Mister Ōkami

Chapter Ranking Day

Instinctively, Toosh goes to fetch a rope. However, the “rope” turns out to be a snake! Hash leaps to the rescue before I can react. She kills the snake and carries it with her. Well, more food, I guess! Too bad it had to be a fellow carnivore.

With that out of the way, Toosh grabs an actual vine. Lowering the vine into the pit, the injured she-wolves bite the rope. Then, we all work together to pull them up. Okay, sure, but they can’t walk.

“How do we get them all back to the den?” I ask.

“We carry them, duh!” the Alpha says, rolling his eyes. “Use your brain, pretty lady!”

This is about to be a loooooong walk back. Again, my mind wanders back to Kurai. Alpha loads the injured she-wolves onto our backs. We are now carrying a horse chopped in two, a snake, a pika, and four injured wolves. As annoyed as I am, I understand. This is why we are here, to help one another.

“We’ll have some nice grub when we get home. Frostt can mend your ankles. She’s pretty good at fixing broken wolves,” Alpha says.

We didn’t stray too much further. After all, we had our hands full with four injured wolves. We looped back around, skirting the edge of Clawderwilde, ducking whenever the helicopters made their fly-by’s, and made it back to the den. Already, we have enough food to feed probably 12 or 13 of us, maybe more if we really share it out.

I can only hope the hunting pack brought more because we now have 37 mouths to feed! I can’t imagine letting 24 wolves starve… Checking twice to make sure we weren’t followed, Alpha descends into the cavern and helps arrange our catch in a pile. The second half of the pack enters the cavern shortly after, looking utterly exhausted.

Oil places a single mouse in the food pile. Edge has nothing to offer and looks rather ashamed of herself with her gray fur even more ruffled up than it was when we left the den. Vicious also has nothing to offer and smells like she had a bad encounter with a skunk. Ziff, however, has dragged an entire buck in that could feed another three or four of us.

Clementina doesn’t have any food, either, but she has brought a blanket that she stole from someone else. Jewel has a rabbit and a few raspberries. Hill has a sheep to offer and places it in the pile. Quickie has obtained a case of bottled water…I guess that’s nice, but we do have a natural water source nearby, I saw it when we were heading out, which, now that I think about it, might mean part of the cavern is flooded and the ground water is flowing up to the surface…but hopefully that doesn’t become an issue.

Ressa has a pillow and Moov has another blanket. Nora has a stick…that’s a delicious looking stick… Bella has a hat, which is completely useless, but it does look cool. Ava has two small pigs. So far, that’s enough to feed 25 wolves…11 more to go.

Yola has a scrub brush, which we could use to keep the floors cleaned, especially with all this blood we’ve just added to the ground. Similarly, Mouth has a hair brush. Lucy has nothing, but also looks nearly dead and the others have just dragged her in like the meat in the meat pile. Ivory has brought a large groundhog and placed it in the pile.

Last, but not least (in my opinion) Kurai managed to bring back a fat turkey! I think we could spread this meat out enough that we all could have some! Mr. Ōkami examines everyone’s offerings and gives a scolding whack to Edge, Vicious, Nora, Bella, Lucy, and, much to my shock, Kurai!

“Shame on you! I expected better! This isn’t going to be enough to share out! Now, because of your lack of hunting ability, some of you will have to starve!” Mr. Ōkami announces, snarling.

“Ah, dang! But I brought you a turkey! What about Quickie?! She just brought fancy water!” Kurai complains.

“ENOUGH!” Mr. Ōkami snaps, biting Kurai roughly until she collapses with a pained yelp. “Does ANYONE ELSE want to question me?!”

Kurai has surrendered. Everyone else has averted their gaze, standing at submissive. Mr. Ōkami studies everyone and then sighs, shaking his head. I’ve learned my lesson about jumping in.

