
Chapter Moon 24

24 Chapter 24 


My Best Friend 


He wasn’t ready to talk to me, but I’ll get it out of him soon, I always do. We took off back into the forest, running side by side. We got to the stream and paused, I lifted my nose into the air and sniffed. I can smell wet moss on the dirt and wild mushrooms, I can smell berries and tree sap. The smell of the ocean wafting faintly through the trees was mixing with leaves. I caught a fading scent up wind, it’s elk 

**There’s elk up Wind** 

**Yeah, I smell it too** 

We ran off towards the scent following the stream. As the scent got stronger, we slowed, staying down wind and treading carefully. The elk was ahead, I stalked forward behind a tree, keeping my body low to the ground. I scanned the tree line in front of me, there it is, just a single young male

**Take the right** 

Cole growled softly and nodded tracking off quietly behind some trees. I stalked up on the elk, crouching down into the shrub and crawled forward, 

**On my mark** 



I propelled myself forward, jumping onto a fallen tree then pushing myself onto the young bull. I landed on its neck and shoulders, Cole landed at the same time on its hind quarters. I dug in my claws as it reared up trying to shake us. I bit down hard into its neck, feeling my teeth rip into the flesh and tearing the carotid artery. Blood began to spill out, covering my jaw and mane. We managed to drag the deer down to the ground and held it steady as its life faded away. 

**Nice kill** 

**Got him good** 

**Let’s dig in** 

I chomped into the small elks‘ shoulder and ripped the skin from its body, revealing the juicy meat underneath. Cole was happily eating away at the rump. I never use to care for raw eating in my wolf form. When I was a young wolf, the blood and the kill use to frighten me. It felt so murderous. But as I grew up and understood more about my nature and the way of 

my wolf, I learned to like it and even enjoy it. It became natural, like instinct. When we had our fill, we were both covered in blood. Cole was lying beside the half–eaten elk licking his paws. He lifted his head to look at me and huffed, 

**Best wash off before heading back** 



< 24 Chapter 24 – My Best Friend 

**Yep, ocean swim?** 


I stood up and shook out my fur, then we headed off back the way we came, towards the coast. As we came up to the sand I looked down along the water’s edge, still no people. I ran for the water, prancing over the small waves and diving under them as they got bigger. The blood of the elk washed off with each hit of a new wave. I was swimming in a circle around Cole when he jumped onto my back, playfully pushing me down. I turned my neck and nipped at his hind legs causing him to fall off, splashing into the water. I swam around and hit him in the face with my tail and then slowly made my way back to shore. Walking up onto the sand, I shook off the excess water and laid down further up on the dry sand. The sky was blue and cloudless, the sun was getting low but was still warm. Cole shook off and dropped down next to me. He rested his head on his front legs and looked out across the water. 

**Are you ready to tell me what’s bothering you?** 

**There isn’t anything bothering me** 

**That’s a lie** 

**It doesn’t matter anyway** 

**So, there is something then?** 

**It’s nothing just forget it** 

**Cole you’re my best friend, we’ve told each other everything since we were pups, just talk to me, please** 

**I can’t** 

**Of course you can, you always can** 

**Not about this** 

wwWhat does that mean?** 

**It means I can’t talk to you about this. You wouldn’t understand** 

**Try me** 

Cole was quiet for a minute, not looking at me, but I could smell his anxiety and his sadness. He lifted his head and turned to look at me, dropping his cars down, 

**Please don’t be angry with me** 

**I couldn’t ever be angry at you** 

**This time you might be** 

**Cole what is it?** 

**It’s Zelena** 

**What about Zelena?** 



24 Chapter 24 – My Best Friend 

**I, I’m jealous of her** 

**You’re jealous?** 



**Because you are hers now, she’s taken you from me** 

I don’t quite understand what he meant by that. She hasn’t taken me anywhere, we are still here, still together. All that’s changed is I have a Mate now. 

**Don’t think of it like that Cole, she is my True Mate yes, but you are my Beta, my best friend, my brother. I will always love you? 

**You don’t get it** 

**What don’t I get?** 

**I love you** 

**I know brother, I love 

you too** 

**No, I’m in love with you, idiot. I have been for a long time** 

He is in love with me. Is that what he said? 

**You’re what?** 

**Gunner… I think… I mean… I’m gay** 

I blanked, I have no idea what to say. How could I have not known this. 


We sat quietly as I tried to process Cole’s revelation. Okay, so your best friend is gay, that’s fine. But he just told you that he loves you. A little less fine but nothing you can’t work through. Is this why he was against Zee, telling me she wasn’t good enough, whining and moaning every time I bought her name up. I mean of course it was, right. His behavior makes a bit more sense now. He didn’t want me to fall for Zee because he wanted me for himself. I did start to feel a 

little angry, not about his declaration of love but because we have been together every day of our lives and he is only just telling me this now. No, stop it, don’t be self–centered. This isn’t about you and your feelings, this is about Cole, your closest friend. This must have been so hard 

for him. 

