MINI STORY: The Fae Queen

Chapter 8

The next day, Onyx was summoned to the king’s office. By the time he arrived, King Bayu was sitting on the large oak chair behind his desk and Princess Lili was launching in the plush velvet chair beside him.

“Come in, Lord Bell. Sit.” King Bayu said, gesturing towards one of the wooden chairs across from his desk.

“Good morning, my king, my lady.” He bowed before taking his seat.

“First order of business, you will need to move into the palace by the end of the day,” King Bayu began, “And cease your employment in the kitchen. You will begin your royal training immediately. There is a room being prepared for you on the royal floor, down the hall from Lili’s.”

Onyx was taken aback. He knew that things were going to change, he just wasn’t prepared for how quickly it would all happen.

“You and Lili will spend the first week getting to know each other properly before the royal duties will commence.” King Bayu continued,

“Oh, a week? How generous.” Lili interrupted with a sour expression.

Bayu sighed and turned towards his niece.

“Something to say?”

“Yes,” She replied bluntly, “Lord Bell and I were raised in the same castle, this is true, but we have no experiences with one another. We will take as much time as is required to get to know each other before he’s thrust into his own royal duties and certainly before we are thrust into our joint responsibilities.” She said matter-of-factly.

“The people will expect a mating ceremony.” Uncle Bayu said,

“And they will have one, when their princess and future prince is ready for it.” She replied.

The word hit Onyx like a brick wall. Prince.

“What say you, Lord Bell?” King Bayu suddenly said, looking towards Onyx who had been silent throughout the conversation.

“I’m happy to serve however I’m needed and will obey my mate’s wishes.” He answered smartly.

Bayu threw back his head and laughed whole heartily.

“Smart man,” He chuckled, “As you wish, Lili.” He conceded, as he so often did, to his niece.

Lili smiled smugly.

“Thank you, Uncle.”

“But, you must make a clear and obvious effort. There will be an end to this courting period, Lili, and you will need to hold a mating ceremony. We cannot keep the realm waiting forever.” He added with a stern look.

“Yes, fine.” Lili waved his concerns off.

“Lord Bell, your family will also be taken care of. Should your father wish, he will not be required to work any longer and will be provided with the best accommodations; either a home of his own or an apartment on the royal floor.” King Bayu said, turning his attention back to Onyx.

Onyx laughed at the idea of his father accepting a hand-out from the king of the Fae himself.

“Thank you, your grace, that is very generous of you. I will pass the offer along to my father, however I am quite sure he will choose to continue his work. He takes great pride in being the realm’s chief.” Onyx said,

“I understand. Your official title, for now, will be Lord Bell. Once you two have an official ceremony, you will become the crown prince.” Bayu continued, “You’ll find a new wardrobe ready for you in your room.”

Onyx looked over his clothes. He was wearing his usual uniform: silk dress pants and a button up coat. He looked like any other servant in the palace.

“Yes, sir.” He nodded, not sure what else to say.

“Come on.” Lili sighed, standing up and effectively ending the meeting.

One of her guards scurried to open the office door for her as she moved swiftly across the room. Onyx stood slowly and looked towards the king, afraid to leave without being properly dismissed. Bayu chuckled and waved his hand,

“You better get moving.” He said,

Onyx bowed and hurried after the princess, who was already out the door and moving down the hallway.

She had two guards flanking her and Onyx had to fight his way through them to get to her side.

“You’re going to have to speak up if you’re going to keep up.” Lili said suddenly, catching Onyx’s attention, “A quiet future king won’t do.”

“Yes, your grace.” Onyx mumbled.

Lili sighed and stopped abruptly, nearly causing Onyx to fall over his feat at the sudden stop. The guards behind them were so used to her erratic behavior that they didn’t even react, they simply sidestepped the couple and stood on either side of the hallway, waiting for them to be on the move again.

“My name is Lili. I am your mate and you should address me as Lili.” She said, sounding annoyed.

Onyx took a deep breath and finally began to relax, inhaling the calming scent of his mate. He studied her mischievous eyes and warm face, gathering his thoughts before he spoke,

“But, you are also my princess.” He spoke in a voice that did not come from a place of loyalty but from somewhere else.

His eyes devoured her body, looking her up and down before coming to rest on her face. He stepped forward so their bodies were only inches from each other and their height difference became painfully obvious. The top of her head only reached up to his chin, so she had to look up stubbornly to meet his gaze. He lifted his hand and brushed a stray curl from her face, grazing the back of his knuckles across her cheek,

“My Lili.” He whispered.

Lili shuttered at the contact and felt herself immediately catch fire. Desire twisted inside her chest and stomach, her cheeks flaming a deep red color. She cleared her throat awkwardly and took a step back, needing to get control of herself.

“Come.” She said in a strained voice, turning away from him to continue down the hallway.

