Moonbloods Season 1

Chapter Autopsy

I watched as the Priest drew the sheet back, the brightly lit drydalien crystal basins eliminated the space around the table, casting a bright shine on my uncles pale body.

I resisted the urge to turn away but I couldn't stop the disgusted look or gasp that left my lips.

Hiram's cold, lifeless body was not what I thought it would be. His hair had turned dull, the skin around his eyes was faded and sunken in.

The Priest, a small hunched over old man with long gold chains around his neck that clanked together when he moved. His robes were green with floral and flame like embroidery woven into the pattern.

"Lord Crast died of a severed artery to the neck," the old man said as he pointed a sharp stick to show the area he was speaking of. "The cut was deep but clean."

Emris smirked and I felt my stomach heave a little. How are you smiling right now?

Emris glanced at me, the smirk still in place. The old fuck got what was coming to him, he assured me.

I shook my head. That doesn't explain how he came back the first time.

"The cut to his throat seemed already scarred," the Priest explained. "However, there are evidence of Magic on his body."

I felt my heart sink and Emris tightens his fingers around mine.

Easy, he warned me.

"There is evidence of Necromancy. Strong, powerful Magic."

"How powerful?" Emris demanded.

I looked up at him, his face having gone hard. The Priest cleared his throat. The room had gone very quiet when Emris spoke.

"I dare say powerful enough to rival your own, Your Majesty."

I watch his face turn sour. "Impossible."

The Priest bowed quickly. "Of course your Majesty! I mean no disrespect- I only meant that the Magic is powerful."

Emris sighed. "What else?" he demanded. The Priest glanced at me. "I do not wish to offend-"

I frowned. "You won't," I assured him. "I can handle it."

Emris smirked. "You were saying?"

The Priest glanced around the room. Only Lord Melbourne, Lady Drodic and her son Lucas, Prince Knox and Lady Cienna remained inside this Chamber.

"With all due respect, Princess, this man is not your Uncle. It isn't him."

I shook my head, jerking my hand from Emris' firm grip and stepped closer to the table.

"That is impossible!" I argued.

My eyes scanned my uncles ugly, wrinkled skin that was almost translucent, dark blue veins were visible just under his belly and torso, his reddish brown and grey hair was dull in the brightness of the lit basins above us. As far as I could tell, this body before me, the dead man on the table was Hiram Crast, my fathers brother. The never crowned Prince.

The body before me was definitely my Uncle. Yet the Priest seemed pretty set in his assessment.

"This is Hiram Crast, former Lord of Summer Crest." My voice was low, confused. "He-..."

I felt a wave of nervousness and nausea wash over me.

What is it?

Hiram has a birthmark...on his inner thigh...

Emris didn't move. He didn't speak for a long moment. I opened my mouth to speak but Emris did before I could get the words out.

"Look for a birthmark," he said.

The Priest didn't question the request. The whole room was holding its breath and i along with them. After a moment, the Priest lifted the sheet, shielding the rest of the room from view and then shook his balding head.

"I'm sorry, your Majesty, there is no Mark," he reports we as he lowered the sheet. Emris sighed.

"Then your assessment is correct,

Priest, this man is not the Lord Hiram Crast." I was very aware of the eyes on me as I leaned in and to get a closer look at the body.

"What was done to this body?" I asked the Priest.

He cleared his throat and pointed to the decaying flesh around his neck. "This body was made to be a replica of someone living or dead. They did a very poor job. They were in a hurry. Necromancy is a hard Magic to master and it takes a lifetime to prefect it-"

Emris nodded. "An amateur," he laughed. "Should be easy enough. Niko will take some men and fine the persons responsible-"

The Priest shook his head. "With all due respect, You misunderstand, your Majesty," he said said and folded his hands over his chest as he bowed before us.

"Then what are you on about?" He demanded as he glanced at the body, his eyes roaming it, lingering on the same things I had noticed. noticed before. But I still didn't understand what the Priest was on about and apparently neither did Emris.

"My knowledge of the Arts tells me that the person who cast Magic on this body is no mere beginner," he said as he gripped his robes nervously. "What I am saying is, I haven't seen the likes of this magic since before the war-"

Emris growed. "That is impossible-"

The Priest bowed. "At the risk of offending you further your Majesty, I am positive that only the power of a Moonblood could have conjured such powerful magic. This is no power of a master but this person certainly knows what they are doing."

I shook my head. "I don't understand," I said. "How can you tell?"

The Priest hesitated, looking up at Emris as he inched closer to the table. "The traces of Magic leave evidence in and on the body itself when used on the living. Moonblood Magic turns the bunk subjects blood silver, Your Majesty."

I looked down at the blueish veins in my wrists, wondering. I knew I bled red. I was half Mortal after all.

