MINI STORY: The Greybacks Continue

Chapter 3

“We cannot tell Thea.” Tigris said adamantly.

“She will lose her shit and send her entire Archer squad here.” Theo agreed.

“Fine, fine, I won’t tell Thea.” Nora sighed.

The twins were laying on a large bed in the guest room that Wally and Luca set up for them outside of the packhouse. They had called Nora up to fill her in on the plan.

“You can’t leave there until you have your brother back.” Nora said,

“We won’t, my love. We’re going to this, we just miss you.” Theo mumbled.

“Awe, I miss you both, too, so much,” She gushed, “Danny, Tristan, Raven, and Marx just aren’t the same.”

Theo and Tigris both let out a dangerous growl.

“That’s not funny, Nora.” Tigris grumbled.

Nora was still laughing by the time Theo and Tigris had gotten their anger under control.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.” Nora snorted.

“I’m gonna kill them.” Tigris said plainly.

“No, no, really, I was just joking.” Nora’s voice turned serious.

“We don’t ever joke about you, darling.” Theo said in a low, husky voice.

“I love you.” Nora sang innocently.

“You drive us nuts, Nora, you know that?” Tigris purred.

“And yet you two are over there and I’m over here, all alone.” She teased them.

“Nora!” Theo and Tigris whined at the same time.

“Just remember, you fools are the ones who decided you didn’t want me to come with you.” She said,

“I blame you.” Tigris said, immediately throwing Theo under the bus.

Theo rolled his eyes at his brother.

“It’s for your safety, darling.” He said,

“Yeah, whatever.” Nora scoffed.

“We’ll be home soon enough and we’ll show you how much we missed you.” Tigris promised.

“You better.” Nora faked annoyance.

“I will gag and bound Tate, and force him to watch his mate being with someone else in order to get us back to you.” Theo declared.

“Don’t do that,” Nora laughed loudly, “That’s not nice.”

“Anything for you, my love.” Theo said,

“You boys better get some sleep. You’ve got a full day of espionage tomorrow.” Nora giggled.

Tigris groaned at the sound of her laugh and wanted so badly to reach through the phone to caress her soft skin.

“We won’t be able to sleep with you, darling.” Theo said,

“I’ll sleep like a baby.” Nora smirked,

She was enjoying how tormented her mates were by their distance. Nora was feeling the separation, too, but she was having way to much teasing her boys to stop now.

“You’re evil.” Tigris frowned.

“I love you, my Alphas, sweet dreams.” Nora said in a sexy voice before ending the call, leaving them wanting more.

“She’s evil.” Tigris said to Theo this time.

Theo grunted in response and collapsed back on the bed.

“So, game plan….” Tigris needed to focus on something other than his beautiful, lonely, mate.

“We get to know Quinny’s guards and use our dominating good looks and charm to get the down and dirty on Quinny,” Theo began, “Then, we find out who she’s doing the down and dirty with.”

Tigris rolled his eyes at his brother’s jokes. He was ridiculous and never took shit seriously.

“Inconspicuously.” Tigris added.

Theo was anything but subtle.

“Yeah, yeah,” he waved his hand dismissively, “Once we do all that, we present Tate with our evidence. And, when he shuts us down completely, we take pictures and videos.”

“I don’t think videos are necessary. That might be a little too graphic. We want to show him the truth, not destroy him.” Tigris mumbled.

“Either way it’s going to destroy him. He’s been lying to himself for a while.” Theo said,

“I think we need to talk to Quinny’s dad as well.” Tigris added, changing the plan.

“What? Why?” Theo asked in surprise.

“Because Tate is officially the Alpha of the Red River pack. There’s nothing he can do about that now unless he challenges him for the rank. I don’t want to see that happening.” Tigris explained.

Theo thought about it for a minute before sighing reluctantly.

“I guess you’re right. Better to discuss it with him now, before shit hits the fan, and see if it can be settled diplomatically.” Theo agreed.

“At least we have Wally and Luca on our side.” Tigris said, thinking about how difficult this entire process was going to be.

“That reminds me….” Theo said, pulling out his phone, “I need to call Danny and Tristan.”

Theo called up his Beta and Gamma, giving them an earful about maintaining a professional relationship with Nora. They, of course, had no idea what he was talking about but knew better than to argue with their Alpha.

In the meantime, Tigris decided to text his Beta and Gamma, Raven and Marx, threatening to cut off their balls if they so much as looked at Nora the wrong way.

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