“Now, then, let’s eat. Me first, then Frostt. Our healer here deserves a special thanks for helping FOUR injured wolves today!” Mr. Ōkami says. “Our newest pack members are here. You four, introduce yourselves.”

“I’m Ellie, this is my son, Bound… We’re from outside the main city. We barely survived a raid and were rescued,” the mother wolf says.

“Hi… Don’t mind me…” Bound says, making himself look as small as possible.

“A boy!” Vicious exclaims, looking shocked.

“Ahem… Ladies, as we have a new male in our presence, allow me to make this clear… ONLY I can mate. He’s NOT permitted!” Mr. Ōkami announces.

“I’m Springy,” the 7 year old she-wolf with injured ankles says.

“And I’m Crusty…but don’t worry, that’s just a name! I’m clean, I assure you!” the 16 year old she-wolf says.

Alpha lines us up by some unseen ranking system… He hasn’t told me my rank yet, I suppose the ranks will be announced on Ranking Day. I had thought there would be plenty of food for everyone, but after Alpha took his share, I began to doubt. Frostt eats, then I do (apparently I’m pretty highly favored).

Alpha ensures that I get some of the best meat from the pickings pile and even encourages me to eat a little extra. I regret it…my stomach hurts now and there’s no way we can feed 37 wolves. Hash is next followed by Viper. Walk is brought to the front and Bounce hops up behind her.

After Bounce is Presha, then Oil. Edge is after Oil but quickly followed by Vicious and Ziff who apparently are too starving to take turns. Mr. Ōkami quickly smacks the two of them for their impatience. Clementina is the next in line for food, and, after she leaves…there’s mere scraps left and still so many wolves to feed.

I look and see Kurai at the very end of the line with the four broken wolves we just rescued. Jewel and Hill begin fighting over a rabbit leg that one of the others dropped. My heartbreaks, watching the struggle. Quickie and Ressa take turns licking shreds of meat off the cave floor…and Ressa gets a raspberry, too.

“Oh hey, we’re out of food. Better luck next time!” Mr. Ōkami says, casually licking his heavily distended belly. “Nothing I could have done to help.”

There are twenty wolves who have no food. The rest of the line disperses, disappointed. Kurai slinks forwards and begins licking the blood off the ground. There’s not even a tiny shred of meat left…

“Alpha, is there anything I can do to help?” I ask, looking sad.

“No, you did what you could. I’m proud of you!” Mr. Ōkami says, dragging the bedding supplies away to his secret area of the den. “I’m putting this stuff away. Get some rest, socialize. I don’t know. It’s been a loooooong day, my love…”

“When’s ranking day?“ I ask.

“Tomorrow, then I’ll send the hunting patrol out again,” Mr. Ōkami says. “Do not fear, my love. Like I said, you are highly favored. Also, those four newbies can’t be ranked yet. Unlike you, I haven’t seen them in action yet. Plus they still need a bit more tending… It’s no good to run with injured backs and ankles.”

I watch the Alpha retreat. His tail held high, flashing his backend at me. I sigh and return to Kurai’s cozy. Kurai and the others are all settling in.

“Kurai,” I say, approaching.

“Good food?” Kurai asks, grinning sadly.

“It was, actually… Did you want some?” I ask.

“Uhhhh…” Kurai says, grimacing. “Do you expect me to climb into your stomach and get it?”

“No, here,” I say and BLEGH regurgitate most of the meat.

“You really want me to have some…?” Kurai asks, looking about to cry.

“Yes, you and the four newbies. There’s enough for each of you to have a little. Alpha made me overeat,” I say.

Ellie, Bound, Springy, and Crusty stare in shock for a moment before collectively swarming over to eat the regurgitated meat. It’s not the best, but it’s better than letting them starve. If I had more, I would share with the other 16 wolves. Before long, all the puked up meat is consumed.

“Thank you, Suisen,” Kurai says. “You treat me way nicer than I deserve.”

“You deserve good things, little one,” I murmur.

