
Chapter 25. Frost

An immediate meeting is called by Gemini as soon as I make it back safe. There are whispers and stares at me, they mutter how stupid I am for reasoning with the corner, how they shouldn’t trust my judgement because I have none, but when someone says that I’m the cause of all of this because Daelortoze said I set him free, Gemini and Libra both snap.

After that everyone apologizes to their lords for their mouths and I, embarrassed by the truth to their words quickly tell them the corner had me confused with someone else. I’m frightened by what they would think of me if they knew that their was truth to the corners words, that I did in fact set him an his siblings free.

Gemini pulls me to the side and asks if I would lead the meeting, and seeing the nervousness and an emotion I have yet to decipher on his face, I oblige. He needs a break from being in charge and I can tell there’s something bothering him.

Everyone now awaits me to speak as they sit and I don’t test their patience and start. “If this week has shown us anything its that we now face stranger threats.” The last word holds just as much weight as the first day Gemini came to earth for me. “Threats not on record, not like any you’ve ever seen, but think of these threats as the worst things you can imagine. Many of you may have had nightmares, dreams that felt real and even were real. Results of the corner Daelortoze who just payed us a visit so if you don’t believe in the corners you need to know they are real, and you just saw one of them. Daelortoze was willing to come to an agreement, he will stop the nightmares if we only welcome him- give him a room here in the manor.”

Chatter and disagreement follow idly behind my last statement and soon the room is loud and noises pierce my mind. “Silence!” They room goes silent at the sound of my command, something I’m getting better at. “As people of this manor you all have a say but mind you, if you do not welcome him then you will suffer the consequences seeing as we have no battle plan to beat them. Since you all feel so superior why don’t you tell me which one you’d rather, nightmares literally walking the halls? Or Daelortoze walking them?” When they say nothing I prepare to go on. “A buffet and a room here is all he requests, I say we give him what he requests and in exchange he gives us peace. Yes?”

Everyone nods despite the sour looks on some of their faces. “Lord Gemini, do you agree?” I look at Gemini and he nods.

“I do, we want peace and we’ll take it where we can get it. So if its a room and a buffet he wants, we’ll feed him the finest and quickly give him a bed.” Gemini looks away from me as he speaks which is weird because he usually holds eye contact, I don’t stress this as I turn my attention to Libra who is on the other end of the table.

“Lord Libra do you agree?” Libra examines my face for a few seconds before answering.

“I don’t particularly want a nightmare leach running around my house but we have to do what’s best for the depth lands, for this world so yes give the nuisance a room.” He waves me away and I turn my attention back to the others. Satchel sits in the far right corner studying me with wide eyes as if he’s scared that one blink will make him miss the most important part, I know we’ve thrown a lot on him at once.

“Now that we have come to an agreement, nightmares are the very least of our problems.” I walk to the other end of the room. “There are three more corners and they’re hiding god knows where in Ecladias- they could be in the manor and we do not know what their capable of. Just like their brother they can do things never seen by this world, we need to prepare for the unknown.” Someone raises their hand and I point to them.

“How will we prepare for the unknown when we have no idea what it could be?” Many mutter agreements and I can’t say they are wrong to agree.

“Mentally we have already saw what one can do so we need to prepare our minds because even they will fight this battle.” A battle of the mind, I’ve heard that before. “Be on guard at all times and if you see something out of the ordinary you know how to contact me or the lords to report it. For your safety no one should leave the manor until the threats can be identified and actions can be made involving them. These corners may not be so complying as Daelortoze , they may not take a room and leave us be because as you all may have heard, they created this world and sometimes creators want their creations back. They may want this entire world back, if that is what they seek and they don’t get it Ecladias will become a war zone and breathing won’t even be safe.”

Libra stands and I walk back to my original spot in the center, letting him take stand. “Even the rulers will be at war, these creatures created Ecladias they are more powerful than the world itself so we need to be smarter than them to override that power. Things might get hectic but we are warriors, each and every one of you and that’s why we picked you to help us lead.” They give him their full attention, I see the way they look up to him, humble to him and I admire it. But you will never, as long as you stay here- as long as you live, disrespect Serenity like you all did earlier.” His words shock me and I try to wipe the look off my face but I’m sure some saw it, they only nod in agreement their faces set like stone as they stare up at Libra.

