My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 34: Delivery

"Morning little mouse, had a good night's sleep?”

"Like a kitten. If I knew training could make one sleep like a dead, I would have started ages ago. Lyd working today?" Lyra gratefully takes the large plate stacked with waffles and fresh fruits Jaze offered her upon entering the kitchen.

Jaze shakes his head.” He decided to run laps today. Didn't I tell you he's crazy.”

Doing a mix between a grunt and a sigh Lyra managed to make a noise resembling a dying animal that made Jaze laugh and nearly choke on his food. She only shrugs her shoulders as an answer then starts shuffling food into her mouth in very un-lady like manner. Moaning she shoves in another fork full loving the taste of waffles together with the sweet fruits, totally ignoring a coughing Jaze.

"If waffles can make you sound like that, I wonder what else can.”

Lyra barely avoids choking mid-chewing but turns slightly red around the ears, cheeks and throat from the unexpected innuendo. Lydoran’s comment made her blush but seeing his amused silver eyes and half-dressed state from training it only makes it worse. Did not help that Jaze found the whole thing hilarious.

"I bet you are a closet perv.” Jaze says from out of nowhere and thus adding to the already embarrassment of Lyra.

"You think so?" Lydoran asks with interest, quick to follow, knowing very well what his blood child is doing.

"It usually is the quiet ones or so I've heard." Jaze continues with much credibility and a serious face to match.

Feeling scrutinized under their gaze she can't finish her breakfast and pushes the plate away. Face is still heated and won't go back to normal as long as they keep on talking like that. Lyra knows Jaze loves to tease and his blood father isn't one to decline when fun is offered on a plate. Her getting all embarrassed only fuels their mischievousness further.

"You really are cute when blushing, love.” Lydoran leans in closer and looks at her face.

"Okay, that's it! I think it's time for me to leave now and thanks for the breakfast.” Lyra speaks in a rushed manner, stumbling over some words, and quickly cleans her plate and nearly runs out of there. Their laughter follows her out. But she knows they didn't laugh out of cruelty. Smiling she shakes her head at them. Walking out from the small library through the hidden door, separating this part from the rest, she stops to admire the hallway as light surrounds her. The site of the mansion itself with its spacious rooms and impressive windows will never cease to amaze yet living in the old servants’ quarters without windows or the grandness feels more home. Safer. She greets one of three maids on her way outside. They all live here and have been assigned a room each as a thanks for keeping everything in pristine shape but rarely are they seen. Rarely has Lyra seen any of them beyond the hidden door but they do know who they're working for. Guess privacy is the reason.

"Love, wait."

Hand on the door handle she's about to step out when his voice interrupts her. A childish thought pops up in her head and she quickly turn, sticks her tongue out then dashes outside laughing like a toddler.

"Is that how you will play then sure, I'll play.” He shouts and starts running after her. Running faster she aims for getting far enough ahead to hide in the vast garden out the back but strong arms snatches her around the waist and lifts her up in the air making her let out a squeal like scream.

"Let me down, Lyd!" she tries to demand but laughs too much.

"You can't outrun me, love." he says cockily. "Now your punishment for running. “setting her down he holds her firmly with one hand snaked around her waist and tickles her mercilessly with the other. "Say you give or I continue.”

"Never!" she says defiantly to which he responds by torturing her even more. He lays her down on the ground and uses his weight to keep her down then tickles her with both hands. "Ok...okokokok..OK! I GIVE!"

"Good." he ruffles her hair. "Get back inside and eat some more, I know that you are still hungry.”

"I'm good for now.”

Lyra wipes away some tears and stands up with the help of Lydoran. "Jaze has made you something tasty.” he tries and wins.

"You two are going to be the death of me.” She mumbles softly.

"Oh that we will be, love." Lydoran smirks. "And what a beautiful death it will be." winks and throws her over his shoulder.

"Let me down, please?"


Thinking fast she gropes his butt in hopes of startling him into releasing her but she only manages to make him stumble and momentarily stop. Not the result she wished for.

Did you just pinch my butt?" he asks stunned and a bit amused.

"Yes I did." She confesses confidently thankful for being held upside down which hides the blush perfectly. "What about it?" she sasses. How she manages do be so daring is beyond her but secretly proud of herself for pulling it off.

Throwing his head back he lets out a belly laughter with a rich sound that gets her all warm. "Did you like what you felt?" he asks chuckling.

"Do you even have to ask. Both you and Jaz have bodies that could make anyone drool.”

Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of a vehicle. They stop mid-step and awaits as a car approaches them; logo of a delivering company adorns the entire side of the vehicle. It stops right in front of them and a guy around his late twenties hops out and eyes them with curiosity. Not every day a girl is hanging off of a guy's shoulder. Finding the situation somewhat funny, Lyra waves in greeting.

"I have a delivery to Mrs Neserov?"

"I can take it." Lydoran says holding out his hand.

"If you would just show me some ID first then you can sign and the package is all yours.” the guy says politely while still sneaking glances at them both.

Lyra helps by fishing out his wallet. Picking out the driver's license she holds it out. Lydoran only smiles when feeling her slender fingers dig in his back pocket. He can't refrain from laughing when she even holds it out, knowing how this must look. The poor guy seems so confused when he slowly reaches out to grab the ID from her. The guy looks at it and writes something down before handing it back to her.

"Sign here please." Lydoran signs. "Thank you, here is the package, have a nice day."

"You too." Lydoran replies absentmindedly. His focus is on the medium sized package. "Here you open it since its addressed to you." He holds his arm limp at the side so she can take it out if his hand. Reaching she takes it and holds it, twists and turns it in hopes of getting answers. Only one way to find out and that is opening it. The wrapping is black with a bright red bow on. Squared in shape and not so high. Curious she slowly peels the rapping away and reveals a black velvet box with a lid. Jewelry? Opening the lid, the first thing she sees is a note and underneath the note rests a very familiar piece. Gasping she drops everything to the ground.

"No." is all she says.

Gently Lydoran sets her down, holds her close before bending down and picking up the bright red collar together with the box and the note. He reads the note and holds her tighter.

'Ilt's time for you to come home soon, wife. Playtime is over." says the note with an all too familiar handwriting.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before he would find me."

"He will never get you, love. You belong with us and we will never let you go back to that monster." he kisses her on top of the head and gives her a tight hug to emphasize what he just said. "Let's get back inside and talk to Jaze."

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