I yawn, stretch, turn a circle, and lie down. Kurai cuddles up with me. My legs are sooooo tired from running… I gently lick Kurai.

“I love you, Kurai,” I whisper.

“I don’t deserve it…” Kurai replies.

“You do,” I reassure her. “I will always love you, my sister…”

“SUISEN! KURAI!” I hear Mr. Ōkami cry out.

“Oh no…” I say.

“WHY are you snuggling with that filthy feral?!” Mr. Ōkami asks. “She’s going to bring down your ranking!”

“I… I’m sorry…” I say, lowering my head.

“Sorry, Suisen…” Kurai says, getting up abruptly and abandoning me.

“NEVER snuggle with that disgusting creature ever again! You hear?!” Mr. Ōkami barks.

“Y-yes, Alpha…” I say, but, secretly, I want to hug Kurai again.

“Ahem… Now, if you will, please join the rest of the pack for the ranking ceremony! This will decide your fate for the rest of the month!” Mr. Ōkami says.

“Yes, Alpha!” I say.

“Why should I bother coming to the ceremony? I already know my rank. I’m an Omega, right?” Kurai asks, sticking her tongue out in a silly manner.

“Hah hah, sure are! You ALWAYS will be!” Mr. Ōkami says, roughly licking Kurai’s face.

“I knew it!” Kurai exclaims and bounds after us.

All the other wolves have gathered and are in a random order. I notice Clementina, first, as she is a VERY pink wolf and pink is NOT a normal color. Bounce is also pink, but not quite as pink. Toosh is facing the wrong direction with her bum facing Mr. Ōkami. He stalks over and swiftly rotates her with a swipe of his paw.

“Okay, let’s get this over with so we can send the hunting patrol out again. We didn’t get enough food for everyone last night so it’s important that we try again,” Mr. Ōkami says. “Let me just say… NONE of you guys ranked above Lambda. I expect you all to train hard before next month! Once we get this pack more established, I’ll have ONLY the best hunters go hunting… Top of the list, Frostt! You are a Lambda and officially our pack healer. If you wish to rank up, I highly suggest you learn some manners! I can only assume Kurai taught you how to bad mouth me…”

“I didn’t bad mouth you, I rubbed my butt on the entrance to your den…” Frostt admits.


“It was an IMMEDIATE itch, Alpha!” Frostt says with a shrug.

“Inexcusable!” Mr. Ōkami yells and slaps Frostt.

“Ow! Sorry, Alpha…I’ll rub my butt elsewhere next time…” Frostt says, hanging her head.

“Next, Suisen! You are a Xi. I don’t have any specific roles for you yet, but if you’re still a Xi by next spring, you’ll be in charge of raising the pups. You are very motherly. If you wish to rank up, my advice for you is to learn to hunt. I haven’t seen you hunt before, so, honestly, I just ranked you low in that category…but we could always use more hunters!” Mr. Ōkami says.

“Oh, yeah, hunting has always been my weak point, Alpha,” I say, nervously.

“Otherwise, you are doing well for a newbie,” Mr. Ōkami compliments me with a smile. “Next, I have a few Omicrons… Hash, Viper, Walk, Bounce, and Presha! Viper, Walk, and Bounce, if we find any more puppies, they are your responsibility. Hash and Presha…just try to stay out of trouble. Ranking advice, Hash, you stink, clean yourself! Viper, you’re almost as ugly as Kurai, get yourself together! Walk, uhhhh, you’re just tiny, and tiny wolves aren’t very useful…and I don’t suspect you’ll be growing since you’re nearly 16…tough luck, woman. Bounce, like Suisen, you need to learn how to hunt if you really want to help this pack thrive.”

“So I guess I’ll just never get ranked up…” Walk says with a sigh. “At least I’m not an Omega…”

“Next are my Pi warriors, Oil, Edge, Vicious and Ziff. Oil, learn to hunt. Edge, you’re ugly. Vicious, you are literally covered in fecal matter. Ziff, I don’t feel like you submit fast enough when I call for attention. That’s awfully disrespectful of you!” Mr. Ōkami says.

