe. Insuvai had never felt anger like this before in all of her years of living. She wanted to make him pay for the loss of her only grandniece. Insuvai made his throat squeeze shut with just a flick of her wrist. She did it for all of the times Alec choked Leah, made her feel pain, and made her feel inadequate. She wanted him to die.

“Insuvai stop!” Achira shouted. “It would be a waste to kill him. The damage is already done. Leah gave her life for him. Let us respect her wishes.” Achira told Insuvai.

Insuvai stopped hurting Alec but she was still shaking with anger. She turned around and stomped up to Velvezhi.

Insuvai pushed her back, “I have no respect for you! But I respect Leah.” It was the first time Insuvai has not spoken Early Modern English.

Alec left empty-handed with his heart broken in two and it stayed behind with his dead mate.


The End

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