My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 48: Sing For Me

"Why are we back at the mansion?” Lyra asks stepping out of the car.

"Come here, love. I have something to show you." Taking her hand, he leads her inside then towards a door she never noticed before. The puff of air coming out after opening it is musky and damp. "Ladies first." He offers holding the door open for her. Curious she goes down the stone steps and right down to an old dungeon. Turning on the spot she is amazed by the entire space. Mostly by the big stone bench standing proudly in the far end. It has big sturdy chains in every corner complete with large metal cuffs and it's one of those that uses sturdy pad locks. Various instruments meant for torture hangs in neat rows on the wall above the bench.

"Like it?" I thought you would like this place. "And here comes our guest of honor.” They both watch as Jaze and Malarath straps Greg to the bench using the chains. What a sight it is. Lydoran was right about her liking this space. Overwhelmed she turns to Lydoran with teary eyes and a bright smile.

“Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

“You can always show me later.”

Hugging him tightly she breaths him in. The love she holds for this man is endless and she will never let him forget just how much he means to her. Never stop caring for him the same way he cares for her. Stealing a few more seconds with her consorts she composes herself and turns towards Greg, ready to hand out his punishment.

"Now, little child." Malarath places himself in front of her." Since killing and torturing humans is against our laws under normal circumstances, I will have to be the one taking on this very fine gentleman. I recorded what you did to the other, unfortunate, soul. It will be delivered to the king together with papers found at Mr Neserovs estate as well as Greg's.”

"Will you put on a nice performance for me, Mal?" Lyra asks using a french accent and prudishly bat her lashes.

"I do have a flare for the dramatic, my lady. I won't disappoint, that I can assure you.” winking he methodically begins cutting Gregs clothes. "This poor fellow is far from beautiful but I guess there must be some who thinks otherwise.” He mumbles the last part more to himself. He discards all clothes and throws them into a bag held by Jaze. From his inner jacket pocket, he fishes outs a parcel made out of leather that he rolls out alongside the bench. The content is various types of surgical knives, needles and whatnot.

"Time to wake little Greg here." Choosing a knife to his liking he picks it up and simply stabs it into his thigh. Needless to say, Greg wakes up with a violent jerk but thanks to the chains he stays put instead of falling down. It takes a moment or two until pain registered in Greg's brain so his scream is slightly delayed. "Good morning Greg. Had a nice nap?"

"Who are you and where am 1? Greg demands to know. "I have money. Just let me go and I'll give you as much as you want.”

"Money, I have plenty myself but I am curious about certain people. Men and woman, Italian, last name is Pialla.” This got Lyras full attention.

"What about them?"

"Where are they now? Tell me and I promise to be nice."

"They live in a small town in Italy. They moved back there from France when the girl moved out. Everything is payed for by Elmir and he promised to do so as long as she was alive. Monthly transfer. Big sum of money. That's all I know." Greg is sweating rivers and stammering as he hurriedly spits everything out.

"Good boy." Malarath pats his cheek condescendingly. With a smile that even chilled Lyra down to her bones, he starts carving merrily into the other man's thigh. Greg screams echoes against the stone walls. He cries and pleads for Malarath to stop but he never does. Jaze holds down Greg by pressing a hand to the chest. Words like pig, grease monkey, weak, whore, rapist and so on is being artfully carved everywhere. Malarath really takes his time to make it look good. Easy to read. When Greg is about to pass out, they inject him with adrenaline to forcefully make him stay awake. Flipping him over Jaze gets the honor of whipping him from head to toe. They even flog him under his feet. Blood is pooling out of every lash and Lyra loves every moment of it

"Are you still with us Greg?" Malarath asks as if they were the best of friends. When Greg only wheezes out incoherent sounds Jaze releases him for the chains and non-too gently helps him sit up.

"You said you would be nice.” Greg stammer/wheezes between strained breaths. His entire body shaking from chock and pain. Snot, saliva and tears is smeared all over his face. Blood coats his wiggly body.

"And I have been. You don't want to know what I would have done to you otherwise. Another promise I dare make. Now Greg, it's time to stand and get cleaned up. Jaze lifts Greg to his feet but the man falls down limp to the floor. Malarath and Jaze looks at each other and shrugs nonchalantly not really caring.

"I'll just do it where you lie, easier. Jaze, if you please.” Malarath says holding out his hand. Jaze hands him lemons, salt, chili, chlorine and a cactus? Lydoran throws his head back releasing a boisterous laugh with a knowing glint in his silver eyes. It takes a while for his laughter to simmer down to a merry chuckle. Still chuckling he buries his face in Lyra's neck and snakes his arms around her waist holding her close.

"What are you doing?" Lyra asks glancing down at Lydoran. Malarath only winks while Jaze joins in on the laughter. She shakes her head bewildered and leans in against Lydoran.

"Time to get cleaned.” Malarath announces in a sing song voice kneeling beside Greg. Taking a knife, he slices two lemons in half and starts to rub one half on Greg's back using it as a sponge. Occasionally squeezing the juice out into the gashes then rubs it properly. This is repeated until all four halves are used. Greg tries to scream but after screaming for so long there is barely any voice left. Only hoarse croaks escape his chapped lips. After the Lemons Jaze pours a generous amount of salt in every gash. Then chili, which they even take the time to rub in. Not so gently. Lastly chlorine is poured until the very last drop.

"Are you still with us Greggy, boy?" Jaze asks merrily, bending down to look. "Think he has passed out. Should we wait?"

"Nah, let's just continue. All his screaming nearly popped my eardrums. For a man he sure squealed like a little girl."

"He is far from a man. "Jaze objects looking at Greg with distaste. "I have an idea but you go first.”

Nodding Malarath picks up the cactus and slowly pushes it inside Gregs ass using rotating motions. Lyra laughs while making a face of being totally grossed out. Now she understands why Lydoran hid his face in her hair. Malarath stands up and uses Lyra's method and stomps it all the way in with his foot. Then gives a harsh kick for good measures.

"Your turn good sir." Malarath says to Jaze who flips Greg over. Picking out a knife he slices his dick off and shoves it down his throat.

"Ooh...absolutely awesome.” Malarath applauds. Lyra who felt a tad bit left out picks a

machete from the wall and beheads Greg in one clean cut. The three men looks at Lyra surprised. It all passed in a blur.

"Come now darling. I want a shower and you promised to fuck me." Lyra says, drops the machete and walks away.

"They really suit each other." Malarath says thoughtfully.

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