"So where is he now?" I asked aloud and glanced around the room. Emris followed my gaze. No one said anything. No one said anything because no one knew where he was or what he was doing.

"A man presumed dead can not hide forever," Emris assured me as he looked over the fake body in disgust. "When you did your examination what else did you find?"

The Priest pulled the sheet down, exposing Hiram's flat, cold stomach. There was a deep, open cut in the middle of his bell, gaping open but oddly, the wound wasn't torn or even flesh like.

"It's fabric?" I couldn't wrap my head around this. Emris leaned forward, his face oddly curious.

"Now I see why you said his Magic could rival my own," he said as he gazed down into the open cavity of the corps. I shook my head.

"I don't understand," I said and glanced between them. "What are you talking about?"

Emris wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me with one arm, pulling me feet off the ground. I felt my mouth pop open in surprise as I gazed inside the cavity of the body.

Inside was a mix of twigs, thorns, flowers, feathers and twine, all of, held together by melted candle wax. I shook my head.

"What is this?" I demanded.

Emris sighed. "Something that even I haven't mastered," he said grimly. "This isn't Necromancy. This is Crossing- a magic only practiced by the old Religion-"

I felt my heart sink. "Negera... the funeral for my father-..."

Emris turned to face me, his eyes sharp and warning me to watch myself. I felt his mind touch mine, a searing, urgent feeling filling me. Watch what you say!

I shook my head and turned away from everyone and headed for the door. Niko turned and immediately followed me.

"No." Emris' voice was loud and demanding and I could hear his footsteps following me. Niko held the door open, waiting for us to pass. No one else followed me out into the hallway.

"What is it, Nalia?" Emris demanded as his fingers caught my wrist. I spun around to face him.

"Back then, seven years ago- back in Brightwood when they burned my fathers body- it was a a Crossed One that was burned not Ambrose!"

Emris shook his head, his face going from confused to thoughtful.

"How did you come up with this?"

I shook my head. "What other explanation is there, Emris?" I asked him. "Ambrose is alive. Like I said before, I-..."

I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what say. I didn't know how to explain it. If Ambrose was indeed alive...Emris walked forward slowly, stopping when he was just a few inches from me. How could he even look at me right now? Ambrose was the cause of a war that led to his Houses downfall. I was still an open rebellion and once the King knew-"

Emris reached forward, his hand catching my jaw. "You are starting to spiral. Take a deep breath-"

I jerked my face away from him and I felt a wave of annoyance wash over me. "Nalia, relax, just because people are here who know-"

I frowned. "You said so yourself!" I reminded him in a low voice as I glanced over my shoulder, back the way I had come. Niko was now outside the Chamber, his hands folded behind his back, waiting. He was within ear shot. "Not everyone here today is our friend!"

Emris sighed. "You are learning," he told me. "Faster then I thought you would. You understand how dangerous it can be-"

I shook my head. "How can you be so calm about this- Hiram could still be alive! Ambrose could still be-... I was six years old when he supposedly passed, Emris. I-...I can't help you with this-"

His hands pulled me abruptly closer, his breath fanning my face. "No one is asking you to," he assured me. "I am here. I am going to protect you, no matter what!"

We stared at each other. I didn't know what to say. I was falling hard and fast for him now. And I didn't know why that scared me so much.

I couldn't bring myself to look at him. Blood boiled my skin and knives tore at the inside of my chest. The words were on my lips but I couldn't bring myself to say them out loud.

"You believe me, don't you?" Emris whispered as he ducked down to touch his lips to my forehead.

"Of course I do," I assured him. However, it seemed like it was more the that. "I love you too!" I forced the words from my lips and looked down at my feet.

"I didn't think you did," he whispered and I looked up at him only to see his eyes closed, a sated look on his face, relaxed. "Every time I look at you, even when we are alone, you always seem to be somewhere else." His words tore at me. Did he not understand? Emris leaned away and smiled a small smile. "If you are worried-"

"Of course I am worried- Emris, look at what is happening!" I didn't understand why he wasn't more worried. "If anyone finds out, I will burn! The Council will see me as a usurper! No one will-"

Emris dropped his hands from around me. "That is your uncle talking," he reminded me. "Gods, how I wish I could have come for you sooner!"

I didn't need to ask why he hadn't. He had admitted that he hadn't been with anyone since he found out about our engagement. For my lifetime, so far, Emris had been completely celibate. He hadn't been with anyone. He had also been away at war, one that had just ended.

"You came," I reminded him. "I am here now, and if I were to die tomorrow-"

His fingers gripped my arms as he jerked me closer. "That won't happen!" His voice was soft, demanding.

I watched his face as his thoughts and intentions became clear in his eyes and my mouth went dry. Longing and need washed through me as my hands came up and gripped his shirt. A new need was brewing inside of me now. Something I'd never felt before.

