Mr. Grayson: Billionaires’ Club Book 4 (Billionaires’ Club Series)

Mr. Grayson: Billionaires’ Club Book 4: Chapter 11

My morning was a disaster so far, starting with me walking out to my car only to be reminded I didn’t have the damn thing anymore. After spending all day Sunday, half hungover, going over the jacked-up paperwork from my embezzling employees, I could safely say that the last few days had been less than ideal. Regardless, I had all my paperwork ready for Mitchell and Associates’ legal teams, and that’s all that mattered.

I secured an Uber to take me to the office, and instead of feeling sorry for myself that I’d lost my car because of my dickhead employees, I used it as fuel to ignite a fire under my ass to handle business with those thieves.

I was doing great until Jacey overheard Theo on my speakerphone, asking me about the car. With perfect timing, she walked in as he mentioned my unfortunate financial situation. She was an angel when I ended the call right then and there with Theo and explained in vague detail how managing shitty employees had bitten me in the ass. With some resistance—and I’m sure confusion—she agreed to keep it between her and me. She tried to urge me to inform Alex, but when I explained that my new business partner didn’t need to know about my crappy financial problems while dealing with my sleazeball employees, she backed off. We left it at that.

I wasn’t used to being broke or accepting charity of any kind, so when Natalia offered to let me use her BMW—one of her extra cars—to say I was humbled was an understatement. Maybe a bit of my pride was bruised, but that was no one’s fault but my own. I was wholeheartedly grateful to have such understanding friends in my life. My only problem was that I wouldn’t get the keys until today, and it wouldn’t have been a problem if good old Alex hadn’t been prying into the whereabouts of my car all fucking morning.

He was the last person on earth I wanted to know about this. Learning my company was upside down because I’d been a spineless leader was more than he needed to know about me. My financial situation, however, was probably enough for him to walk away entirely. Someone like Alexander Grayson would never understand why I put everything back into the company because I was determined to keep my dad’s legacy alive. Shit. I can’t even imagine trying to explain that to Mr. Business in a suit.

After pushing his nose out of my business, ignoring the dark three-piece suit that served to enhance his fine figure and beautiful face, I was prepped for our first meeting of the day with our heads of marketing and sales.

While Alex talked and seven other men and women sat around the conference table, I watched their reactions to his words. Some seemed annoyed at the changes that were taking place in the company, and some seemed confused. They listened to Alex as he explained the finalization of the merge. After rounding everything out with my company moving into this building, the only thing left to do was to continue to shake things up, push out complacent employees, and perhaps find some dirty ones working for Brooks Firm too.

As he spoke, I studied the real estate company Brooks had been using—the agents and the land they scoped out for their customers—and I found a potential issue that could be a problem.

“Mr. Grayson,” I spoke after he asked for input before moving forward, “I know we’re going over in time here, but I’ve found something that’s bothering me.”

Alex smiled and nodded. “Take all the time you need.” He took his seat at the head of the long glass table while I stood and walked toward the middle of it with my iPad. “Would you like to share what you have on our big screen?” he asked, trying not to laugh at my lack of technology savviness, coming from a company that didn’t hold meetings in such a way.

“Go ahead.” I handed it to him.

After he ran his fingers over the touchscreen, the corner screen in the room projected the real estate that one of our team members was working on for a project. It was a horrible plot, not at all acceptable for this project, and I was shocked marketing and sales had allowed it to move forward.

“What are we looking at here?” a man named Greg asked.

“We’re looking at a project site for a brand-new outdoor mall,” I answered, walking over to the screen that displayed the images of the land. “This isn’t good real estate, and I wonder if the architect who’s working with this client understands that.”

“That site was the best in the valley, according to the agent. Our clients want an outdoor mall on a larger scale, and this was the biggest piece of land. It came at a great price,” a woman named Tish answered.

“I didn’t ask why it was purchased; I asked if the architect who’s designing an outdoor mall with a waterpark included in this unique design knows about this site.”

“No. We purchased it, and the client agreed.”

