Moonbloods Season 1

Chapter Negera Pass

Once back on the road, riding came a little easier to me but now I was just tired. We had left Vendera at dawn and the sun was now setting and the guards were beginning to get restless. When Emris called it a night, I was glad to get off my horse once more. We're had reached the woods, thankfully, but Niko insisted we still had at least a days ride ahead of us. The guards and servants bustled about, collecting fire wood and setting up tents.

I was out by the River bank, kneeling in the cold gravel, watching the stream pass me by as i washed my hands in the alcold river water.

Hiram had sent that scroll before he left for Vendera. How many more did he send? How many more people knew? I reached up and scrubbed the tears from my face when I herd someone approaching.


I turned to face Lord Melbourn, his long beard and pale eyes were damp from the fine mist that was falling from the sky. "Yes, Lord Melbourne."

He sighed. "This is... a difficult situation, Princess," he told me.

"What situation is that, My Lord?"

He sighed. "The Prince seemed very taken with you. He does not wish to see you hurt... he feels the need to protect you."

I stared at him, not sure what he was getting at. "Meaning, he will neglect his duties to please you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Please me?" I demanded. "I never asked -"

Graven Melbourne did not strike me as a stupid man. He was a man of great, political skill. He was a smart man and he knew how to get what he wanted. "You didn't have to, Princess, however the Prince does not seem himself when he speaks of you."

I shook my head again. "How do you mean?" I asked him.

Niko appeared beside me and nodded to Lord Melbourne. "We will be resting here for the night. Prince Emris wishes that you join him inside."

I frowned. "Inside?" I asked him, looking around. I spotted a rather large tent that had quickly unloaded and set up. Guards were carrying in trunks and bags into the tent. I sighed and stood to my feet. I now had an answer for him. "With all due respect, My Lord, you must be mistaken. Prince Emris has said time and again that he is only doing as he ordered."

Lord Melbourne nodded. "Perhaps," he allowed. "Did he also tell you of the other suiters he has had over the years?"

I stared at him. Other suiters? Melbourne seemed to notice my surprise. "You didn't know?" He seemed surprised. "Yes, Prince Emris turned them all down- even the ones with stronger claims then you, Princess."

I shook my head. "Stronger claims?" I asked him.

He smiled at me. "Ones who have not been... tarnished."

I felt my face close like a door. "I don't know what you mean, Ser."

Melbourne smiled and handed me the same scroll Emris has shown me. The same one from Hiram.

I felt sick all over again.


I turned to face Emris quickly who had discarded his cloak in trade for a thick silk sweater. "Go away, Melbourne!"

I watched Melbourne bow his head and turn away. "Come, it's cold."

Emris held the heavy flap of his tent open for me. A wave of warmth washed over me as the tent fell closed once more. It was a heat to tempting to resist.

Inside the tent, the floors were covered in fur, soft pillows and blankets, trunks of cloths, a wash basin and, in the middle of the room was a raging fire pit, a large holding some kind of stew was cooking over the flame.


I looked over at Emris.

He was seated on the floor, surrounded by furs and pillows before a raging campfire. I watched him ladle a serving of stew for me and hold it out to me. I walked over to him, pulling the string of my cloak. Emris reached forward, handing me the cup. I took it, the steaming cup instantly warning my hands. I hadn't realized that I was freezing until I had grabbed the cup. My fingers were stiff with cold but quickly thawing with the hot stew in my hands.

Kneeling down beside the fire, Emris helped himself to some food. "What was Melbourne saying?" he asked me. I lowered the mug to my lap, staring at the flickering fire.

"Hiram... he is very thorough. He showed me the scroll his House received. I'm sure he sent them to others as well."

Emris looked up at me. "I figured as much," he admitted. "Hiram thought he was smart. He was a fool."

I couldn't help it. A surprised laugh, sarcastic and not at all amused, past my lips. "A fool?" I echoed. "Seems like he was pretty damn smart to me!" I pointed out.

Emris nodded. "Yea, but I am smarter!" he reminded me. "And so are you! No one would dare speak of it again."

I shook my head, looking back at the cloak next to me. The crumbled price of parchment was still in the pocket. "What will happen to me of the King dissolves our engagement?" I asked him in a low voice. Emris stopped, dropping his half-eaten piece of bread into his bowl. "What do you mean?" he asked me. His voice had turned hard, demanding. He didn't like what he was hearing.

