Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 

It has been a week since you ran away from meare you sure he’s not planning to hide you from the world or something?Karina asked

He’s notSofia said

He is not holding you against your will, right?Karina asked

Of course not!Sofia chuckled at that

You sound differentKarina said. Hearing this, Sofia smiled. She got out of bed and walked towards the window where she could see Alexander chopping up some firewood for the cabin. It had been a week since they stayed in this cabin. A week since that incidenthappened

Seeing him chopping wood for the fireplace was no longer new to Sofia. A familiar warmth bloomed in her chest as she watched him work. The crisp air sent tendrils of smoke curling up from the woodpile, momentarily obscuring the play of corded muscles in his back and arms

She couldn’t deny a thrill that shot through her every time she saw him like this, so domestic yet undeniably primal. He glanced up, catching her eye through the window. A slow, teasing smile spread across his face, a silent promise that sent a shiver down her 


How are you feeling?Karina’s question pulled her out of her stupor

WellI feel better now that you told me that man will not be able to walk and will rot in prison,” Sofia said. Alexander already told her this. However, hearing Karina confirm everything made it sound even better. Does that make sense

Then when are you coming back?Karina asked

Probably two or three days more” 

You are not really planning to leave your company behind, right?” 

Of course not,Sofia chuckled. It’s just thatthis place felt so peaceful and different. She wanted to stay here longer but she knew that would be impossible. Both of them have responsibilities. A sigh escaped her lips

What’s wrong?Karina must have sensed her unease

Did you once dream about living a life in the mountains? Away from everyone 







Chapter III 

she asked


There was laughter on the other line. Sofia immediately frowned. What?Sofia asked

Are you joking?Karina asked


I would love a life like thatKarina interrupted her before she could say never mind‘. But I can’t exactly do thatcan I?” 

RightWhat was Sofia thinking

A week in a cabin and you are already thinking of giving up your mansion and living in a place like that?Karina chortled. I meanI know your husband is hot and you are probably spending a lot of time in bed with him but let’s be honest hereyour man had a multimilliondollar company to run and you you are going to take over LH Group once the dust settles.” 

Sofia sighed. “I knowSofia said

Do you?” 

I really do.” 

Karina chuckled. But you can go back there every month, right? I meanI know you will be busy once you get back but a day or two away should not harm youright?” 

Sofia’s expression brightened when she heard that. Why do you always say the right things?she asked

Because I’m pretty?” 

Sofia laughed

AnywayI should go now.” Karina said. He only asked me to update you about the case. I should probably not spend the whole day chatting.” 

Rightsend my regards to Adam.” 

Do it yourself. That man is grumpy right now.” 

RightSofia said before the two bid each other goodbye. Sofia’s gaze landed on the lumberjackonce again. Luckily, they have no neighbors or she would have told him to stop doing what he was doing. She chuckled at her thoughts


Chapter 111 

What was she thinking

She moved away from the window and once again made her way into the bed where a book was waiting for her. With a smile on her face, Sofia started reading her book until she fell asleep

The darkness around her jolted her awake. For a short period, panic surged inside Sofia. Then she realized that the room wasn’t completely dark now as there was a lamp not too far away from her. She had actually fallen asleep while reading her book

Alexander must have come inside the room and tucked her in. Checking her phone, Sofia realized that it was already seven in the evening. She walked towards the window and just as she expected, it was already dark

Then she made her way out of the room. Alexander?she called out when she smelled something good. Was he making something delicious again? Since they stayed here, Alexander started showing off his culinary skills and decided to cook a lot of delicious meals for her

Alexander?she called out once again as she made her way into the first floor of the cabin. When she didn’t hear any answer, Sofia checked the kitchen. Sadly, Alexander was nowhere to be found. However, just as she was about to leave the kitchen, she spotted a fire outside of the cabin

Sofia arched an eyebrow as she found her thick coat and boots. She then made her way outside and finally found the man that she was looking for

The crisp night air hit Sofia like a slap as she stepped outside, the thick winter coat doing little to ward off the sudden chill. But the cold was forgotten the moment she saw the source of the flickering light a crackling campfire blazing merrily in a clearing just beyond the cabin porch


Alexander stood beside it, his broad form silhouetted against the dancing flames. He was lost in concentration, flipping something over a cast iron pan that hung precariously from a tripod above the fire. The scent of woodsmoke mingled with the aroma of sizzling food, a delicious combination that instantly made her stomach rumble

Hey,she called out, her voice soft in the crackling silence of the night

He whirled around, a surprised smile splitting his face. Hungry?” 

