Moonbloods Season 1

Chapter Conversations

The sun hadn't even begun to rise as I led Nalia and out four guards through the gate, the carriage trailing behind us. I sighed. This whole situation bothered me. I didn't want to marry her. And she clearly did not want me. Why was I so bothered by that? Her life would end and I could go back being with whoever I wished. My father would soon be dead, Nalia would give me a Son and then I would be rid of her.

I could go back to the things I enjoyed. Rosali was one of them. Longing swept through me, followed by instant regret. I sighed. After a moment I herd Nalia grown beside me. I turned to see her rubbing her temple. A frustrated growl left me to low for her to hear. This connection we seemed to have bothered me too..

I laughed internally. I knew the oolitcal didrances we were sulu tk fave. She was younh, fresh tonher immortality. It would emd the way of things.

The law was in place for a reason. The law kept the Halcro blood line safe. Pure. Her child would live to serve its purpose and then die of old age. Nalia was getting the short end of the stick. I didn't like the situation and I knew she despised me... and that fact bothered me more then it should.

My eyes scanned the open fields around us. Farmers were already hard at work. The sky had turned a deep lavender, almost violet. I glanced at Nalia. She was looking down at her reins, her face conflicted. What it is? I whispered in her mind. I saw her twitch slightly.


Her thoughts washed through me and I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to understand this odd, feel-good pain in my chest. Something is bothering you-

Her thoughts turned offended. Well if you would stay out of my head, I would be fine!

I looked over at her, reaching into her mind again, letting waves of bliss and relaxation wash through me and into her. The irritation in her face deepened and I frowned.

I am your husband, I reminded her.

If you insist on being difficult, I can do the same!

I watched anger flash her features. "Like you are?" she demanded. "If you had any heart at all you would let me go home!"

I laughed l. "Go then!" I insisted. "Good luck getting back to Summer Crest." I watched her face turn pale. "Hiram can't hurt you anymore. It would be in your best interest."

I watched her lower her gaze, her face becoming thoughtful. There was no way she wanted to stay here. It was impossible "And you have my best interests at heart?" she demanded now.

I sighed. "I am sorry for the position you in," I told her honestly. "But this treaty was made before the death of your father-"

She sighed. "That your father murdered!" she said as if to remind me. "Your father started the war eight years ago."

I looked over at her but she refused to look at me. "We should at least try to make the best of your... situation."

She didn't answer. Perhaps you should just kill her? Ambrose asked me. It would be less messy for the both of you-"

I growled. Shut it, would you?

"Perhaps you are right," Nalia mused. "I have accepted the fact that I have no way out of this. I know that I will die. My time is limited-"

I nodded. "I already know this and that is why we will be married tomorrow," I told her and handed her a scroll. "My father has decided to have you remain Lady. The title Princess will go to someone else."

She didn't seem pleased and that bothered me.

"Who?" she wanted to know. Despair filled her now, trying to sift through her jumbled thoughts. She didn't like the talk of another. She was jealous. I laughed.

"No one you know," I assured her. "Besides, what does it matter? You will die before the next snow fall."

I didn't wait to hear her answer. I kicked at my horse and trotted ahead of her, joining one of my guards. You're stupid, Ambrose told me in a disapproving tone.

Then I am stupid.

We stopped at the river bank to a rest and I watched as Hali and Niko followed Nalia around as she walked around, collecting weeds and roots, digging them out with her hands. I walked toward her slowly, nodding for Niko and Hali to leave us. Nalia looked rather annoyed when Hali stopped speaking mid sentence, curtsied to her Princess and followed Niko about twenty feet away, back the way they had come.

Nalia sat in the thick grass, carving roots out the ground.

I unsheathed my dagger and bent down beside her, gently handing it to her. She regarded the blade for a moment before she reached out a leather gloves hand and took it from me. She folded it over in her hands, looking at the handle and blade.

"Have you ever used a weapon before?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "Other then a bow, no." Her answer was short. She seemed stiff, uncomfortable.

"Is there another?"she asked me suddenly. I looked back down at her. "Another woman?" she clarified. I laughed.

"If there was?" I asked her.

She sighed. "I don't understand you," she pointed out. "I can't keep up with your flippant attitude. If you want another let me go-"

I shook my head. "No."

The thought of her leaving, falling for another... I didn't like it. "There was someone... long before we even met-"

She cut me off, stabbing the knife into the dirt beneath her, pushing down in the blade with both hands so that the dirt erupted from the ground. "The first time or now?"

I shook my head confused. "I don't understand you meaning," I pointed out. She sighed and handed me the dagger. I shook my head and stripped off my weapons belt and handed it to her. "Keep it," I insisted. "You could need it. Now what did you mean?"

She sighed uncomfortably. "Emris-"

I smiled a soft smile causing her words to trail off. She blinked after a moment of staring at me and then squeezed her eyes shut.

"Your Majesty, please-"

I gripped her wrist tightly. "Tell me!" I insisted on a low voice.

"The woman you speak of... were you with her-"

I sighed and looked out over the grassy fields. "I am immortal, Nalia," I reminded her. "Of course I have been with other woman. I am a man."