“Why didn’t you work with the client’s architect?” I asked in confusion. “Shouldn’t they have a say in where their design will be?”

“What’s wrong with the site?” Alex asked.

“For starters, it’s next to a sewage treatment facility, not to mention the tangle of freeways intersecting around it. Would you shop anywhere outdoors near that?” I looked at the expressions of realization popping up on everyone’s faces except for Tish, who defended the site location.

“Perhaps the agent left that part out?” Tish said.

“Perhaps that is why you got such a fantastic deal as well, Tish,” Alex eyed the woman. “Find out which sales member on your team approved the purchase of this shitty site, pun intended, and then we’ll discuss why we’ve encouraged our clients to build a fantastic outdoor mall next to a goddamn toilet.”

“We need to make sure that we’re visiting the sites we purchase; this shows me that no one went to the site with their client. I know we’re all living in a digital age but visiting sites that we’re to build on isn’t just good client business, it’s also necessary for us to see the grand scale and do the best job possible. It’s got stay in the—”

“Excuse me,” the door cracked open, and my secretary Nicole had a look of horror on her face that forced me to pause in the same manner. “Natalia is here with a car.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake! I thought, remembering Nat was dropping the car and keys off at noon so we could grab lunch. Unfortunately, this meeting had run right into the lunch hour, and my stunning blonde best friend was waiting behind where Nicole stood, dangling keys as if she were my transportation fairy godmother.

“Show her in,” Alex said with that sly smile of his.

Natalia walked in. Being a real estate agent for a top broker in Beverly Hills, she was dressed and coiffed immaculately, and I watched her air of confidence fill the room along with her rich perfume.

“Sorry to interrupt. I hadn’t a clue Bree was still in a meeting,” she said in her usual commanding voice. “I just need to hand off these keys…” she stopped when she saw the look on my face—a look that would’ve turned her to stone if it could’ve.

Nat was caught in the crossfire of Alex’s smirk and me looking at her with a death stare at the same time as she locked eyes on the sewer property.

“Keys for Ms. Stone’s car? The one that’s broke down and in the shop?” Alex pressed.

“Yes,” Nat smoothly said. “I had no idea where to park the thing. Forgive me, but I can’t help but notice the construction site next to that wretched sewage treatment plant.” She smiled at the room. The men sitting around the table were damn-near drooling over her, and the four women sat there with challenging expressions. “I’m in real estate, and I know this site well. I would never allow any of my clients to purchase it. Please God,” she looked at me, “tell me this isn’t another situation that occurred at Stone.”

Alex smiled. “This is a lapse in judgment that occurred within the Brooks Architectural Firm that Breanne spotted with her eagle eyes. Tell me, Mrs. Hoover, or is it Miss?” he inquired as Nat relaxed into her usual real estate agent pose.

“It’s Ms. Hoover.” She glanced at one of the young, hot guys in the room. “And I plan for it to be Ms. Hoover until the day I die,” she added while my mouth dropped. “Call me Nat, though. I prefer that method when I’m in a conversation.”

God, Natalia. I will kill you.

“Good to know,” Alex answered while everyone around the table watched this theatrical event playing out. “I won’t look for a wedding invite anytime soon.” He smiled while Nat eyed me with a look that said, if you don’t fuck this man, I gladly will. “Now, you mentioned you wouldn’t allow your clients to purchase this real estate?”

“I’m with J&R Brokerage. I’m sure you’ve heard about us?”

“My friend, Spencer Monroe, had a great experience with your firm with the purchase of his two homes,” Alex said.

Nat nodded and smiled in her sultry way. “Mr. Monroe was one of my most enjoyable clients,” she added. “We had a brilliant—”

“Nat,” I interrupted my best friend, who was likely about to announce that she’d screwed mine and Alex’s boss to a room full of employees. “Perhaps you would like to meet me downstairs. I’ll only be a moment.”

“Of course,” Nat smiled. “I do hope no one signed on the dotted line for that property.”

“It’s for an outdoor mall,” Alex said, keeping Nat in the room.

