MINI STORY: The Greybacks Continue

Chapter Prologue

From “The Archer and her Wolf”

Waiting inside Xaiver’s office were Alphas Theo and Tigris along with their younger siblings Timbre and Talia. Thea grinned widely and threw herself at her siblings, hugging them tightly.

“We wanted to make sure that you were okay.” Alpha Tigris said. That’s when Xaiver noticed that the Alphas’ mate, Nora, was here as well, standing behind the Alphas.

“You didn’t have to come all the way out here. I just saw you all yesterday.” Thea frowned but her mate could tell that she was beyond thrilled to have them here.

“It’s not that far, Thea.” Theo chuckled, ruffling Thea’s hair. She swatted at him and made an irritated noise.

“Everything okay here?” Tigris asked, eyeing Xaiver suspiciously from behind Thea.

“Well, I think so.” Xaiver said with a shrug and Tigris’ eyes narrowed on me,

“Everything’s fine, Tigris, simmer down.” Thea laughed before turning her attention to the younger ones, “And what are you two doing here?” She asked Talia and Timbre.

“We wanted to see you!” Talia squealed, latching on to Thea’s waist. She knelt down and kissed the top of Talia’s head, squeezing her tightly,

“I’m glad you came.” Thea smiled, “What about you, Timbre?” She grabbed her brother’s hand and pulled him towards her for a hug.

At thirteen, Timbre was nearly a fully grown wolf and stood almost as tall as Thea. He stiffly returned Thea’s hug, but his facial expression changed just enough for Xaiver to know that he enjoyed his sister’s affection.

“I guess.” Timbre shrugged, agreeing with Talia.

“Mom, Dad, and Papa also wanted us to come to make sure everything was okay. Something about it being the Alpha’s duty to ensure a smooth transition for our members from one pack to another, but I think they really just wanted to check in on you.” Tigris chuckled, lazily wrapping his arm around Nora’s waist.

“Well, either way, I meant what I said before. You are all welcome in our pack anytime.” Xaiver assured the Greyback children.

“Thanks again for that, Xaiver.” Tigris nodded once at me.

“Then there’s Tate.” Theo grumbled,

“What about him?” Thea asked, her tone changing.

“I’m sure it’s Quinny, but…..the Red River pack has sent a formal letter of communication.” Theo looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. Thea stepped away from her younger siblings.

“Communication about what?” She asked carefully.

Theo glanced at Tigris who was cowering behind their mate. Nora glared at him and shot Theo a comforting smile.

“Theo, just say it.” Thea sighed, looking irritated. Xaiver stepped up beside his mate and brushed his hand against her arm.

“A formal declaration ending an alliance.” Theo said,

“Tate ended Red River’s alliance with Satin Moon?” Thea gasped but Theo shook his head.

He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it off to Xaiver. He took it curiously, opening the letter and scanning its contents. He held it out for Thea.

“Red River is ending their alliance with us.” Xaiver said and Thea’s eyes went wide.

“You’re not serious?” She snatched the letter from Xaiver’s hand and quickly read it, “What an idiot.” She growled but Xaiver saw the pain hidden away in her eyes.

“Why didn’t he send this directly to me?” Xaiver asked Theo and Tigris.

“Because he’s a coward,” Tigris snapped, “He sent us a letter informing us of the change and then asked that we pass this letter along to you.”

“I can’t believe him.” Thea mumbled. She released the letter and it fluttered soundlessly to the floor. Xaiver took her hand and soothingly ran his thumb across her knuckles, “I’m sorry.” She said, catching his gaze.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, my love. Any Alpha who doesn’t accept my mate and Luna isn’t a welcome ally of this pack.” Xaiver replied sternly.

“Spoken like a true mated alpha.” Tigris chuckled, earning a jab from Nora, “Ow!” He cried, rubbing his side while Nora rolled her eyes at him.

“Oh, don’t be such a baby.” Nora huffed, which had Theo rolling with laughter.

“I swear, Nora, I don’t know how you put up with those two all day long.” Thea teased, the sadness slowly leaving her eyes.

“They have their moments….all night long.” Nora winked and Thea gagged. Theo and Tigris looked both horrified and proud at the same time.

Just then, the door to Xaiver’s office rattled open and Logan came running in. He was giggling like he was playing a game. Shay came scurrying in after him and Xaiver realized that Logan was playing a game. Xaiver quickly snatched up his son,

“What are you doing?” He scolded him.

“Playing tag!” Logan grinned. Xaiver looked towards Shay who was breathless,

“I was not playing tag, Logan.” Shay frowned.

“I want Tia!” Logan cried out, reaching towards Thea and kicking his legs.

Thea’s face went pale like it always did when Logan wanted her. She was uncomfortable by his affection, but Xaiver knew it was only because she was afraid of failing him. So, like the loving mate that he was, he tossed his son into her arms and forced her to carry him. She gasped and grabbed a hold of Logan so he didn’t fall.