"Well... I mean, given my extremely recent history... and that I am not Mortal... I just figured-"

Emris continued eating, biting into his bread aggressively. "No."

I shook my head. "You are immortal, Emris-"

He glared up at me. "Yes, so are you, Love, yet here we are!"

I sighed. "I know you don't want this," I pointed out suddenly feeling out of breath. "Any of this."

Emris looked back up at me, the fire casting heavy shadows on his face, making him look more menacing. His face turned cold, his eyes flashing a bright silver.

"You know nothing of what I want," he snapped.

I lowered my hands once more, the hot cup burning in my hands.

"No," I agreed. "And I don't think it will matter if I did."

Emris laughed at me. "Probably not." He laughed it off, but his face told another story. What I'd said bothered him. I stared at him, trying to figure him out.

"What do you want from this, Emris?" I asked him in a low voice.

I watched his eyes darken in color as he lowered his gaze to my hands, setting his food aside. "What do you get from this?"

Emris sighed. "Ok... the truth of it?"

I nodded. I wanted to know what he was getting since I was giving up everything.

"I knew you were a Moonblood before you were even born, Nalia. Your parents reached out, during the war-"

I nodded. "The one you raged against the false King," I said. "The same war that killed my parents."

Emris sighed and nodded. "Yes. They were running from the Temples. Moonbloods were in high demand-"

I shook my head. "You knew... but the King-" Fear flooded through me. If King Alistor found out about this... my head would be on a spike before I could explain that I didn't practice. The best I could do is move some things with my mind.

"He will not know until I want him to. Anyone who threatens to out you... they will meet the same fate as Hiram."

I shuddered, gripping my cup in my hands. I couldn't help but ask. I had to know. "Why?" I asked him.

Emris raised an eyebrow at me. "That doesn't answer my question!" I reminded him. "What do you get from all of this?"

Emris shifted uncomfortably. "What is it?" I asked, scared now.

"Your fathers name was Ambrose Crane-"

I shook my head. "He died four years ago at the Drydalien Court. I don't like to speak of it," I said desperately.

Emris shook his head. "Ambrose of Azga. King Habil's last born son of the Crane bloodline." It took me a moment to understand what he was saying. I felt sick again. "So that would make me-"

Emris nodded. "An actual Royal."

"An open rebellion, Emris!" I breathed out horrified. "Hiram knew about this?"

"No," Emris assured me. "Just a few trusted people. And you are not an open rebellion, Nalia. Hiram had no idea... making his crime all the worse." His face turned cold again.

"Then how-"

"Magics," he told me.

I shook my head, setting the cup of stew aside. "Then how did you know?" I asked him.

"You father," he said. "He asked me to take you as my wife when my father became ill ."

I felt my heart sink. "The king is immortal- how is he dying?"

"Magics," he said again.

"My parents..."

Emris shook his head, his face becoming pained. "When you father asked me to take you away from Summer Creat at your sixteenth birthday, I was to stunned to deny him. I knew who he was and that he had been exiled... yet when I saw you... I couldn't refuse. Magic cursed my father years ago. It's finally caught up with him."

I was to stunned to speak. He couldn't refuse. But why? I pressed my lips together, unsure what to say now. My mind was running a mile a minute. If what he said was true, I was only living female heir to the throne of Azga.

"I knew Hiram was a crook but I didn't know the extent of his crimes, Nalia- had I known I would have come for you sooner then last summer."

I shook my head. "Hiram turned your messenger away each time they docked at Summer Crest. Somehow he always knew when they would arrive."

Emris sighed. "It's my fault," he said and picked at his bread. I gazed at him. Remorse was not an emotion I figured Emris would know. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head, looking down at my hands. "As far as I am concerned, my past died with Hiram. I can simply deny anything else-"

Emris leaned forward, closing the small space between us. "No one would dare question you."

I couldn't hold it back anymore. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him. He smiled a small smile. I felt an odd wave of emotion wash over me. A mixed feeling of relaxation and deep satisfaction because of that feeling of calming relaxation.

"Because... someone had to save you." he whispered. "And I couldn't let it be anyone else but me."

My heart beat erratically for a moment as we stared at each other.

Before I could answer, the tent slipped open and a guard bowed his head. "What is it?" Emris asked him annoyed never taking his eyes off of me. "A rider from Lady Drodic. There's been an attack."