Is he trying to give me a fucking heart attack? The smile on his face told me he loved every ounce of this shit.

“I would like to offer you an exclusive opportunity to work as our sole agent for Brooks and Stone. I should hope you specialize in commercial as well as residential properties?”

“You’re talking to the finest real estate agent in Beverly Hills, Alexander Grayson.”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Leave, Nat. Please, God, just go.

“I could sense that from the moment you walked into the room,” Alex said. “How about this,” he looked at the department heads around the table, “we’ll meet tomorrow in the first-floor conference room. I want each employee on your team present as we introduce Miss Hoover to them. She will be their new contact for properties, so we don’t end up building a children’s museum next to a nuclear reactor.”

“I’m the girl for the job.” Nat smiled at me.

“Would you recommend Miss Hoover’s services?” Alex asked me with a shit-eating grin.

“She’s who we used at Stone, and she comes highly recommended.” I smiled at my best friend. I should not have been surprised that after spending a handful of minutes in the room, Nat’s sass had landed herself a job as our exclusive agent. She was nothing if not charismatic. “It was her work that brought us that remarkable piece of beachfront property for Sphere before it even hit the market. She’s skilled, she’s fast, and she’s worth far more than I’m sure we’re willing to pay to secure her.”

“Oh, I think she’ll like the package I’m willing to offer.” Alex smiled at me before he looked around the room. “Any questions before we all meet again tomorrow with all teams present?”

“None,” Tish said flatly.

“Good,” Alex narrowed his eyes at her. “I expect you’ll fix this purchase error, apologize to the clients, and work swiftly with Natalia tomorrow to find a better location for their mall in the valley. I don’t settle for shit, and all of you are keenly aware of that. Especially you, Tish,” his dark stare softened her stiff posture. “Fix this by the meeting tomorrow. I want to see that the property is either back on the market or sold by then. This error is egregious, and I hope we don’t uncover anything else like this under mine and Ms. Stone’s watch again. You may all go and grab some lunch.”

I filtered out with the rest of the room and took Nat’s elbow in my hand, leading her directly into my office.

“Nat,” I sighed, then hugged her. “You know you’ll be the end of me, right?”

“Good Lord, this is the end of you? This room is fucking heaven on earth!” She raised her hands and walked toward the corner of my office that had floor-to-ceiling windows.

She stepped forward, leaning into the way the windows were fashioned to slant outward, giving an optimum view of the garden area located next to a small boutique mall and cafe.

“Speaking of—”

“Gloria’s!” she smiled back at me. “We’re shopping there. I’m sure you can use some leather and lace in your wardrobe. It’s expensive, but…” she paused, and her coy smile spread on her lips when she looked at my door.

“I’m sure that since we caught thieves in Stone and landed the Sphere account,” Alex said, stepping in behind where I stood, “Breanne could afford to purchase some of that fine Italian clothing for all of us.”

I pursed my lips and eyed my best friend, then turned around. “Not while my car is in the shop,” I reinforced my lie.

“Right,” Alex slipped his hands into his pockets, a gesture that shouldn’t have done anything to me whatsoever, but it served to keep the man as sexy as sin. “Strange.” He looked at Nat. “The keys that you delivered, aren’t they for Breanne’s car?”

“Listen,” I held a finger up to keep Nat’s lips shut and looked at Alex, “I have a hefty bill to pay for repairs, so no, I’m not going to be buying you lace underwear for your wardrobe today, Alexander.”

He playfully smiled at me, and I knew the man wasn’t done with his quest to find out I was broke as fuck. Why the hell did he care to find out so much, anyway? Jesus Christ, turn a blind eye for God’s sake. Something told me that it was probably morbid curiosity—like watching a horrible reality television show—that kept his attention. The constant, shitty drama in my life was like a train wreck he couldn’t look away from.

“Dammit. Maybe on a better day, then,” he said. “So, Miss Hoover, I must know the details of your friendship with my good friend, Spencer Monroe.”

“Spicy Spence?” She did her sexy yet contagious laugh. Then she caught herself when she realized she’d revealed her sex name for our boss.