Kiss me!

I couldn't bring myself to say the words just yet because I wasn't sure if this really was love. I didn't know if what I was feeling was the right thing or not.

Emirs, however, seemed to know exactly what I was feeling and he knew what he wanted. "If I were to die tomorrow, I would still be grateful. You bring me peace. To ask for anything else... it's selfish."

His naked hand ran down the side of my neck.

"When I Mate and Mark you... you will be bound to me in every possible way and no one will ever question it!" Emris slid his hands to my face and he pulled me up and forward, his lips coming down over mine. A soft moan left his lips as he pushed forward. My back caught the door behind me, the hallway having become an open and inviting scene if anyone caught us here like this. Emris groaned as his lips moved with mine. The sound sent shivers down my body and I shuddered in his arms. Emris parted his lips from mine but I wasn't finished. "We will be one."

His whispered promises sent goosebumps over my body and I exhaled the deep breath I had been holding.

My fingers wound into his hair and I pulled him forward. Emris had to tower over me, his hands now gripping my hips as he opened my lips with his. Suddenly he dropped his hands and parted his lips from mine as his fingers wrapped around my thighs and he hoisted me up and on him, pressing me back into the door. My thighs locked around his waist as his lips attacked mine once more.

I forced my lips away from his, my hands pushing at his shoulders. "Wait," I gasped in a low, breathless whisper. His lips moved back to mine in slow, lingering movements, his mouth growing gentle. "Emris, stop," I pleaded in a gasped whisper. He stilled under me, his lips leaving mine, swollen and leaving me to crave more.

"I feel like you have bewitched me," he whispered. "Cast some kind of pleasurable spell on my mind."

I laughed, leaning away from him, my fingers laced around his neck.

"I have done no such thing," I assured him. Emris laughed, the movement of his joy rippling through parts of me that hadn't ever enjoyed the feeling of pleasure. A surprised gasp left my lips and he seemed to notice the sudden change in me. I wasn't sure how I suddenly felt so uneasy. I watched his face turn surprised as he looked down between us. Emris cleared his throat and set me on my feet. "Sorry about that- we should get back!"

I wrinkled my nose. "Must we?" I asked him. However confusing, the distraction of physical contact was a welcome one. I didn't want to think about Hiram. I didn't want to think about anything but trying to get stronger. More powerful. And of course, Emris. He sighed.

"I must, yes," he told me. "However, you not being there may feed the flames your Uncle started."

I shook my head. "He is alive," I told him. "He has to be!"

Emris reached up and brushed my cheek with the back of his hand.

"Have faith, my Love," he whispered as he set me down. "All will soon be set right." It was almost as if he couldn't resist. I watched a desperate look crease his face as his hands came back up and caught my jaw to press his lips back to mine, his teeth catching my bottom lip. "Go see to Hali," he sighed as he pressed his forehead to mine. His sweet breath filled me.

"I can go back-"

He leaned away, squeezing my hands. "You made quite the exit. With the unfortunate public knowledge of Hiram's mistreatment of you, everyone wants his head. No one will think badly of you."

I sighed. This was the whole problem. I was a Moonblood. An Ellingboe. I wasn't supposed to exist. None of my people were.

I sighed. "The North is my home now," I reminded him. "Summer Crest was never my home- but it is my brothers-"

Emris nodded. "And as soon as I am able to reinstate him as Lord of Summer Crest, I will. For the time being, unfortunately, by rule of the King, Lord Melbourne is now warden of the Western Islands." Emris reached for my hand and we set off down the hallway again. "Besides, wouldn't you rather have your brother here with you?"

I did want my brother here with me, of course but not if it meant leaving Summer Crest to Graven Melbourne.

I wrinkled my nose. "Fine," I said.

Emris laughed at me. "It is just temporary, Nalia," he reminded me.

I nodded. "I know. That doesn't mean I have to like it."

Emris leaned forward, his hands heavy on my hips. "Tonight is a full moon," he mused. "Perfect for Magic and Mating rituals."

I felt my face full with heat. "Emris- just because-"

Emris laughed and pulled me closer. "I am not talking about performing them right now." His fingers touched my lips. "When you are ready," he reminded me. I sighed and nodded. "Can you do this?"

I glanced at the door behind us, my chest filling with doubt. I wanted to go back inside. I knew I needed to.

"Yes," I assured him. "I want to know all I can about this."

I watched as the thick black blond of smoke turned dark purple and then red as the early morning drifted into the afternoon. The Priests from Star Hill Citadel were gathered to watch as the guards burned the fake body, making sure the Magic dissipated.

Emris stood beside me on out bedroom balcony, watching as the smoke drifted across the frozen city below us. It hasn't taken Emris long to finish the meeting and then come find me in our room. I wasn't sure why he was still pretending. Sure he had said he loved me. But now that my Uncle was dead, the only thing holding Emris back from leaving or dumping me back on Summer Crest.

