My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 18


I hadn’t realized I blacked out until Damon snapped his fingers in front of me. I came to a realization and stood from the dirt ground. I blinked a couple times and looked at him.

“What happened?” I asked.

“I could ask the same thing,” Damon said observing the area. I looked around at the small village and it was all burnt to the ground. The only thing that stood was a tall metal pole with a flag. “How did you do that? No regular wolf shoots fire out of their hands.” He said while still holding his mother in his arms.

I sighed because there was no reason to hide anything from him. He already witnessed everything first hand. “I’m a part witch, but no one can know. Since you’ll be joining a pack, and it will probably be mine. You can’t even tell my mate, which is going to be hard.” I told him.

“Who’s your mate?” He asked.

“Alpha Knine.”

His eyes widened in shock, which is the most expected reaction. I have made the conclusion that all shifters in the world knew who was, and I was right. Even though we are hours and hours away from Romania, Alec Knine is still a name to fear for all shifters.

“He has a mate? And it’s you!” He calmly freaked out. “The Knine Pack is here! Oh my god- you are the Luna!” He said. “I’m going to die. He is going to kill me.” He said.

“Damon, why would he kill you? And the whole pack did not come, it’s just me and him.” I said.

“For starters, what my father did to you. And I saw you with... no clothes.” He whispered the last part looking around the woods line. I laughed my ass off.

“Relax it’s fine. You saved my life. He should be grateful.” I calmed him.

“Is it true?” He asked. My face turned into a puzzled expression. “Is he a god in bed? I’ve heard rumors from other girls in Romania, you know how well those things spread” He continued.

My face dropped, “We haven’t yet. Despite what people think, it is hard being his mate.” I said.

He nodded his head. “I understand.”

In all reality, I don’t think to do. I don’t think anyone understood, except Rem and Alice. Everyone probably just thought he was picture perfect and would never hurt his mate. Which was wrong, but I still love him like the idiot I am.

“So I really did this?” I questioned.

The smell of burning flesh hit my nose, and it was like the first time I was seeing this. The body count was huge, and the way they looked, after being burned to death, made me want to puke. “I’m a monster,” I whispered to myself. I gulped hard and tried not to let myself cry. This was a lot of guilt to handle at once.

“No, they are. Trust me. They all use and abuse people. Even the females of this rogue pack.” He said with distaste in his voice. “What’s your name?” He asked.

“Leah Indica,” I answered.

“Indica? How unique.” He said.

“Do you know how to get back to the Deniero pack?” I asked Damon.

“Yeah, but we need to take my truck there.” He nodded down to his mother. I instantly knew what he was implying. She was too weak to shift, and that would be a long walk for the both of us.

I was thankful that he knew where the pack was because I had no idea where I was since I was kidnapped. Again. Damon laid his mother down in the backseat of a truck with blankets that he had. I hopped in the passenger seat and then he started the car.

“So do you think he is worried about you?” Damon asked me referring to my mate.

“I imagine so, considering that he can partially feel my pain, even if we didn’t mate fully.”

His eyes widened, “So he felt it when you got shot?”

“I guess so,” I said. “So how did you guys end up as rogues?” I asked.

“My father was kicked out of Logan’s pack when I was young. He got into fights with many pack members, and he did other worse things. So when he was kicked out, he found a bunch of rogues, and they wanted to overthrow Logan. After years of failing, he took his rage out on my mom and me.” He explained.

“You say his name so casually. Do you know him?” I asked.

Damon paused for a minute and I heard his teeth clenching. “He is my uncle.” He finally stated. “Wow,” I said.

“And he just let you go with your father to be a rogue?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He shrugged it off. I dropped the subject noticing that it might be hard on him.

“So what about you?” He asked. “What about me,” I replied.

“How did you meet Alpha Knine.” He said continuing to drive on the dirt road. I laughed, “At a mating ceremony. That was the last time I have seen my family because he demanded that I go with him.” I told him.

“Yeah being an Alpha like him, he’s probably very possessive,” Damon said and I just shrugged. Once again there was an awkward silence.

“So what are you two doing here, so far away from home?” He broke the silence. I looked back to check on his mother because it was awfully quiet, and she was still breathing.

“Um...” I trailed off deciding if I should tell him. I could obviously trust him because he did save my life, that was once again put in danger. “Well, we are on our way to go to Mount Denali in Alaska.” I gave him an answer.

“Well, that’s a long ways away. And for what?” He asked another question.

“To see if a powerful witch can give Alec his eyesight back.” I decided to tell him the truth.

“They can do that?” He asked looking at me for a brief second. “Yeah, you know in medieval times, witches stayed in wolf packs for protection from humans and other creatures. They helped a lot through the bad wars when it came to healing.” I explained.

“How do you know that?” He asked. “I was in honors werewolf history in high school,” I said truthfully. “Well, how do you know one even live there, in the mountain.” He said.