“They look like you, Tia.” Logan said, pointing towards her siblings.

“That’s because they’re my siblings, Logan.” Thea smiled, shifting Logan to her hip so she could better hold him, “That’s Timbre, Talia, Alphas Tigris, Theo, and their mate, Nora.” Thea introduced the group of black and red headed siblings.

“And who must this be?” Nora smiled at my son and pushed through to the front of the group,

“I’m Logan.” Logan giggled.

“He’s my son.” Xaiver added. Logan glanced towards Taila and started squirming in Thea’s arms,

“Tia, I want down!” He shouted.

Thea looked alarmed and she sat Logan down. He ran over to Talia and smiled at her.

“You’re pretty.” Logan said and Talia giggled,

“So are you.” Talia said, hugging Logan tightly.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Tigris nearly growled, snatching Talia up and away from Logan, “I still have eleven years before I have to deal with this nonsense.”

“Come here, Logan.” Xaiver laughed, holding out his hand for his son. He grabbed it but was still looking at Talia like she was a new toy.

“What’s that about?” Thea asked, glancing between the two kids, “They can’t be mates, can they?”

“They aren’t related by blood.” Xaiver shrugged and her eyes widened in shock,

“Oh boy.” She mumbled and Xaiver couldn’t help but laugh at her.

“How about some lunch?” He offered, motioning towards the door.

“That would be great, I’m starving!” Theo grinned, earning a slap on the arm from Nora,

“That’s rude, Theo.” She frowned.

“What? We left before breakfast.” Theo mumbled and Xaiver laughed at the pair of them,

“No, it’s fine. Come on.” Xaiver picked up Logan in one arm and held Thea’s hand with the other. He led them all towards the kitchen.

After an hour, Thea got a phone call from the Archers and hurried out of the kitchen. Xaiver was left alone with her siblings and Logan. He had to admit, the conversation flowed easily between all of them without any awkwardness. Xaiver kept eyeing Logan and his infatuation with Taila, and he couldn’t help but smile. They were just children now, but one day, he was sure they would end up mates.

“She seems okay.” Theo said after Thea left, looking towards Xaiver.

“It’s an adjustment, that’s for sure.” Xaiver nodded, “For both of us.” he added, thinking about this morning.

“Especially with your son.” Tigris nodded towards Logan who was distracted by Talia in the seat next to him.

“Yes, she’s hesitant with him. She’s afraid she’ll let him down. He’s obsessed with her already, though.” Xaiver smirked, ruffling Logan’s hair. He didn’t even notice.

“She’ll come around eventually, I’m sure of it. The fact that she’s even here says a lot.” Tigris said,

“Quick, stop talking about me!” Thea teased as she entered the room again, slipping her phone back in her pocket. Xaiver stood up and was quickly at her side.

“Everything okay?” He asked, taking her hand.

“It’s fine, but I do have to leave.” She said and his heart dropped to his feet.

“Already?” He tried not to sound upset.

“You said you were going to take some time off, Thea.” Tigris said and Xaiver was glad that he wasn’t the one who had to say it.

“I still am, relax everyone,” Thea rolled her eyes and laughed, “I just need to go see Sal.”

“Who’s Sal?” Xaiver resisted the urge to growl. He mustn’t have done a very good job based on the look that Thea gave him.

“The Alpha of the Warrior pack. The one that trained me and my father before me.” Thea explained and Xaiver settled.

Oh.” He mumbled, “Why do you need to go see him?”

“He’s asked for my help. He’s ready to step down and he’s summoning all of his best graduates to help survey his tributes.” Thea said, “It shouldn’t take long.”

“At the risk of sounding like I’m whining, do you have to go?” Xaiver asked and Thea laughed.

“I owe Sal a lot, so, yes, I have to go. But, like I said, it shouldn’t be more than a few days.” Thea promised.

“We’ll say our goodbyes so you two can talk.” Tigris said, standing from the table.

“You don’t have to go.” Xaiver said, but Tigris shook his head,

“We have to be getting back, anyway.” He said.

Theo helped Nora from her seat while Tigris gathered up the kids. He had to practically pry Logan off of Talia, and he ran away pouting about her leaving.

“Let us know if you need anything, sis.” Theo said, hugging Thea tightly. Tigris gave her a kiss on the cheek,

“And don’t let Tate rattle your feathers. We’ll talk to him after he has a chance to calm down.” He said quietly for only Thea to hear. Xaiver looked away so it didn’t seem like he was eavesdropping.

“Bye you two, I’ll see you soon.” Thea knelt down to give Timbre and Talia a big group hug, kissing them both on the cheek.

“Love you!” Talia squealed.

“Good luck, Alpha Xaiver.” Tigris said, slapping me on the back.

“You’re gonna need it.” Theo joined in on the teasing.

Thea shouted at both of them and chased them out of the room. Xaiver laughed as he watched her playful side coming out.

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