Molly spungle : The Secret of Red Stone

Chapter 28: Secrets Revealed

Ran-Da flew swiftly, Molly and her friends, Hoddi and King Simon, mounted on his back. Long red-gold hair streaming behind her, the young Spungle fairy laughed in delight, loving every minute of it. Hoddi and the king held on for dear life. In no time at all, they landed at the stone circle. There, the Spungle fairies danced around the fire, the air filled with the pungent odor created by the potions buried in the mystical purple flames.

They were ecstatic to see Molly and the others again. The fairies danced around her, asking many questions. Dancing along with them, she quickly explained what had happened since she left the cave. They were all relieved and overjoyed when they heard about Jar-Ed.

“Now we can go home!” cried Margil, hugging her friend. They promptly prepared to leave, the desire to return to their homes, burning strongly within them. Knowing they would all meet again when the moon was full, round and yellow, they said their goodbyes.

“Next stop is Fielders Forest,” Molly told Ran-da and her two loyal friends. The red dragon was only too happy to do her bidding. Molly yearned to see her father again and to let him know the fate of the deranged sorcerer.

When they reached the lush green bush of Fielders Forest, Molly, King Simon and Hoddi quickly dismounted. They were close to the red stone river and walked along its banks. The lustre of the dark red stone seemed to call to them and Molly was overwhelmed by the feeling she had come home. It seemed much stronger than the contentment she felt in her village.

The three came across a lone tree, its branches reaching high. Molly didn’t remember seeing it before. The fairy noticed a sign hanging from a lower branch.

“It’s the same as the others,” she said, truly puzzled. “Why did I not see it before?” They stopped in front of it as the fairy read.

Welcome to the heart of red stone.

Fielders Forest is forever your home.

You unlock secrets of this magical stone.

You share the heart of red stone.

Molly felt unexpected tears coursing down her face. Her fingers touched the red stone pendant which she had grabbed from the pile of red dust where it had fallen from Jar-Ed’s grasp. It hung around her neck again as it always had. Her heart was full and she felt not a bit surprised when she spied her father strolling toward her.

Jackson’s face was full of love and pride for his only daughter. “Welcome, Molly,” he said. He hugged her tightly, his own eyes brimming with happy tears. Her father was delighted to see her friends as well and hugged them all. Molly promptly filled her father in on all that happened since they were last together. He was excited to learn that the village was restored and whole again.

“How wonderful that evil sorcerer can’t harm any of us ever again!” Jackson exclaimed, his face breaking into a pleased grin.

“We burned his cloak and the black wand. We then buried the ashes in a deep pit in a lonely field, far from the palace,” Molly added.

“Just in case they were able to cause any more trouble,” interjected the king.

“We will be safe now!” added Ran-Da. Jackson Spungle was quick to thank the red dragon and the others for keeping Molly safe.

“It was the least we could do!” said Hoddi, happy they were all together once more.

“I can now send the councillors home again,” Jackson said. “They are eager to get back to the village and resume their duties. They will be so glad their homes have been returned to their former states.”

They strode rapidly into the castle where the councillors anxiously waited for news from Molly. Once inside, the councillors enjoyed Molly’s telling of their victory over Jar-Ed. Eager to return to their village, the Spungle leaders soon left.

Without warning, Jackson turned to Molly, saying, “There is someone here you must meet, my child.”

Molly’s mind filled with questions. She wondered who else could possibly be here that she had never met. However, Molly followed her father into a room at the back of the castle. A woman stood looking out the window, her back facing the two of them. She wore a shawl about her small shoulders.

“Marlene, she’s here.” Jackson’s voice betrayed his excitement and Molly, completely bewildered at this turn of events, wondered who she could be. Hearing Jackson’s voice, the woman slowly turned around. Molly’s breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening at the woman’s great beauty.

“Hello, Molly,” the woman said, the shawl slipping away from her. Her voice was low, reminding Molly of someone. She could not think who.

Molly gasped, barely able to speak. “You have wings!” she cried out. “And a crest! You are a Spungle fairy!

“I am,” said the woman, her smile revealing pearly white teeth. The smile touched her dark green eyes which were full of warmth. Her curly, red-gold hair, falling below her waist, framed a sensitive face. Molly could see the pointed tips of her ears peeking through it.

“You look like me!” gasped the younger fairy. “Who are you?” Before the woman spoke, Molly knew. “Mother?”

“Yes my sweet child. I am your mother!”

Her father interrupted. “She came to me in a dream, Molly and directed me to Red Stone Castle!” he cried. He could not hide the pure joy he felt.

“I’ve been watching over you, Molly, although I could not reveal myself. Watching over your father, as well. I, too, can unlock the secrets of red stone!” her eyes twinkled merrily and she laughed. “I am the heart of red stone!”

Molly, unable to stop herself, ran to Marlene. “Mother! How I have longed to know you all these years! I have dreamed of you a million times!”

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