Misha the Beast Tamer.

Chapter 6

I waited for my father at the stable while pacing around nervously. I was also curious and excited about what I was going to learn today.

I almost didn't recognise my Father as he casually walked towards me.

"Ahh! Good, you're here just in time. Come, we don't have much time, I want to show you something beautiful."

A stable hand came around the corner leading my Father's black Stallion and a smaller, finely built, chestnut mare.

" This mare is the most gentle horse in the royal stable, and is perfect for you. I know you don't ride much, this is why she was chosen. C'mon, up you get, there's many places to see and not enough time."

I mounted the mare and followed my Father. He didn't run off or urge his stallion into a gallop, he kept pace with me. We rode across soft sand and harsh grasses until we arrived at a cliff. Dad got off his horse,

" We can't ride the horses up to the top of the cliff, lead your horse and follow me."

We wound our way up to the top where a group of tree's grew in a clump and were surrounded by grass. We tied our horses up and I followed my father down a track just near the edge of the cliff. The track seemed to disappear like it led straight off the cliff. But it took a sharp left turn and into a cave.

Dad entered first, lit a torch and I followed. Once I was through the opening, the cave itself became bigger, I could stand up and to my surprise it was filled with furniture.

"Welcome to my special place. You're the only living person, besides myself who I've shown. Come and sit with me at the entrance, the sun will rise soon."

We sat at the mouth of the cave and waited patiently for the morning sun to rise. Soon the sky was yellow and pink and the sun glistened across the waves as they crashed to the shore. I found the sound, the smell of sea air, and the gentle breeze teasing my hair peaceful.

My Father sat there watching the waves, he seemed to be in a trance of sorts, deep in thought. I got up and explored the cave, then moved on to the furniture. I opened drawers and found sketches of a man with curly hair and a deep scar across his neck. His eyes looked gentle and soulful, but they were also sad. I took the sketch over to my Father and showed him.

"Who's this Dad?" I questioned.

He gently took the sketch and I swear I saw his eyes fill with tears. He gently caressed the picture and traced the outline of the face of the man.

" This is the only other person who knew of this caves existence. His name was Micah."

"As in Micah's Beach?" I asked.

"Yes, the beach is named after him." He replied.

" What happened to him Dad? He must've been special to have a beach named after him? Is he still alive?"

I studied my father, his cheeks were wet with tears. But as he continued caressing the picture he smiled. He put the picture back in the drawer and answered my many questions and continued telling me about the cave.

"No, Misha, he died many years ago...And yes he was very special...to me.

You see this cave, it's kind of a shrine to him. Some of the furniture belonged to him and I store some of his less valuable possessions here, just in case the cave is found. It keeps them from prying eyes. He loved it here, we made many beautiful memories here. I loved him, Misha."

I knew my father was different to other Men, as shown by his affection towards Stefan. Not to mention I found those stories of men with men and women with women in the library. But it seemed to be a relief for him to open up to me.

"Do you love Stefan, like you loved Micah Dad? What about Mother, did you also love her too? " I asked.

He sighed,

" Micha was my first Love, it is true your first love remains in your heart forever. I did love him and yes he still holds a piece of my heart that will never belong to another.

Yes, I also love Stefan. Stefan has assisted me and your mother raise you ever since you were a little over six months old. He has been my rock and support through bad times, he is not afraid to be who he is. He is the love of my life, I love him with my whole being. No-one will change that. He is 'the one' for me.

Finally, the answer to your third question, I did love your mother. She brought you into this world, I respect her for that. But I could never love your mother like I loved Micah and Stefan. I'm afraid after today, you'll understand why. Which means that the next leg of our journey will begin, and you'll learn what happened to Micah and why it's called Micah's beach. Care to join me daughter, on the next leg of the journey?"

I nodded, and we returned to our horses.

We led the horses down the narrow pathway and led them to Micah's beach. Dad led his horse to what was nothing more than a inconspicuous collection of rocks near the shoreline. He waited for me to join him.

"This is the exact spot where I found Micah. He was washed ashore after his ship ran afoot the hidden reef that covers this side of the kingdom, he was the sole survivor. I saw a flicker of material and I raced over to find him covered in blood and his clothes torn and tattered. I leaned my cheek near his mouth and realised he was still breathing. I took him back to the castle and after a while he healed.

He was covered in old scars, and the one on his neck came from an injury that made him unable to talk. He was once a slave, but after some research I found he had been freed. He agreed to be my servant. He learnt how to write and communicated with us by writing in this old leather bound book. Our relationship blossomed and we fell in love.

Everything was going so well, but he was taken from the castle and from my life permanently by a guard named Tristan.

He cut into Micah's face, his body, he tortured Micah... Micah died scared, alone and in pain right where we stand the same spot I found him.

Tristan knew this as he was with me when Micah was found after the shipwreck. He knew. But the worst part of this story, and why I no longer love your mother, she knew what Tristan was going to do, they planned it together." My father broke down in tears and I comforted him until he seemed well enough to talk.

"Why would Mother want to kill Micah? I asked, upset by what I was finding out.

"It was my fault in a way. While married to your Mother I carried on a romantic relationship with Micah, as I still loved him. She got jealous and wanted Micah killed, so it would stop the affair. She got Tristan to follow us to try and get proof that I was being unfaithful with Micah.

Once the proof was found, she got Tristan to kill him. A short time after that, you and your brother were conceived. I named you after Micah, as a way to remember him."

I started to cry, how could my Mother kill and my Father carry on an affair while married. How come I carried the name of my Father's murdered first love?

I became overwhelmed and my father embraced me. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to push him away but also wanted to hold him close. I know I would probably do the same in Dad's position if I was in an arranged marriage, but loved Zac. I desperately wanted to change the subject.

" Was he treated badly and that's why he was scarred?"

Dad nodded,

"Yes, he was. But in a way he also enjoyed it."

I was confused,

"He liked to be treated badly? Why would anyone like that?"

"You're too young to understand. Once you're old enough, I'll tell you." He answered.

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