“She is the queen of the morphers, yes, but as long as she is here she will rule with us.” I look between him and Gemini in disbelief, Gemini only nods at me as if to confirm his brother’s words before looking away. Satchel’s eye nearly pop from their sockets at this and Libra notices this too but doesn’t go to do anything about it.“So you will respect her just as you respect Gemini and I, and her commands are to be followed through, are we clear? If we are you are dismissed.” They bow their heads before standing up and leaving the room calmly, it seems like we’ve been in this meeting room more times than we’ve showered this month and I know it’ll only get worst.

Gemini leaves with the others so only Satchel, Libra and I remain. “Thank you again.” I tell him. “You didn’t have to and you guys definitely didn’t have to let me rule with you.” They didn’t, and I’m grateful for their kindness, they become much more like family every day.

“I wanted to.” He adds quickly. “I needed to, your a part of this manor now just like anyone else and you deserve to be treated like one.” With a nod toward a frozen in place Satchel he begins to set off toward the door. “Meet me later in my study?” I nod, offering him a small smile before turning to Satchel.

“Queen? Queen of the morphers?” He asks in utter disbelief, standing from his place in the corner and walking toward me. I nod, not able to suppress the giggle that escapes me at how confused he looks. I didn’t think Gemini and Libra wanted him to know who I really was but its obvious they really trust him seeing as Libra just threw my identity around in front of him. “How? Where did you come from?”

I laugh more, pulling his arm so that he trails behind me out of the meeting room. “Calm down jack I just flew my spaceship from Mars.” I joke as we begin walking to my room.

“Really?” I smack his arm at his stupidity and shake my head, he chuckles.

“To think, the heir to the morpher thrown has been my beautiful date this entire time. Who knew?” I smile at him, shaking my head as we turn a corner. “You didn’t have scent, and all creatures have a scent so I was suspicious, but he thought of you being a morpher never crossed my mind.”

“I know, morphers haven’t been here since the last rein so you’ve never smelt one, right?” I’ve heard the story a million times in different words and it never fails to aggravate me, but as he nods a new question forms in my mind, one I’m not sure why I never though of before. “Why aren’t there any morphers? What happened to them all?”

Satchel sighs, we reach my room door and I tell Dorraine my name before we both waltz in. He sits on the sofa at the end of my bed and I sit at the edge of my bed. “Well, after the cave of Emilia was sealed, poof went the morphers.” A frown line forms on his forehead as if he’s deep in thought. “They went by the hundreds, completely disappeared, some said it was because of some freaky sire link the generation had to Emilia but that’s bull, there’s no sire link between a species and their ruler, if the ruler dies they die, they don’t take the entire species with them.”

“Why does everything draw back to Emilia?” I’m suddenly in a trance to know more. Why does everything draw back to her? Other than the queen who was she? I haven’t heard of any other queens having their own specially sealed caves and taking an entire species to death with them.

Satchel whistles lowly, twirling his pointer finger on the side of his head. “Emilia was cra-zy. Rumor is she got her heartbroken and that’s why she went loony but nonetheless, she was loony. The woman would cut your head off for touching her.”

I furrow my brows. “If she was that crazy there’s no telling what she put in that cave, whatever it is Daelortoze wants it. Part of our deal with him is for you and I to help him ope the cave.” Satchel’s eyes go wide again.

“For Gemini I can do it, but if a corner wants it.. are you sure?”

“Yes.” I sigh. “Its the only way to keep the peace, we both want to open the cave anyway so we kill two birds with one stone.”

“Then we open it.” He says in a final tone.

I smile at him, he smiles back and then we both break into a fit of laughter. The rest of the time he spends in my room is spent by jokes and laughing and I realize just how much his personality can make your whole day better.

In my days here I haven’t made a steady friend since Aisha went south, but I think I’ll have a long and great friendship with Satchel Frost here. I see it now as he mocks the actual Jack Frost and then starts comparing the character to himself.

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