MINI STORY: The Greybacks Continue

Chapter 5

“Tonight?” Wally asked.

“Tonight.” Tigris confirmed.

“Can you do it?” Theo asked eagerly.

“Yeah, we can do it.” Luca nodded.

“We’ll scope out the cabin and text you when the guy gets there. You two bring Tate to the cabin with some excuse about Quinny needing him. We’ll hide out that way Tate doesn’t see us first. He needs to see what’s going on with Quinny before he knows that we’re involved.” Tigris explained the plan again.

“We understood the plan the first ten times you told us.” Luca sighed.

“Stay here until tonight.” Wally said, “Tate usually never leaves his office anyway, but I hate being a babysitter.”

“Yes, sir.” Theo faked a salute and Wally rolled his eyes.

Wally and Luca left the twins alone in their cabin to waste away the day. All that was inside the cabin was an old radio that was stuck on a station playing the blues and a deck of playing cards. So, for hours, the twins played solitaire, seven card draw, gin rummy, and any other old-person game they could think of.

At around 5:00pm, they dug through the cabinets in the tiny kitchen to find some stale crackers and a few cans of expired spaghetti Os.

“I swear to the Goddess, I can’t take one more minute of this music.” Theo grumbled, poking and prodding at the radio to try and get it to turn off, “Why won’t this damn thing turn off!”

Tigris calmly walked across the room and yanked the electrical cord out of the wall; he waved it in front of Theo’s face with a smug expression.

“Whatever.” Theo rolled his eyes.

Tigris’ phone started ringing and he had to reign in his laughter in order to answer.

“Hello?” He chuckled.

That’s when the yelling started.

Tigris held the phone away from his ear and winced at the volume coming from the other side. Theo raised an eyebrow at his brother and then focused on the one sided conversation.

“Thea?” Tigris shouted over the top of his very angry sister, “I cannot understand you when you only speak in explicits.”

He put the phone on speaker and sat it down on the coffee table.

“You talked to Nora?” Theo guessed.

“You bet your ass I talked to Nora. What the hell is going on?” Thea yelled.

“We’re at Tate’s pack….” Tigris tried to explain, but Thea continued to shout.

“I swear to the Goddess, if you two don’t start talking I’m going to….”

“Thea! We’re trying to talk if you would just shut up.” Theo snapped.

“Fine. Speak.” Thea grumbled.

Theo and Tigris took turns explaining the situation with Tate and Quinny. Thea was disturbingly quiet for a long time.

“That slimy, snobby, psycho, sorry excuse for a Luna, piece of garbage….” She said many other words that aren’t suitable for young ears before the twins could finally say something.

“We’re handling it, Thea.” Tigris promised.

“Hopefully by tonight Quinny will be outed and Tate will come to his senses.” Theo added.

“If you don’t get that bitch away from Tate by the end of the day, I will.” She growled in a threatening tone.

“I said that we’re handling it.” Tigris repeated, irritated at Thea’s doubt in their capabilities.

“I’m at Sal’s pack now, but I swear, if you two can’t figure this out, I’ll bring the entire pack to Red River.” She grumbled.

“We’ll call you after tonight and give you an update. Just focus on your own problems, sis.” Theo rolled his eyes.

“What problems?” Thea asked bitterly.

“Do you want me to list them in alphabetical order or in order of importance?” Tigris smirked.

“I hate you both.” Thea bit, but the brothers could tell that they had struck a nerve, “Nora said that you aren’t telling Mom and Dads?” Thea asked.

“If we tell Dads, they’ll have to tell Mom because they can’t keep a damn secret from her to save their lives. And if we tell Mom, she’ll be devastated and she’ll want to come here to console Tate, ruining our secret plan.” Theo said,

“Well, you’re not wrong. Plus, Papa will probably just kill all the men Quinny slept with and then we’ll lose our witnesses.” Thea replied thoughtfully.

“We’ve got Tate, you go and handle Xaiver.” Theo said,

“Fine. Call me later or I’ll storm the castle in the morning.” Thea had to get in one last threat before hanging up the phone.

“She’s a real pain in the ass.” Theo shook his head.

“We need to get Quinny out of the country when all this is finished or she’s going to kill her.” Tigris stated.

“One problem at a time.” Theo smirked, but he knew that Tigris wasn’t kidding.

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