I wouldn't be his problem anymore. Just because Emris had said he loved me and shared plans with me, didn't mean I would be around to witness any of it. Powerful people around Azga wanted me dead, the Order was looking for me, and we didn't know why, King Alistor would never let a Hybrid Mutt become Queen. And Queen Delphine didn't strike me as one who would give up her crown so easily.

"Your mind is a wild jungle, Nalia," Emris whispered as he walked up behind me. He had discarded his silk shirt and leather dress pants for a pair of soft, cotton trousers and a simple white shirt. Mundane, as he would put it. "Won't you tell me what bothers you?"

I sighed and turned to face him.

"I need answers," I told him and he raised an eyebrow. "And no more of this 'soon all will be right' shit! I want answers! I want to know why you think that I am going to survive-... Emris, the only want I want away from this is dead. You do understand that, don't you?"

His face had turned sour.

"You won't be dying, Nalia," he assured me. I shook my head.

"I don't even know what I am, Emris!" I reminded him and turned away from the growing cloud of darkness. "What do you think the Priests will say once they figure me out!? They are going to have a lot of questions when they-"

Emris sighed and gripped my hands. "Relax," he insisted. "A new Order is coming. My father will not survive the winter. Preparations are already being made for his replacement."

I felt my face go blank. "Replacement?" I asked him. "You mean... we are moving to Star Hill?" Emris smiled and shook his head. "No," he assured me. "I'd never move back to that huge rock. No, Vendera is our home."

I smiled, still wondering how I had fallen so utterly and completely for him. Emris returned my smile but it didn't reach his eyes.

"What?" I asked him in a low voice. "What troubles you?"

He breathed out a sigh he had been holding. Hesitantly, Emris reached and reached my hip with his fingers. "Bathe with me," he said in a low voice as he pulled me forward. My heart slammed around in my chest and my face burned with embarrassment.


He dropped his hands. "We are married and we haven't been to bed together yet... I am not pushing that but I would like to know what it's like to be... close to you like that."

His words tore at my heart. When I raised my eyes to meet his gaze the winged creatures inside my chest clawed at the inside of me. "Emris-"

His hands wandered to my hip as he slowly pulled me forward. "You can not deny me forever-"

I shook my head. "I am not-... I need time!"

Emris dropped his hands to his sides and sighed, fighting against the frustrated look on his face. I felt my lips quiver as he turned away from me. "I can't give you want you want, Emris," I whispered in a low voice. He turned back to face me, his eyes locked on mine.

"You are enough-"

I shook my head. "I may be now, in this moment," I agreed. "But once I start to age- once I start to die-"

Emris was across the room, having grabbed my arms up and pinned me a giant the cold marble wall of the balcony.

"You are immortal!" he whispered and the way he said it made my skin crawl in pleasure. I long for you... I want to know your smell as well as I know the back woods of Azga.

I watched him reach forward and trace a finger along my neck. "I want to know the canvas of your body like I know the back of my hand." My heart hammered away as his hands wandered to the back of my dress.

"Emris- won't people come looking for us?" I asked him.

Emris smirked a devious smile at me. "My Court is quite large, Princess," he reminded me. "The Lords and Ladies of Azga will find plenty to do while I am busy."

I felt myself blush as his fingers pulled at the strings at the base of my dress. The dress slipped from my immobile frame and pooled into a soft heap at my feet. Emris walked around me slowly.

"I should call for a Maid-"

His breath was closer then I thought it would be. "I'd rather undress you myself," he mused in a low voice.

I felt my hand go up to cover my chest as my corset and dress fell away next. leaving me in a knee length chemise. Other then him lifting me from the tub, Emris had never seen me exposed like this before.

I risked looking up when a soft sigh left his lips. His eyes traced my neck and exposed shoulders, the thin fabric doing little to warm my suddenly chilled skin. "Would you like me to stop?" he asked me playfully.

I shuddered uncontrollably as he pressed forward.

"You have to tell me, Nalia," Emris hissed at me through gritted teeth.

I stared at him, not knowing what to say. I had to ask myself if I even wanted this. Did I want to exapose myself to Emris in such a venerable manner? His fingers found my chin.

"Do. You. Want. Me. To. Stop?"

He said each word slowly, his voice growing deeper and deeper with anticipation.

I couldn't stop my hands from reaching forward and touching his face. "No," I whispered and sniffed gently. "No, I don't want you to stop!"

Emris smirked. "Then I will Mate you," he whispered as he leaned forward. "And you will be mine."

His lips brushed mine slowly, nearly touching my trembling ones. I felt nervous and weak as he traced his lips along my neck. What had I just agreed to?

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