The firelight cast warm shadows across his face, highlighting the planes of his cheeks and the glint of amusement in his eyes. She couldn’t help but feel a familiar warmth 


Chapter 111 

bloom in her chest

The smell woke me up,she admitted, stepping closer to the fire, the heat radiating outwards a welcome comfort. What are you making?” 

Just some steaks I found in the cabin’s pantry,he said, his voice a low rumble. Figured we could have a proper campfire dinner.” 

This place is amazing, isn’t it?Sofia finally broke the silence, her voice barely a whisper

It is,” he agreed, leaning back against a tree trunk. But it’s even better with you here.” 

This escape from their usual hectic lives, this stolen moment in the wilderness, seemed to be heightening everything between them

They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the only sound of the crackling fire and the occasional sound of what seemed like insects or animals nearby. Sofia watched as the flames danced, casting an enchanting glow on Alexander’s face

Want to see something special?he asked suddenly, a hint of mischief in his voice

Before she could answer, he was already holding out a hand towards her. Taking it without hesitation, she allowed him to pull her up to her feet

Where are we going?she asked, a playful smile tugging at her lips. What about the food?” 

A grin spread across Alexander’s face. Don’t worry, the steaks need to rest a few minutes anyway. Besides, I wouldn’t let you starve.” 

He took her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers, sending a spark of warmth through her. Come on,he said, his voice a husky murmur. It’s just a short walk.” 

They followed a narrow path that led away from the cabin, the snow crunching softly under their boots. Fairy lights strung along the way cast a soft glow on the snow- covered trees, creating a magical atmosphere

Wow,Sofia breathed, gazing up at the stardusted sky. The city lights were a distant memory here, replaced by a breathtaking canvas of twinkling stars

They reached a small clearing, and Alexander led her to a rocky outcrop that jutted out from the cliffside. The world seemed to fall away beneath them, offering a panoramic view of the surrounding valley

Chapter 111 

Sofia gasped, speechless at the beauty before her. The moonlight cast an almost magical glow on the snowcovered landscape, and the distant mountains seemed to pierce the night sky

Alexander wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. Their body heat radiated against the crisp night air, creating a warm haven in the vastness of the wilderness

It’s beautiful, isn’t it?he murmured, his voice low and intimate

Sofia leaned her head against his shoulder, a contented sigh escaping her lips. It is,she whispered back. This whole place is magical.” 

They stood in comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying the moment, the breathtaking scenery, and the warmth of each other’s company. The weight of their responsibilities back in the city seemed to melt away under the vast expanse of the night sky

I don’t want this to end,Sofia finally admitted, a hint of sadness in her voice

He squeezed her hand gently. Me neither,he replied, his voice husky with unspoken emotion. But we can always come back, right?” 

She pursed her lips. Hey, Alexander?” 


She turned her head towards him, meeting his warm gaze. “I think I am falling for 


The silence that followed almost made her heart burst. Was he going to reject her

A smile slowly appeared on his face. Isn’t that unfortunate?he asked

What is?she frowned, confusion laced her gaze. The amusement in his voice sent a playful jab through her nervousness. She swatted at his arm lightly. Unfortunate? Why would that be unfortunate?” 

He chuckled, the sound warm and rich in the quiet night air. Because, darling,” he leaned in, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, I thought you fell first. After allI fell for you a lifetime ago.” 

Chapter III 

Sofia gasped, speechless at the beauty before her. The moonlight cast an almost magical glow on the snowcovered landscape, and the distant mountains seemed to pierce the night sky

Alexander wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. Their body heat radiated against the crisp night air, creating a warm haven in the vastness of the wilderness

It’s beautiful, isn’t it?he murmured, his voice low and intimate

Sofia leaned her head against his shoulder, a contented sigh escaping her lips. It is,she whispered back. This whole place is magical.” 

They stood in comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying the moment, the breathtaking scenery, and the warmth of each other’s company. The weight of their responsibilities back in the city seemed to melt away under the vast expanse of the night sky

I don’t want this to end,Sofia finally admitted, a hint of sadness in her voice

He squeezed her hand gently. Me neither,he replied, his voice husky with unspoken emotion. But we can always come back, right?” 

She pursed her lips. Hey, Alexander?” 


She turned her head towards him, meeting his warm gaze. I think I am falling for you” 

The silence that followed almost made her heart burst. Was he going to reject her

A smile slowly appeared on his face. Isn’t that unfortunate?he asked

What is?she frowned, confusion laced her gaze. The amusement in his voice sent a playful jab through her nervousness. She swatted at his arm lightly. Unfortunate? Why would that be unfortunate?” 

He chuckled, the sound warm and rich in the quiet night air. Because, darling,” he leaned in, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, I thought you fell first. After allI fell for you a lifetime ago.” 

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