
Chapter 23

“This will be your room for the time being.” Roy said opening the door to the guest room for Kimberly.

“She ought to be in our bedroom, on our bed and in our arms, so we can comfort her." His wolf said to him.

Roy managed not to roll his eyes at the statement. Here he was trying to keep as much distance as possible away from this stranger, while his wolf was trying to do otherwise.

“I'll get you something clean to change into.”

Kimberly couldn't bring herself to say anything because her throat was dry and sore from crying for too long. How could she stop crying when her life had just crumbled before her eyes. She quietly watched as the helpful stranger walked out of the bedroom, she didn't even get to know his name. Letting out a deep sigh, she settled herself on the floor with her legs crossed.

Roy couldn't believe that he was about to go into this bedroom. He hasn't been in here for years because coming here only brought him pain and sad memories. But, now he needs to do this. This was the only place he could get something for his mate to wear.

“His mate." Why was he even referring to her in that manner?

She's human and it was humans like her who took away the life of his only source of happiness. They were the real reason behind his loneliness.

Why was he even helping this stranger?

Was it because his wolf got this weird and idea that she was his mate? Or was it just out of kindness? He wondered, reaching for the door knob.

"You can do this.” He told himself before opening the door to the bedroom.

Roy was hit with a wave of nostalgia as he stared at his younger sister's bedroom. He could still vividly remember when he used to have movie nights with his sister in her room, halfway through the movie she'd end up playing with his wolf and eventually fall asleep on him.

Roy was far much older than his baby sister, but she was his best friend and only companion.

He walked into her closet and everything was still the same as the day she died. He made the decision not to change anything in her bedroom as a way to still be close to her. He never wants to let go of his baby sister.

He could never forgive himself for not being there when the incident occurred, although he murdered the culprits in cold blood, he didn't feel that satisfaction and still couldn't get the guilt from off his chest. She was his only source of happiness, she kept him pushing forward when he was devastated about not finding his mate and when it was her turn to experience such happiness, it was short-lived.

Why was life so unfair?

He can never be the same person he use to be, because when Caroline died, a part of him died with her and that void can never be filled.

He inhaled her clothes, holding them really tight like he was holding on to the precious moments they shared.

Her scent engulfed him, making him believe that she was here with him. He prayed everyday for her to forgive him for not going for a run with her that day. If it wasn't for the worthless urgent meeting he had to attend that day, Caroline would still be alive.

“Our mate needs us."

Roy's eyes suddenly shot open at the mention of his mate. He had totally forgotten that there was a guest in his house and she was the reason why he had the courage to come in here in the first place.

He grabbed anything he could get his hands on as his mate was the same size as his sister, so there was no need wasting too much time trying to pick out something.

When Roy was done picking out the clothes, he walked out of the closet, gently shutting the door behind him. He stared at his sister's bedroom one last time before dragging himself out of the room.

Kimberly still remained on the floor, hugging her knees with her eyes closed as hot tears rolled down her face.

She was already having a headache and felt empty inside from lack of food, water and so much crying but she couldn't help it, it was the only way she could express the current pain she felt.

All she needed at the moment, was her dad to hold her close and that everything is going to be okay, like he used to do when she was little and afraid of the dark.

Gosh! She missed her dad so much. She never got the chance to give him a call and hear his voice that brought her comfort.

She never got the chance to know how he was doing with her close by. The more she thought about her dad, the more her tears flowed.

This was the first time she ever lied to her dad and it was the biggest mistake of her life. Her sobs were that of guilt and the regret.

If only she had listened to her father. If only she could turn back the hands of time, they wouldn't have come here and they would still be alive.

There was a soft knock on the door before it opened revealing her host, with some clothes in his hands.

Kimberly didn't bother moving from her current position or even wiping her tears away to pretend like she wasn't crying. She was hurt, broken couldn't be fixed.

“I brought you these clothes so you can change into something clean... I hope they're your kind of fashion, if not, I can get you something else.” Roy calmly said, dropping the clothes on the bed. Kimberly stole a glance and noticed that they weren't just a change of clothes, they could last her a whole week. There were even new pairs of underwear.

Kimberly was grateful that she was already red from crying, it helped hide her blush of embarrassment. She could hear the sincerity in his voice as he spoke, it was like he actually cared about her well being.

But, where did he get all these clothes?

“Thanks.” She replied, her voice raspy from crying for hours and now she has to deal with a sore throat.

“You will find whatever supplies you need in the bathroom.” He explained and was about leaving the room.

"What's your name?” Kimberly asked, stopping him in his tracks.

He turned around to face her once again,


“I'm Kimberly.” He nodded in reply, stared at her one last time before leaving the room.

Roy went into his bedroom to also freshen up. He still couldnt believe that he had subdued his wolf who wanted so badly to claim his mate.

"Kimberly. What a lovely name.”

Her sad face couldn't get off his head as it tormented him. Seeing his mate so red from crying with puffy blood shot eyes, running nose and swollen lips made him almost hug her to give her the comfort and care she needed. But, that would be weird and he didn't want her freaking out, so he had to control his wolf.

He was relieved that this time, she notice the change in eye color because he noticed how scared she was the first time she saw it.

He doesn't know how long he'd be able to contain his wolf when he’s around her because his wolf is starting to get angry with him for not letting him claim his mate.

He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

“Welcome home Kimberly.” Roy said in a voice that wasn't his, his eyes now completely yellow.

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