He laughed at her reaction but followed after her obediently.

“If I were a jealous man, I might take offense to the men following you around all day.” Onyx said after a moment of silence.

Lili rolled her eyes and barely spared her guards a glance.

“Get used to it. You’ll have your own shadows soon enough.” She said, “This way.” She led the way up the steps.

They entered the royal wing of the palace and she opened one of the heavy looking walnut doors. Inside was exactly what you’d think a royal chamber would look like. Dark woods, velvet reds, navy blues, satin greens, masculine woodwork, and a roaring fireplace.

“This is your suite.” Lili said, monitoring around the room, “Your closet should be fully stocked. You can do whatever you’d like.”

Onyx walked further into the room, but he wasn’t interested in a tour. He turned back towards Lili and shot her a crooked grin.

“And where do you sleep?” He asked in a dangerous tone.

“In the tower.”

“A princess in a tower?” Onyx teased.

“People are too lazy to climb all the steps to bother me.” She answered, shrugging.

Onyx laughed at her honesty.

“And once we are mated?” He asked again in a deep, husky tone.

“The king and queen have a suite.” She tried to keep her voice level but her cheeks continued to get warmer and warmer in embarrassment.

“I see. What about before we are the king and queen?” He pushed, stepping close to her again, “Your uncle did say that an heir is required before he hands down the throne.”

“Do you only concern yourself with becoming king?” Lili said, crossing her arms over her chest and leveling him with an accusing glare.

“Not at all. I concern myself with caring for my mate both during the day and at night.” Onyx said, unphased by her attitude.

“This is the traditional room shared by the royal couple.” She finally said, “But, I like my tower.” She added stubbornly.

“I don’t mind stairs.” He shrugged.

“Maybe you’ll get to climb them one day.” She finally softened, dropping her arms to her side and watching him closely.

Onyx chuckled at her innuendo,

“I’ll take that.” He said, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips.

He softly kissed her knuckles, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Princess?” Someone startled the couple, causing Lili to jump away from Onyx quickly.

“What?” She snapped, whipping around to face the intruder, “Oh, Gertie, it’s just you.” She sighed and the old woman rolled her eyes.

“Lord Judge is begging an audience with you.” Gertrude announced.

“Mathis?” Lili’s eyes pulled together in question.

Gertie shook her head,

“No, miss, his son; Viktor.”

“Oh, great.” Lili groaned.

“What’s this?” Onyx asked, looking between the governess and Lili.

“Viktor Judge, Mathis’ son; the leaders of the West Village.” Lili explained.

“Weren’t you just there?” Onyx asked.

“I was. Apparently they’ve missed me.” She teased but her expression was clearly one of annoyance.

“I saw the way they treated you at the council dinner.” Onyx said, frowning.

“Yes, they aren’t particularly thrilled about my status nor my boldness. They’d rather have a princess who is seen and not heard. They were especially unhappy with my visit and its outcome.” Lili grumbled.

“What happened?” Onyx asked.

He knew how Viktor Judge looked at his mate and he wasn’t at all happy with the idea of his presence in the castle again. He also knew that Lili’s trip to the West had gone longer than was planned. He could only wage a guess as to why.

“It became very obvious very early in my tour that the complaints against the Judge’s leadership were true, if not understated. The condition of the village was deplorable and the people were shadows of themselves. It had to be stopped. I summoned advisors from the palace and left them there, in charge of the West village and superseding the Judge’s rule. I put the will of the people in charge and I put the Judge’s on notice: if the complaints of their people didn’t stop, I would call for his abdication.” Lili explained in a powerful voice that said she wasn’t playing around.

“Why is he here now?” Onyx’s worry and irritation only grew.

“To try and talk me out of my order?” Lili suggested wearily, turning to follow Gertie down the hallway.

“I don’t like it. I don’t like the way he looks at you.” Onyx said sternly.

Lili paused and glanced back at her mate, eyeing him curiously.

“I thought you weren’t a jealous man?” She mocked him.

“I have my moments.” Onyx shrugged nonchalantly.

“Well, come on then.” Lili nodded her head down the hall and held out her hand.

Onyx grinned and took her hand, wrapping it around his elbow so he could escort her back through the palace. Lili’s royal office was back down on the main floor, not fair from the king’s. It matched the king’s office in grandness and features including a heavy wooden chair adorned with a plush, velvet red cushion which sat behind a matching desk, red velvet curtains on either side of the towering windows, and an antique circular rug sprawled out on the floor.

Onyx pulled out the chair for Lili and she smiled at him in appreciation as she sat. She motioned for Onyx to sit in the advisors seat, a chair that was usually reserved for Cornelius when he attended meetings with her. The guards followed them in, standing on either side of the door, and Gertie stood off to the corner of the room in case her services were required. Lili nodded at the guards and they opened the stern double doors, letting Viktor Judge into her office.

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