My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 31: Lydoran

"Naughty, naughty little girl you are..."

Evil laughter

"Found you and now you will be punished.”

Sounds of chains being dragged on the floor

Several people laughing and shouting. Moaning. Begging.

Standing still she searches for the source of the sounds but only complete darkness surrounds her. Tremors of fear assaults her body. EImir is close by. Lyra can feel his presence and turns to run only to find herself paralyzed. Not a single limb moves. Panic spreads like wildfire.

Choking on a scream Lyra sits up in bed. Heart pounding a mile a minute. Looking around frantically she quickly searches for a light switch. The view of her wonderful room with different shades of green slowly calms down her frantic heart.

Another nightmare.

Glancing at the time she tiredly rubs her face when it's only around three in the morning. The nightmares are getting worse again. More frequent. She was happy for a short period of time when the memories didn’t torment her and naively hoped they had stopped completely. This proves just how naive she really is. Throwing the covers aside she gets out of the bed and the room and lightly tip toes her way over to Jaze's door. Not the first time being here she simply lets herself inside and resumes tip toeing all the way to his bed. Climbing in she curls up next to his sleeping form.

"Nightmare?" his raspy voice echoes in the darkness.

"Yeah..." Snuggling closer she breathes him in

"I'll keep you safe.” Jaze tucks her away against his chest and snakes his arms around her smaller frame. Fingers combing through her thick hair just the way she likes it. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really..." Resting her head on his chest she allows sleep to claim her again knowing Jaze will keep the bad memories away. It feels as if only five minutes has passed when something or someone tries to capture her attention. Faint sounds flicker in then out as she keeps going in and out of sleep.


Groaning she moves in hopes of getting away from whoever it is trying to ruin her slumber. Sadly, those hopes are crushed when something wet and cold attacks her face, causing her to more or less roll out of the bed.

Lydoran is standing by the bed smiling widely. "Morning sleepy head."

" was that?" she asks rubbing the sleep away.

"That was a cold, wet towel. I put it in the freezer before dropping it on your sleeping face.” Grateful for being woken by a towel and not a bucked filled with ice and water she slowly raises from the floor. “Where is Jaze?" she asks yawning

"Work so it's only you and me today. Take a shower and come eat. Made you waffles.” Lydoran affectionately ruffles her hair and kisses her forehead then leaves so she can get ready. Leaving Jaze's room for her own she takes a steaming shower washing away the nights unpleasant dreams then quickly dries, brushes and puts clothes on and heads for the kitchen

"Smells yummy." she smiles taking a seat. Handing her a plate filled with waffles, vanilla ice cream and strawberries she tucks in, happily munching and loving every bite.

"Hey, Lyd?"

"Yes, love?"

"I have been wondering about something..." she starts getting insecure about voicing her thoughts.

"What about?" Lydoran finishes cleaning up and takes a seat next to her.

Eating the last pieces, she wipes her mouth and turns to look at him. "Where are you from originally? You have wonderful cinnamon colored skin and unusual eyes that looks more silver than grey and they really stand out. In a good way." She quickly adds.

"India. Don't exactly remember where in India. My family traveled together with ten or fifteen other people and some days the group grew larger as we came closer to a town or village. We were what others much later called Gypsies. Traveling folk. Don’t remember much from that time but my eyes got a lot more attention back then and not always in a good way. My mother used to tell me that the moon had blessed me and that I was meant for greater things.”

"May I ask how you got to be a vampire?"

"It was one of those normal nights where we stopped to make camp for the night. The women prepared the food and the men got a fire started and secured the horses. I had this beautiful, buckskin colored, Akhal-Teke stallion my father got me as a birthday present when turning fifteen, age of man. Having a good horse showed wealth and wealth would get me a good wife he said. I did find a girl when I was around twenty but we never got married. Anyway, that night started like any other night but later some men came demanding our horse's food and even asked about the women and girls. Refusing all their demands they got mad and drew blades. Our camp turned into a bloodbath where young children were crying and women screaming in fear and panic. I was fighting alongside my father when a sword cut through my right side and pierced through my chest, missing my heart by an inch. Lying there I thought it was all over, that my life would end at 25. That's how my maker found me, in a pile of my own blood. He asked if I wanted to live and seek revenge. Not wishing for death I accepted his offer. Did you know why he asked me and no one else?"

"There were others alive as well? Why only you then?" Lyra asks quietly.

"Yes, there were others with grave injuries, in need of help, but my eyes were the reason he wanted me. He told me to end the suffering of my people and at the same time say goodbye to my human self by drinking from them. They were no longer family."

"Where is your maker now? What's his name?"

"Malarath is around somewhere. Maybe you will meet him some day."

Getting the feeling that's all he wants to share about himself she nods and drops the subject. "Wait..." Lyra breathes out with goosebumps spreading on her arms. "You asked Jaze the same thing Malarath asked you?" So much for dropping the subject but watching closely, this question doesn't seem to weigh him down the same way.

"When seeing Jaze that night it reminded me of myself the night Malarath found me. Broken, lying in a pool of his own blood, life taken away for some petty money and jewelry. Made me sick to see so I offered him life and a chance for revenge. I never regret asking him."

"And now here I am. Not found on the verge of death, but the revenge theme is there. Must be running in the blood to save those who are broken." Lyra says playing with her fingers while thinking over what's been shared. She notices there are many differences in their life, including her own strange life, but in some strange way very much alike at the same time.

"Who said you had to lie in your own blood to be near death?" Lydoran interrupts her thinking. Looking up with a puzzled expression she has a hard time following his line of thoughts and shows it by silently waiting for him to elaborate what he means. "How much longer would you have survived in that house before turning mad. Six months? A year? You preferred a raging storm before that house meaning you had intentions of either dying or die trying, whatever came first. Tell me that isn't being on the verge of death? You were slowly drowning, love.” Hearing Lydoran speak his mind, new light was shed on her former life and never did she see herself as a person walking towards death. Never did she think about suicide, which would be normal, or any other harmful things. But apparently what she did was worse than taking her own life. She nearly let someone else do it for her while she willingly handed it over without questioning or protesting. Thinking about everything, really thinking about it, causes her to break down willingly for the first time. Lyra crumbles into a pile of living mush in front of Lydoran, who takes her in his arms as so many times before and let her cry and scream out her sorrows and agony. Lyra cries for the wrongdoings in her childhood. For all the times her so called family has harmed her and made fun of for the sole purpose of being cruel. She cries for all the pain she suffered through since ending up as Elmir's wife. She also cries for the poor girl who had to suffer because of her. Gryndol will never be forgotten and she always wonders where she is now and if she is okay. Lyra is crying so hard that a headache starts to build. Giving Lydoran all her weight she closes her eyes tiredly allowing sleep to pull her under.

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