“Oops,” Vicious says, dropping and licking herself in the middle of ranking ceremony.

“Rho warriors, Jewel, Hill, and Quickie. You guys are all weaker than my Pi Warriors. Jewel, you are slower than a snail on a salt path! You best get those legs moving! Hill, you’re still very feral. We all would appreciate it if you would stop trying to eat your fellow pack mates! Quickie, you may be fast, but it does no good if you keep smashing face first into everything!” Mr. Ōkami says. “I’ve chosen two Sigma warriors, but ONE OF YOU is severely slacking! Ressa and Moov! Ressa, I remember that you belched while I was-“

“BWWWAAARRRRPPPP!” Ressa belches.

“JUST LIKE THAT! NO MANNERS!” Mr. Ōkami exclaims. “And you, Moov, you’re slacking on your cleanliness. I haven’t seen you even attempt to clean yourself at all this month!”

“Mmm, yeah, I guess I am kinda filthy…” Moov says with a lazy yawn.

“I have quite a few Tau and you’re all slacking. I should seriously have ranked you all even lower! Nora, Bella, Ava, Yola, and Mouth! Nora, you’re becoming ugly. Bella, you are also ugly and stinky, but still not as ugly and stinky as Kurai. Ava, another puny feral wolf… Yola, ANOTHER ugly wolf… Mouth, I heard you cussing all night,” Mr. Ōkami says.

“Oh ****! You ******* heard that?!” Mouth asks, looking shocked.

“And my two Upsilon, you are the weakest warriors, Lucy and Ivory! Lucy, you need strength training. Ivory with the lack of manners…” Mr. Ōkami says.

“You dumb bum!” Ivory yells.

Much to everyone’s surprise, Mr. Ōkami leaps at Ivory. She screams and struggles as Mr. Ōkami bites her over and over again. She’s big for her age, but she’s just a pup! Ivory wails in agony before Mr. Ōkami releases her from his grasp.

“Stupid child,” Mr. Ōkami says, licking the blood off of his face.

Frostt rushes to the rescue, tending the bite wounds the Alpha just inflicted. She’s literally a child! I can’t believe this guy would brutally attack her like that! I stare, my mouth open a bit.

“I’m the Alpha. I DEMAND respect!” Mr. Ōkami yells, then, clearing his throat, he continues on as if he didn’t just injure a child. “The next two wolves I have ranked Phi. You will be my greatest ambassadors. You’ll come with me patrolling for more wolves and securing deals with any other wolf harems we might encounter… X and Noise. X, if you want to rank up, do some strength training. Noise, you are the worst hunter I have ever met. Last time that I took you hunting, the others reported that you kept barking and giving away your position.”

“I like to bark!” Noise barks, wagging her tail.

“And I have a few more ambassadors, but of a lower rank. Chi ranked wolves! Gargle, Dilly, Umami, and Crisp! Gargle, you’re probably going to be stuck at this rank for awhile unless you can some how grow. Dilly, aside from Kurai, you are the smallest wolf and are extremely weak, you’re most likely to die at any given time. Umami, you need to go faster if you want to keep up with your pack mates. Crisp, you nearly died yesterday, but also you have this weird smell like something that fell into a fire pit,” Mr. Ōkami says. “Then there is one more ambassador, though I really should have ranked you Omega, Toosh, you are a Psi, which is only one step above Kurai. You are clumsy and stupid and your sorry bum has to keep being rescued.”

“My turn! My turn!” Kurai exclaims, leaping out of line. “I’m an Omega, of course! I’m the ugliest, rudest, smallest, and stinkiest wolf of all, but MAN can I take a beating!”

“KURAI!” Mr. Ōkami yells and attacks her.

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