I looked over at my best friend as he looked out at the water. A wave of pride washed over me. He is so strong and brave. I’m happy that he could finally confide in me. I’m worried for him though, I don’t know of any same sex mated Weres. What would that mean for him, will he be alone all his life? I don’t want that for him. I will do everything I can to make sure he doesn’t feel alone, not ever. I love him, and I always will. It doesn’t matter if he’s gay, I won’t abandon him. 

He turned his head and gazed at my contemplative face. His eyes were sad and droopy. 

**Do you hate me now?** 

12 14 


24 Chapter 24 – My Best Friend 


**Are we okay then?** 

**Cole, you being gay doesn’t change anything. You’re still my brother and I still love you, nothing could change that. I may have Zee now too, but there will always be a place for you in my life** 

I stood up and pressed my head against his, he rubbed his head into my neck and licked the side of my face. 

**Nothing has to change between us, as long as you are loyal to me and support me, I will do the same for you 

**Thank you, brother** 

**Come on, let’s get back, the sun is setting** 

Cole stood up and shook out his fur, then we walked for the trees. We got to the tree line and begun to run. The wind dried my coat as I went. Using our wolf speed, we made it back to the village in minutes, the clearing was mostly empty. We walked to the fire pit shoulder to shoulder, I cracked my head back changing back to human. I grabbed my jeans from a log and pulled them on. I turned around and Mum was walking over to us, Zee wasn’t with her though. I pulled on my shirt as she reached us, 

“Where’s Zelena?” I asked her. She had an uneasy worried look across her face, 

“She went for a walk a few hours ago and hasn’t come back yet” she said quietly playing with the corner of her apron. Fear filled my stomach, what if something has happened to her, what if she was hurt. She wouldn’t have just left me without warning, would she? I spun around on the spot searching the clearing. I couldn’t see her anywhere. I lifted my nose to the air and sniffed. I could. smell her scent towards the tree line. I ran to it sniffing the air some more, Smith’s scent was here too. 

**Smith, is Zee with you?** 

**Yes, we’re at the flower field** 

**Bring her back, now** 

**On the way** 

I walked back to the fire pit where mum was waiting, still looking worried. 

“She’s with Smith at the flower field” I told her, and she sighed with relief. 

“Okay darling, don’t forget dinner is in an hour” 

“I didn’t forget“. Mum smiled and turned on her heels and went back to the house. 

“There they are” Cole nodded behind me. I spun around as they came through the trees. She smiled from across the clearing and my heart jumped, I ran to her picking her up into my arms. It missed her so much, only half a day apart and yet it felt like a lifetime. I smelled at her hair, she is. 



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24 Chapter 24 – My Best Friend 

has touched her. I sniffed around her neck, Smith. A burning rage set in, it spread through my body at the realization that she had been in the arms of another man. It was Smith all right, I could smell him all over her. He dares try to take my woman. I looked over Zee’s shoulders at Smith, a growl rumbled out of my mouth

*You tried to claim my Mate** 

**I didn’t I swear, she hugged me out of nowhere, I didn’t do anything” 

I put Zelena on the ground and walked towards Smith baring my teeth. 

**Your stink is all over her, don’t lie to me** 

**I’m not lying I promise, she was running for the trees and I stopped her, that’s all** 

**Then why can I smell you all over her?** 

**She was scared and just grabbed me, I told her not too, I swear it** 

I growled at him ready to tear at his throat, then, Zelena jumped in front of me, 

“STOP NOW!” she screamed. Of course, she would try to protect him, her new lover. I growled at her and tried to step around her, but she didn’t let me. Then, without warning, she hit me, a clean slap across the face. Goddess is she strong because it fucking stung too, enough to pull me out of my rage spiral. My body cooled instantly, and the rage was replaced with shock. She stood. up on her toes and growled right up in my face. I haven’t heard her growl before. It was fucking hot. Tingles ran down my spine and my dick jerked a little, so much for that run. 

“Did you just growl at me?” I smirked at her, 

“Yes” she barked. 

“Fuck you’re sexy“. I grabbed her under the arms and spun her around. Wow this woman is something else. I put her down and pulled her into my arms. Shit Smith, I just raged out on 


“I’m sorry Smith, I didn’t mean it” I said looking up at him, his face was pale and his eyes wide, he 

was terrified of me, 

“All good man” he said letting out a breath. I needed to take this girl back to the house and now. We need a little privacy. I grabbed her legs and threw her over my shoulder making her squeal. I smacked her ass and laughed, 

“Come on you, we’ve got business to discuss” I winked at Smith and turned for the house. 


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