Moon Child

Chapter 18

Standing in front of Hazel's door she felt her nerves causing a shaky heart to race in her chest. The door opened as her knuckles hovered over the wood in a repeated attempt to knock. She had been standing here for at least five minutes, contemplating running away or going back to Kane's house and hiding in bed.

"Dawn! Come inside, hurry. I want to make sure the dress is perfect for tonight."

With a nod, she followed Kane's sister into her home. It was quiet, everyone gathered at the lake waiting for her arrival. It would be tonight, the ceremony that would tie her fate to that of the packs. Lives forever intertwined.



"Give me a second, I promise you're going to love it!"

Within thirty minutes Dawn was wearing a floor length gown the color of jewels. A royal blue that shimmered like sparkling water within the sights of the moon. She wondered how Hazel had gotten her hands on something so beautiful, and then she began to feel anxious. It didn't seem right for such a gorgeous piece to be wasted on her.

"So? What do you think?"

Hazel had pulled her to stand in front of a flimsy full length mirror. She frowned, looking at her own reflection in disbelief. The woman had calmed her auburn curls with soft strokes of a comb and a lot of patience. As they fell to her waist their reddish color burst to life against the dark sapphire of the dress.

The dress was designed in a very low cut v shape at the front. A hefty amount of cleavage was bared to the world. Her abdomen, past her belly button, was naked for all to see. The bottom of the dress didn't hide much either, slits cutting it open up to her hips at each side. Her bare feet looked odd against the silky fabric.


Tears shone in Dawn's eyes. Even dressed so nicely she felt like dirt. She could almost see the handprints of every man that took her down to the ground and used her like a sex puppet. She felt like every spot of skin was tainted, and in her own eyes she saw fear. The past continued to hurt, her shields cracking just a bit in front of Hazel.

The woman stood close by. She felt her heart break as Dawn tried to cover her own body with dainty hands. This goddess of a woman couldn't see her beauty through all of the pain she had suffered. Hazel noticed the scars from attempts at suicide, but she never mentioned them. Dawn had clearly been through so much, she deserved the chance to start over.

"You look like the Moon Child mother use to speak of."

Hazel moved to stand in front of Dawn, blocking her view of the mirror. Her hand moved to touch a soft auburn curl, her pregnant belly almost touching Dawn's flat stomach.

"Mother use to tell us her stories. The Moon Child was made from a drop of starlight and a shimmer of the moon. She was made to protect the dreams of children, always watching over their innocent minds."

Her words entranced Dawn, and soon the woman had forgotten her tears in wake of awe. She wondered if this legend of a dream protector was truth or something Hazel had stirred up. A lady of the moon and stars, like a goddess? Surely Kane's sister didn't see such a beauty in her scarred being.

"You have the spirit of our people living within you Dawn. We will protect you, love you. Most importantly, we will help you to love yourself again."

Hazel pulled the woman into her arms, and Dawn felt love she had forgotten within her own mother's arms. A sad smile spread across her lips as he hugged the woman. A family. People to love her, not hurt her. Could she really believe in this? This reality that seemed too calm and serene to be real?

Her heart wanted to hope, but her mind continued to hang onto a darkness she couldn't seem to escape. This wasn't going to be easy, but nothing ever seemed to be in this world.

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