Monarch of Darkness

Chapter 145: What it means to be a devil

"Evan, you are not allowed to do such dangerous things again. Experience is necessary but you should avoid the upper realm cultivators whenever you meet them", Brianna spoke. Evan nodded his head obediently as he couldn't argue with his aunt.

"Ok then, let's go to the palace first. It must be tiresome to participate in a battle", Olivia spoke.

"Ancestor, you should also take rest", Brianna looked towards Ether Jackson.

"Girl, no need to worry about me. I want to talk with this fellow. We must know what is their motive in coming to our northern region", Ether Jackson replied with a smile.

Brianna nodded her head and bowed towards Ether Jackson before leaving. Evan, Sophie and Olivia also bowed towards Ether Jackson before leaving. Olivia held Evan's hand and led him towards the Moon palace. Sophie followed after her as she was looking at Evan from time to time.

"A girl from Sylvia clan, moreover a girl with an awakened bloodline at that! I wonder if she can help Evan in unlocking the potential of our bloodline", Ether Jackson murmured to himself. His gaze fell upon Beiming Ye who was still lying unconscious.

"Evan, what do you like to eat? mother will prepare the food for you", Olivia spoke as she looked at Evan for answer.

"Mother, how about grilled meat?", Evan replied with a suggestion. Olivia nodded her head and said, " Wait then. It will take some time".

"Aunt wait, I am also coming with you", Sophie spoke and left with Olivia. Evan remained alone inside his room.

"I should not keep stalling my cultivation for longer. There is also a need to see the arrangement for my blood awakening ceremony", Evan thought to himself.

He picked up a book related to inscription and started to read the book. There were some basic things about inscription but Evan found the book interesting.

'Inscription symbols represent the ethereal laws of heaven itself. Thus, the art of inscription related to one's connection with heaven and earth and how much they can learn from it's profoundness.'

Evan became fully immersed in the book as some of it's words really piqued his interest. He was still reading when Sophie entered his room.

"Evan, what are you reading?", Sophie asked curiously. 

"Sister Sophie, it is a book about inscription techniques. Is food ready?', Evan looked towards Sophie.

"Why are you still calling me 'sister'? We are already promised to each other", Sophie said while blushing.contemporary romance

It is an old habit. I don't know what to call you now", Evan spoke with a smile.

"You can call me Sophie or whatever you like. But you can't call me sister again. It will be embarrassing if someone heard you calling me sister", Sophie spoke.

"Ok, I will call you Sophie from now on", Evan nodded his head.

"Good, that you understand. Let's go to the dining hall. Aunt Brianna and aunt Olivia are waiting for us there", Sophie spoke while sneakily taking some glances at Evan.

Evan chuckled seeing her action. "Let's go", he walked forward and picked up the hand of Sophie. Sophie blushed but didnot struggle. Both of them went to the dining hall while locking their hands with each other.

Brianna and Olivia smiled when they saw both Evan and Sophie coming together. But they didn't comment anything about it. Food was served and everyone started to eating happily.

"Mother, I need another one", Evan looked towards Olivia after finishing the roasted duck she was eating.

"Linda, prepare two more", Brianna looked towards a maid nearby. She shook her head slightly after seeing the unsatisfied look in Evan's eyes.

"Child, your appetite seems to be increasing every day. Are you sure your will not have a stomachache after eating so many roasted ducks", Olivia looked towards Evan worriedly.

"Mother, you don't have to worry about it. It is just that I like roasted duck very much", Evan looked towards Olivia with a smile.

"Relax Olivia, this is Evan's growing phase. Young men need more food to become tall and strong", Brianna spoke. Olivia nodded her head in understanding.

Evan shook his head helplessly. Currently, his devil blood had started to show the sign of awakening. No matter how he suppressed, he couldn't control his natural urges. His hunger and bloodlust was increasing with every passing days.

Evan didn't know himself how much he would be changed after his devil blood completely awakened. He had not attained the blood awakening ceremony in his previous life because he was still twelve when their empire was attacked.

He dided as a child even before awakening his royal devil blood of Henderson family. He recalled the words of his third uncle when he thought about his current problems.


"Ryan, come out. It is practice time", the third uncle of Evan or we can say the third uncle of Ryan shouted.

Ryan who was busy in reading an ancient looking tome, raised his head and looked towards his third uncle.

His third uncle had a tall figure and handsome face. With the pitch black eyes of his, he looked rather intimidating. Ryan's eyes moved past him and he saw two soldiers draggaing a cage towards him. There was a robust looking hell leopard caged inside it.

"Third uncle, why are you always keep doing it. You know, I don't like to keep killing every single day ", Ryan who was eleven year old at that time protested.

"A descendant of my Henderson family didn't like bloodshed! Do you know how big of a joke it would be if word has to spread out", the second uncle of Ryan shouted in an exasperated tone.

"I don't care. Is not the whole point to become strong? Then I promise, I will one day surpass grand father and reach that legendary world where strong gathers", a look of yearning appeared in the young face of Ryan when he thought about that legendary world.

"Immortal world, huh! You are rather learned considering your age", the third uncle of Ryan commented.

"Then how do you plan to do it? You don't have any interest in fighting, then how are you going to do it?", the third uncle of Ryan spoke.

"I don't know either. I just don't feel like doing it", Ryan spoke.

"Then, there is no choice. Let me give you a reason to kill it", the third uncle of Ryan spoke.

"Bring her", he spoke and two soldiers brought out a little girl with them. Ryan's eyes widened as a disbelief appeared on his tender face.

"Third uncle, what are you doing?", Ryan spoke in an agitated voice. The third uncle of Evan looked towards him in an indifferent look and said, "release the beast".

The hell leopard lunged towards the little maid of Ryan after it was released from the cage. A furious look appeared in Evan's eyes as some obscure symbols faintly appeared on his little face.

"Sacred symbols!", the eyes of Ryan's third uncle widened as he saw the appearance of Ryan. Ryan quickly rushed towards the hell leopard and a battle unfolded.

After a few exchanges, the hell leopard fell to the ground and did not stand up again. Ryan's furious expression calmed down a little after he managed to take down that he'll panther with few exchanges. "Third uncle, you fooled me. You brought a weak beast to begin with. It couldn't handle even some punches", Ryan stared at his third uncle.

"Of course, I just wanted to make you kill. There is no other thing I have planned", Zhan Chen's third uncle spoke.

"How are you feeling now?", Ryan's third uncle smiled towards him.

"I don't know but today I feel somehow excited", Ryan spoke without thinking much.

"That is the feel. This is what a devil feel when he kills.

Devils are bloodthirsty in nature and love to indulge themshelves in their primal urges, food, sleep, women and violence. This nature is completely awakened when they awaken their bloodline. You will understand after attaining the Blood awakening ceremony", Ryan's third uncle spoke and patted the back of Ryan Hendrickson.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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