Mia's Path

Chapter Restart


Kyle had informed me that the human woman had fallen back to sleep after eating. I sighed. I was getting nowhere with her and if I wanted to gain information maybe I would have to change tactics. While trying to come up with some better way to talk to her, I headed to the training grounds, so I could at least work some frustrations out.

The truth was that not knowing where those wolves were from or who was the human was unsettling. The wolves could belong to a pack and that would be bad, it could really start a war. We had to kill some of them that were still on our lands. It seemed that even though she had passed out after fighting, the wolves that were pursuing her wouldn’t stop until they got to her. Like they didn’t have a mind of their own.

Needless to say, that Kyle didn’t allow that and ordered the pack to protect her and hunt the other invaders. Even hurt he managed to bring her to the packhouse, and the doctor started working on them both immediately.

If Kyle hadn’t moved fast, she would be dead now.

“OUCH!” I heard a scream of pain and looked down. Without even noticing I’ve just broke Ben’s arm. I let go of him. Damn it, I got distracted again.

“I’m sorry, Ben! I got wrapped in my own thoughts. Sorry, man.”

“It hurts like hell, man, but I’ll be fine. Go solve your issues already.”

Good advice, I guess. I needed to deal with her as soon as possible, so why not right now? I went to my room for a quick shower after the sparring session. I ended up spending all my afternoon training with the warriors. And even that could not avoid my mind from wondering back to the red hair woman in the hospital.

After the shower I stopped by my office to get some documents that I had to go over, just in case she wasn’t awake yet. And as it was, when I entered her room, she was sound asleep. Kyle was reading a book on the couch. Silver growled in my head. Why was Kyle still here? That was becoming an obsession and I had to intervene. Right?

“What are you still doing here? Have you even showered the past few days?”

“Hi to you too, brother. And, yeah, I showered. There’s a bathroom in the room, you know.” He was saying that so casually, it just got under my skin. There was no lock on the bathroom door, what if she just entered while Kyle was showring? With a shake of my head, I got that thought out of my mind.

“You can go now; I’ll be here for the next shift.”

“Okay, boss. Call me when you piss her off.” and with that he was out the door.

Hmpuff, piss her off. I was totally capable of having a conversation with her WITHOUT pissing her off. I am a nice guy and I know how to behave.

Yeah, right. Silver snorted in my mind.

Silver, you are not helping. I huffed.

Well, you do have a temper. He said simply.

I wouldn’t have one if she answered my questions, now, would I?

I don’t think that’s how it works, human. He chuckled at my face.

Sure, it is! I’m the human, I’m the smart one, wolf.

Sure, you are. Silver grumbled in my head and went away.

Sometimes having a wolf on your mind could be a handful. And having an Alpha wolf was worst for sure. Still, I was never alone and that, overall, was a good thing.

Since she was sleeping, I started working on my documents. It was pack business but even that wasn’t enough to make me concentrate on it. My eyes kept going to her sleeping peaceful face. Her perfect lips were partially opened, and I could hear her soft breathing.

She had a little scar right above her right eyebrow. There was a small black dot under her lower lip, just making them even more desirable. She stirred a little and moved her head, letting some hair fall over her face. Her eyebrows knitted together. Before I could stop myself, I was on my feet and brushing the hair out of her face.

My fingertips lingered on her cheeks, traveling to her jaw and chin. I let my thumb caress her bottom lip, just adding to my own torture. Why can’t I get you out of my head? I sighed and sat down on the chair. Trying to work wasn’t going to happen, so I decided to just look at her while she slept and wait for her to wake up. Was it creepy? Maybe a little.

I was sitting on the chair by the bed in her room, almost dozing off to sleep when I heard a soft whimper. I looked at her and her face was covered by her hair again. I ran my hand through it to take it out of her eyes and lips. Her brows were knitted together again, and she was crying. Fat tears running down her cheeks. Her lip started to quiver, and another whimper sounded from her mouth.

She was having a nightmare. I tried squeezing her shoulder lightly and calling her, but she didn’t react. Her whimpers turned to sobs and she was blabbering something. I grabbed her shoulders again and squeezed with a little more determination. She screamed and woke up scared.

I didn’t move but gave her some time to calm down. I asked her what she was dreaming about, but she just turned her face slightly and ignored my question. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. Come on, Drake, a different approach.

“Look, I know we haven’t started in the best way. I wish we could maybe try it again?” I pleaded. I really wanted to start fresh and maybe change things around. Maybe this time I wouldn’t sound like a rude asshole. I mean, I could try, right!? She searched my eyes and whatever she found there was enough to make her agree with me.

That made me smile. I was getting another chance at this. I suddenly had an idea. I grabbed the notepad I brought with me and gave it to her with a pen. She looked at me puzzled. Still smiling I said, “This way you don’t have to talk if you are in pain or just doesn’t feel like it.”

Damn, I was rewarded with the most amazing smile I had ever seen. At that moment I decided that I wanted to make her smile as often as I could.

“My name is Drake. And although I like Red, I guess you do have a name, right?” I chuckled a little. She studied my face before writing on the notepad.

“Mia.” I read. “That’s a beautiful name, it suits you.” Again, I was rewarded, this time with a light blush on her cheeks. I had to admit that I liked our new interaction way more than the ones we had before. “How are you feeling?”

Again, she wrote on her notepad. I bit sore, but I’m much better now, thank you.

“Tired of laying down?”

Yes, my body aches a little.

“Do you want to sit down in the chair for a while? I can help you.”

Sure, sounds good!

She was smiling again. I guess she really needed to get out of that bed. Being in a hospital bed might look like comfortable but it really sucks being in there for so long. I got up and helped her put her feet on the ground. She stood, but was still weak and she faltered, so I wrapped my arm around her waist and supported her weight. Up these close her scent was even better.

Couldn’t help myself and I inhaled her scent deeply. Silver got interested again and surfaced to be able to smell her himself. And our act didn’t go unnoticed, but instead of calling me out on it, Mia just blushed a deep red color. It was fucking adorable.

She looked steady enough and tried to walk to the chair but again her muscles didn’t respond the way she wanted and almost fell. I was already with her in my arm, so I just braced her with the other one. Her hands automatically went to rest on my chest. Mia looked up at me. Those big green eyes hypnotizing me instantly.

I hadn’t even noticed my hand caressing her face until she blushed again and looked away from me. Clearing her throat and putting some distance between us she motioned to the chair with her head, and I got out of the way, still supporting most of her weight by her waist. She sat down and sighed contently.

“Better now?” I asked while carefully watching her for any signs that she was hurting or even uncomfortable. She looked fine, though. When she sat the hospital camisole, she was wearing rode up a little, giving me a better view of her toned legs. Her skin was so smooth and looked like it would be silky to the touch. And boy, I wanted to touch it. All of it.

“Much, thanks.” her voice was low, but I heard it perfectly. It surprised me, really. I was not expecting her to actually talk to me so soon. She was full of surprises today and I was more than happy to be there to see them.

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