She shook her head. "I supposed I should have known that," she admitted. I frowned, trying to understand.

"Does that bother you?" I asked in a low voice. She didn't answer. I sighed impatiently. "I haven't been with any once since our engagement when you were seven."

I watched relief was over her face and the feeling of it filled me from with in. It was odd that I was so aware of her when I had no intrest in even being with her. I'd rather have my fill each night with another Demon rather then a half-breed-

Oh now you are just lying to yourself! Ambrose scolded me.

I dropped my gaze from her and stared at the road ahead. No one asked for your opinion!

Ambrose laughed again. As we are one and the same, my opinion is your opinion.

I shoved him away in my head. The more he tried to get me to consider Nalia, the angrier I became. "We should hurry," I told her and kicked my horse deep in the sides. The beast beneath me kicked into high gear and sped off down the path, following our small caravan. Niko and Hali stayed at her side. The feeling of her desperation and confusion filled me, crushing my chest. I grumbled, pushing my horse faster, trying to put some distance between us.

"You look horrible," Yesmina told me. "Does she annoy you?"

I sighed. "Not as much as you are annoying me right at this moment," I told her tartly. She grimaced.

"I just don't understand why you are going through with this. She is going to die in less then a year so why prolong the inevitable?"

I shook my head. "I am Prince of Azga, child of Alistor the Great. I will do as I am told until my King demands otherwise-"

She laughed at me now. "You are stronger then your fool father ever was-"

I laughed out loud this time. "My father has sat the throne for over eight million years. The Healers will do all they can so save him."

Yeamina shrugged. "All I am saying is that you will be free to choose you own immortal wife when he is dead. The sooner you kill Nalia the better-

I cut her a off. "Hold your tongue!" I snapped at her. Yeamina was never really surprised by anything so the surprise on her face now was priceless. "She is to be your Queen-"

Yeamina nodded. "Yes but for how long?" she asked me.

I pulled my horse to a stop. "For as long as I see fit!" I snapped at her.

Kill her! My temper flared for the first time.

I sighed in frustration. "Ride ahead and scout the area," I told her resisting the urge to look over my shoulder at Nalia. I could still smell her. My arms and chest ached in a hallow feeling of emptiness.

"As you wish, my Prince," she said and bowed her head. I sighed and turned to grab Nalia's horse from her, dismounting my own as I did so. As the carriage rolled to a stop, I felt anxiety wash through me. I tapped on the door of the carriage.

"We ride from here on out, Princess," I said and slowly opened the door for her. Holding out my hand, I waited for her to exit the carriage. When her hand slipped into mine, longing and desire washed through me. When her eyes met mine, I watched them harden and as soon as her feet were in the ground, she pulled her hand from mine.

Her thoughts were guarded. Reserved. Perhaps I had some or said something to upset her. "Thank you," she mumbled as she reached for her horse. Hali and Niko both stood beside her, flanking her on either side. I nodded to both of them. "Get your horses. We ride for Star Hill from here."

They both nodded and walked to the back of the carriage where their horses were posted. "It's not much further. Half a days ride perhaps," I told her. She nodded and pulled herself stiffly up into her horse.

"Are you alright to ride?" I asked her. She nodded, settling into the saddle. "You will be able to rest as long as you like when we reach Star Hill," I assured her. She seemed relieved.

"Thank you."

I smiled, my hand automatically reaching for her thigh, almost like a bad habit I didn't realize I had, and touched the top of her knee. She stiffened immediately causing her horse to react and sense her uneasiness and fear. The beast whinnied and jerked away from me.

"Whoa!" I reached for the reins and steadied the horse, my hand still resting in her thigh. "She can feel your fear. Your anxiety. If you feel calm she will be calm."

She nodded, pulling at the reins as edged away from me. "You said if I wanted anything I need only ask," she told me. I smiled and nodded.

"Anything," I promised her.

"Stay out of my head unless I ask," she insisted. "Please leave me what little control I have left over my life."

I stared at her.

Was she serious? I watched her. I could see much of her father, King Able in her. The way she moved. The way her face creased with frustration or tension when she was weary of her surroundings. All these things about her that drew me in conflicted with how I had been feeling a few days ago. The time away from her had not done me any good. And I wasn't even sure why. It could be because-

I growled lowly. Ambrose, It is forbidden to speak of the contract. I was appalled he would even mention it.

Ambrose was in contract to me until I fought the next war in five years time in return for his power. I would be expected to lead the next war but because of my blood I would be at an extreme disadvantage on the battlefield. All thanks to my human side. The side of me that has had me in a tizzy since I set eyes on her.

That is where Ambrose came in. Ambrose offered his power in return to hide in my body from the Order that were searching for him and coming dangerously close to finding him in weakened state. Ambrose of course came with his own set of problems. Ambrose was sick, a virus working through his body. Soon it would pass to me. That was why I needed Nalia. I needed her to separate us once the war was over.

I sighed, wondering if she would be up for it. It would require a great deal of magic. Perhaps more then what she was capable of.

You should tell her, Ambrose reminded me. Telling her the truth might just save your dull life.

I sighed. You will be lucky I don't smite you once you get your body back!

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