Emris immediately looked up at the guard. "An attack?" he demanded.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Lady Drodic awaits your answer."

Emris held out his hand as he stood to his feet, taking the scroll from the guard. "Leave us."

Emris tore the scroll open and read it through quickly. Then he scoffed.

"The Lord Drodic is dead," he said.

"Oh," I said surprised. "What happened?"

Emris shook his head. "Hunting accident," he said staring at the scroll. "The best Drydalien medicines couldn't save him... the Lady Drodic now offers her eldest daughter Fina Drodic as a possible prospect as a wife..."

I felt my heart sink. Even though Emris had said he didn't plan on changing anything about our arrangement in order to keep me safe it didn't seem fair to him that he had to sacrifice so much and I so little. "Emris-"

He smiled. "Would you like to join me?" he asked me. "I ride for Negera at daybreak. Otherwise the Drydalien guards will bring you as soon as you are ready."

I shook my head. "No, I can go with you-"

Emris nodded. "We haven't been here long, and it's another days ride before we reach Mid Negera, where Lady Drodic awaits us."

I bit my lip, trying to think. "Perhaps I should stay," I told him. I needed to speak to Niko. He knew my father before. He served him before he was sold into Savi.

Emris frowned at me. "Are you sure?" he asked me. I watched him walk up to me slowly, stopping only a breath from me. "I'd like you to come."

I felt my heart beat into my chest. "Thank you, Your Majesty, but I think I should rest."

Emris sighed and raised his hand, running his fingers the length of my neck and jaw. "Then rest, Princess. I will be back before you wake in the morning."

Blood boiled my skin as his warm fingers traced the curve of my neck. It was a subtle touch, a glance of fingers against skin, against my thrumming pulse. Before I could object, Emris raised his hand to my face, his palm pressing to my cheek. My eyes slid closed as his thumb traced my lower lip. "Be safe, my Nalia."

I opened my eyes to look up at him, my breath catching in my chest as Emris' hands pulled me closer, his fingers snaking around my neck.

"I find that I am almost... reluctant to leave you-"

I leaned away from him. "Remember, we decided not to involve personal interests... I can't give you what you want, Emris."

His fingers tightened around me, his breath warming my lips. Leaning away suddenly, Emris held me at arm's length, his eyes scanning up my body quickly. My heart beat unevenly in my chest, my body feeling on edge yet my mind perfectly at ease. I felt my hands wander up, reaching for his chest, my fingers locking in the soft, silk fabric of his shirt. I stepped forward my hands now flat against his chest. It was like some magnetic pull. I tugged against it, my hands freezing on his chest when I felt myself try and jerk away. Something had gripped my wrists and I looked up. Emris was gazing down at me, breathing hard.

My breath caught in my chest when I saw his eyes. Covered in dark shadows, his eyes seemed give off an odd, cold, dark energy.

"Good luck with that," he teased me, leaning forward to press his lips to the top of my head once more. I shuddered as his arms wrapped around me. He groaned softly, the sound of it rumbling through him. "Don't test me!" he hissed in my ear, his hot breath causing me to shudder. The warning in his voice was all to real. "Because you will lose!"

An odd thrilling feeling washed through me, painful and thrilling; like butterflies with razors wings. I held perfectly still, unableablw to move, even if I wanted to, as Emris realized his hand and cupped my face in his hands. "We will rest here for a few days before returning on the road to Star Hill. My father already received word from Hiram. I dispatched Yesmina to deliver mine."

He leaned forward, pulling me against his chest. I sighed, almost content as my head leaned forward and brushed his chest.

His breathing washed against my skin once, a reluctant , suppressed sigh passing his lips. His voice almost sounded desperate.

Ruffled and trying to get my bearings as he smirked and headed for the exit of the tent, I had to ask myself what the hell just happened. A startled breath left my lips as I sank to my knees, a feeling of relaxation washing over me.

"Sweet dreams, Princess," he whispered as I nestled down into the furs and blanks. I didn't question it at the time and I knew it would bother me later but deep down, somehow I knew, Emris had just used Magic on me. If I asked him now he would deny it.

Pulling the thick hide over my shoulder I huddled down against Emris' blankets and pillows. Breathing him in I fell into a deep slumber.