“Spicy Spence?” Alex laughed a laugh that made this stressful situation fade in that instant. “God in heaven. I thought I would never have anything to hang over that man’s head.”

“I don’t plan on seeing him again.” Nat’s eyes darted to me for help, but she walked into this game I’d been in the middle of since Alex and I first met. I might as well watch her squirm in her confidence a bit. “So, please, do not mention I’m working as your agent.”

“Was he a dick who dumped you? Don’t tell me that because of his lack of good judgment, I’m going to lose my partner’s friend and someone who appears to be an excellent real estate agent too?”

“Natalia might not be our number one choice here,” I interrupted. “If she’s had a relationship with Mr. Monroe, then that could potentially be a problem, and we can’t have any more drama than we already have.” I looked at Nat. “You’ll most likely be seeing him again; are you up for that?”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “Monroe was a great time, but the man answered a call in the middle of…” she paused while Alex softly laughed.

“Sex?” Alex said.

“Yes,” she answered. “It doesn’t get any more humiliating than that. I’m an amazing—”

“Real Estate agent,” I finished Nat’s sentence, stopping her from treating Alex as if he were Theo or one of the girls, “and I would like to keep you involved. We need to find a way to have you help us secure deals, but not quite working with a man you screwed.”

“If I weren’t allowed to work with men I screwed, I’d never have any work at all!” Nat said with a laugh.

“And there it is,” I added, covering my face with my hand as Alex laughed loudly at my shameless friend.

“Well, I’m starving,” Alex said, breaking up this conversation. “Breanne, I would take you to lunch to discuss what Mr. Mitchell and Monroe have planned, but I believe you and your friend here have some job details to work out.” Alex rocked back on his heels as I nodded. “The lawyers and Monroe are set to finalize the things, and we’re just going to be there for the entertainment. Enjoy your lunch, ladies. I’ll see you at the Howard building at two o’clock.” Alex nodded, and then he left like he magically floated on air.

“Nat, what the living hell?” I said to her.

“What? I screwed Monroe, and I thought I was amazing, but the son of a bitch still stopped in the middle and answered a goddamn phone call.”

“That’s what you get for screwing wealthy businessmen to close deals.”

“Breanne Stone,” she snapped, “he signed the agreement first, then we had cocktails, and the liquor drove me into his bed.”

“Being in my boss’s bed is bad enough.”

She looked over at my door. “I can tell Alex is still part of Mitchell and Associates, and he’s more of a boss to you than Spicy Spence could ever be.”

“What does that mean?” I asked, closing my door.

“It means I have a suspicion that Alex—your partner—not only works here, but he also has his tight connections with your parent company. He’s best friends with the owner, for Christ’s sake.”

“I’m so done with this day, and I haven’t even met with lawyers and ex-employees yet.” I rubbed my forehead. “I have no appetite, and I probably should go hunt Alex down and figure out exactly what’s going to—”

“You’re having lunch with me. You’re going to relax, and you’re going to appreciate that I see how Mr. Alex Grayson looks at you. Your cute little expressions? Your horrible poker face? All of it fuels that man to want you, and in delicious ways, I’m sure.”

I smiled at her. “Everything is sex to you,” I grabbed my purse, “and I’m not you. So, if Alexander Grayson thinks he and I are going to have sex while he answers his phone, then he is sorely mistaken.”

Nat chuckled. “I highly doubt he will be answering phones while you’re riding him to the extreme heights of ecstasy.”

“We’re walking out of my office now,” I warned her. “No more sex talk, and no talking about the loaner car you brought me—which, thank you again for that.”

“No problem,” she said. “Ronaldo is my partner at the agency. He’s the one I’ll have rep for us over here if you and Alex still want our real estate services.”

She was more professional now that we were in public again, mostly because she was on her way to eat. I loved the girl, but God almighty, she had a knack for fucking me over in the worst ways possible. There was never any gray area with Nat, though. Everyone knew exactly where they stood with her, and at times, I felt like I would be wise to learn from her fearless nature.

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