“Because I saved a witches life, now she is paying me back. You’ll see her soon, I suppose.” I said.

Before he could ask another question, we pulled up at the pack house, and I was thankful for that. We both got out the truck and Damon received his mother. Logan and Damon’s eyes met each other, and thick tension filled the air. The pack members sensed that, and many of them bailed.

“Damon?” Logan’s eyes became glossy. He walked up to Damon and lightly gave him a hug, making sure not to hurt his mom. The surprise looked on Damon’s face, and the sad eyes of Logan made everything less intensifying.

Damon pulled away and glared at him, “You sent me away to became a rogue just like you did with your brother.” Damon growled out.

“No, I didn’t, I sent away your father alone after he killed our parents. You were going to stay in the pack, but your father took you. I would never send a helpless child to be a rogue. He also forced Layla to go with him as well. She was going to stay in my pack.” Logan explained. “I sent many of my warriors and hunters to find you, but they never figured out where you were.” Logan finished.

“I believe we have some catching up to do,” Damon said.

“Agreed. Come, I’ll have a doctor look at Layla.” Logan said. Damon still had Layla, his mother, in his arms and they walked to the pack house, leaving me alone.

I walked to the packed house to finally face Alec. I went to the room Alec and I shared expecting to find him. Instead, I was tackled to the ground with a bone-crushing hug. “Ever not doth that again! You knoweth rogues are a problem around here.” Insuvai exclaimed excitedly to see me.

“It’s only been a day.” I chuckled at her reaction.

“Correction, it hast been two whole days. Alec has been going crazy! That man is actually out looking for you right now.” She said. “Where haveth you been?” She asked.

“I was kidnapped by rogues,” I said.

She gasped and put her hand to her mouth. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, um something weird happened.” I started whispering to her.

“Liketh what?”

“Damon, Logan’s nephew, rescued me, but when I saw the guy that kidnapped me, I became so mad. I remember killing him with fire, it shot out of my hand. Then I blacked out. I can’t remember what happened. Then I guess I woke up, and the whole village was burned down to the ground. All the rogues were dead.” I whispered to Insuvai.

She nodded her head taking everything in, “Leah, your more powerful than you bethink. Possibly more on the witch bloodline side than we all bethink. Fire is a powerful element, especially at which hour you are angered. What all hath happened while you were kidnapped?” She asked in a hushed whisper.

“I was shot by a gun, but I healed my wounds with my ability. The man that kidnapped me, Damon’s father, he tried taking my blood because I didn’t go unconscious when it came to vampire venom. Anyway, he was going to drain me completely, then Damon showed up and saved me.” I quietly said.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” Insuvai said in a normal voice.

“Yeah me too. I need to take a shower.” I said.

She hugged me once again before she left. I gathered some clothes in my hand and went into the bathroom. I made sure to wash all the dirt and blood off my body. Especially from the bullet wound, which was a faded scar. My sore muscles, from the hard cold concrete, where finally able to relax under the extremely hot water. After I was done with my shower I change into some pajamas ready to relax and get some real sleep, even if it was during the day.

I walked out of the bathroom, and I saw Alec.

“Hey.” He sounded different.

“Hi.” I nervously greeted him.

I remembered the last thing I did was knee him where the sun didn’t shine. I imagine he didn’t appreciate that much, but instead, he didn’t yell or hit me. He walked up to me and hugged me. I relaxed into the hug when I realized he was being sincere.

“Are you okay? Where were you?” I didn’t feel like dealing with any more questions, I just wanted to sleep.

“Rogue’s kidnapped me. It’s a long story.” I said.

He growled, and his eyes turned a dark shade of brown. The darkest I have seen on him. “I will kill them all! Where are they!” He had an aggressive tone in his voice.

“They are already dead. I would rather not talk about it.” I said but he ignores me.


“Damon and I killed them.” I yawned tiredly.

“Who the fuck is Damon?” He had a jealous tone in his voice.

I chuckled at that. “The man who saved me, so don’t go all possessive jealous Alpha on him.” I laughed.

“I’m not jealous.” He said.

“Okay well, I’m taking a nap,” I said and laid on the bed.

Alec laid down with me and I cuddled into his side. My wolf and I wanted to be comforted by our mate. To feel some form of safely, even after all the things he had done, I couldn’t deny that I felt safe with him. His warmth radiated off him and I felt relaxed. He was stiff at first, but he slowly put his arm around me. The sparks that I felt showed that we were close to each other.

“Alec?” I was curious about one thing.


“Have you felt my pain through the mate bond?” I asked.

“Yes, I was worried. I didn’t stop looking for you.” He said and I almost melted.

“Then why can’t you feel my love through the bond?” I asked. It felt like all the air had been sucked out the room.

There were a couple moments of silence. “I can.” He said. “But I can’t love you.” I would have reacted negatively to his words, but I didn’t this time. I was used to him saying stuff like that, I felt immune.


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