His hands ran the length of my stomach, his finger catching and folding at my flesh.

I watched as he leaned forward, his lips pressing gently to my shoulder, pulling me up right to straddle him.

"Mine," he growled in my ear.

I opened my mouth but I couldn't form any words.

So I shoved against his shoulders instead. His hands, like shackles, tight and unyielding, locked around my wrists as he hurried his face into the side of my neck. Ichor seeped from my neck as his teeth sank into my the side of my neck. I sighed in content, a feeling of deep satisfaction and relaxation filling me. "Mine!"

Emris leaned away, a concerned look on his face. He coughed, black ichor staining his lips. "Nalia..."

I watched his eyes turn black, his teeth dripping with my blood. "Mine!" he growled, his hand licking around my neck. His other hand started tearing at my dress. "I need you-"

My eyes snapped open, my breath coming out in a quite, sharp gasp.

Birds chirping and loud laughing conversation woke me, jerking me from a deep sleep. I sighed and looked around. The tent was bright now, warmed by the the morning sun but still cold. My breath left my lips in a soft white puff.


The flap to my tent shoved aside and Hali walked into my tent, dressed in a soft leather pair of riding pants and a cloak. "A messenger just arrived from Castle Grass. He seemed worried."

I grabbed up my cloak and pulled it on, walking to the opening of the tent, peaking out into the bright morning light.

Guards and Drydalien mercenaries lingered about, laughing and talking amongst each other. "The Lady Drodic, Princess," Hali whispered as she pointed the woman out.

Lady Drodic was a tall, elegant, beautiful woman, her long flowing golden blond hair look like a soft River of silk. She was dressed in a white gown, threaded and adorned with elegant golden stitching.

I ducked back into the tent, looking around. "Help me!" I urged Nalia and pulled my cloak off once more. I stripped off my smelly tunic and reached for the trunk, pulling out a deep, wine dress.

"Emris wanted you to ware this tonight at the feast," Hali said. I nodded, pulling out the red skin boots along with the dress. "This will have to do."

Hali helped me dress quickly, quickly brushing my hair, braiding it head and there, folding a feather into my hair. Niko joined us as I was putting in my earrings and a star necklace, the red and gold jewels were heavy around my neck.

"Tell me about the Lady Drodic," I insisted. Hali frowned.

"Unfortunately not much is known about her. When the war ended she and her people disappeared. She only recently reached out to Prince Emris about you."

I shook my head. "The war ended years ago... why is she just now reaching out?"

Hali glanced at Niko. "Perhaps these should be questions you should ask her yourself, Princess," Niko offered, his face troubled.

I sighed. "Where is Emris?" I asked desperately. I didn't know this woman. I didn't know what she wanted. Her people outnumbered the guards Emris had left behind.

"What are the chances this is a trap?" I asked Niko.

He shook his head. "Lady Drodic is a trusted friend and ally. To harm you in any way would be treason."

I swallowed. I knew what Emris did to traitors. Anyone would be stupid to turn against him. "If she makes any wrong moves, Princess, I will see it."

I nodded and opened the tent and stepped out into the cold morning air.

There was a great deal of commotion going on around me. Hammering and shouting, horses getting ing restless as Vendarien and Negerien guards mingled around. "Do not leave my side," I instructed them. They both fell into step behind me, Niko to my left, Hali to my right.

Some of the Vanderien guards fell into step beside me. I didn't want to do this but I knew that it was exsoected of me... I thought of Emris, and the look on his face when I had walked through the doors at Vendera Hall. Pride.

Lust... it filled me. Then I realized...

I missed him.

I was worried about him. Where was he? Why was this woman here instead of my Husband?

When had I started to care for him like this? I stopped in my tracks, staring at the woman who was occupied tending to her white and brown horse. "Princess?"

"It's nothing!" I assured Niko as I started forward again. Lady Drodic turned to face me when one of her guards stepping forward. "Her royal Majesty , Princess Nalia Halcro-"

One of the Drydalien guards laughed. "That is no Halcro. That lass is a Crast!"

I stopped, staring up at the guards. Niko stepped forward but I held my hand up. "No, I don't want any conflicts until Emris is back."

"Lady Chloè Drodic, Princess,"

he said, never taking his eyes off of the guard that had spoken. "Remember what Emris told you," Hali reminded me in a low voice. "You are a Princess of Azga. Demand respect!"

I dropped my hand, deciding to stay with my call to keep to myself. I didn't want to cause any problems.

"Lady Drodic, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said in a welcoming tone. My hands shook a little as I reached out and gripped her open hand. She smiled a breathtaking smile at me.

"Princess, the pleasure is all mine," she said sadly. I nodded, my face turning sad.

"I herd about your husband," I told her. "I'm so very sorry."

She nodded. "My twelve year old son will take over now... "

I squeezed her hand. "If you need anything-"

Lady Drodic smiled. "Prince Emris is already on his way to deal with the Bandits who killed my husband."

I nodded to Niko. "Regardless, if you need anything- please let me know. Or one of my hand servants."

Cloè nodded. "Thank you, your Majesty. However, I am here to serve you, right now." She waved to the carriage at the mouth of the first path. "I figured you would like to relax the rest of the way to Negera. It is a few hours still."

I glanced at the carriage then back at Niko. "That's OK," I assured her. Emris had made it clear not to be left alone if he wasn't present. And Emris wasn't here right now. So Niko had to go where I did. "I'd rather ride."

Lady Cloè nodded. "As you wish, your Majesty," she said, her case seeming frustrated. "Was there something else?"

She shook her head. "Just political stress, Princess. My so will have to step up now."

I nodded. "How old is he?" I asked her. Cloè smiled. "Twelve," she told me. I felt my heart sink. How was a child supposed to run an entire House and be Lord over an entire region. "That's young," I said.

"Princess we should be on our way. Prince Emris could return any time ."

I felt my heart skip a beat at the sound of his name, a pleaser washing through me that I didn't understand. Longing swept through me as I saddled up my horse. I waited for Niko and Hali to get their horses and we followed Lady Cloè into the woods.

"I don't like that Emris left you behind," Niko admitted.

I shook my head. "I insisted on staying," I reminded him. "I needed rest and time to think."

Time to think about what he had told me. Time to think about the crazy dream I'd had. But just the thought of Emris sent my skin ablaze. I glanced around, making sure no one could hear us.

"You know who that guard is?" I asked him. Niko frowned.

"How did you know?" he asked me.

I smiled. "The look on your face when he spoke."

Niko shook his head. "He was being disrespectful!" he reminded me. I nodded and gripped his hand.

"Thank you, Lord Niko," I told him.

He smiled. "It is my life's honor, Princess."

The rest of the ride to the Negera Castle was rather quick. The woods around me turned dark, thick, a blue and grey fog crept across the rich forest floor. My breath came out in a cold puff once more.

"Just through here, Princess," Lady Chloè told me as she dismounted her horse. I followed suit and rounded one last tree that seemed to open from the inside. The path disappeared deep into the black ground. "After you," she said and waved me forward. I hesitated.

"When is Emris supposed to come back?" I asked him.

Chloè gestures to the tree. "Any second now," she assured me.

"I'd really rather wait," I told her.

Chloè glanced around. "We would like to keep the location of our home private, Princess," Lady Drodic reminded me.

I nodded. "I understand," I assured her. "I can retune to camp-"

"Why go all the way back? Why have me come all the way out here only to retune to stand in the cold?"

I glanced at Niko and Hali.

"This doesn't feel right," I said in a low voice . Perhaps I was reading to much into things. But the growing feeling of unease was telling me not to trust this woman. I'm not sure why or what it was about her that was setting me on edge.

Niko stepped between us. "The Princess has made her decision," he said. One of Chloè's guards stepped forward. He was a red haired man, his face red and patchy, dressed in a patches over gear and a broad sword strapped to his back."

"You dare speak out of turn, Skavi?" he demanded. I stepped up this time. Chloé held up her hand.

"I understand you may be skeptical, Princess, rightfully so, however I promise you, I would never betray your confidence!"

I stared at her, wishing Emris had been able to keel his word. I wished he were here. I nodded and pulled my horse along and followed Chloè down into the deep, windowing growing beneath the tree. I had only taken a few steps when I was swallowed up by a stiff, unyielding darkness. Then I felt like I was falling before my stomach suddenly dropped so quickly it makes my knees buckle, the darkness filling my vision, turning into a bright, blinding light, taking me into a brightness that burned all the way through my body, pulling me away from everything around me before I was plunged back into black nothingness.

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