Memories of Gaia: Seeking Shadows in the Storm

Chapter 9 marching forward

Akari fought to free herself, but the elf was surprisingly strong. She had lost one of her shoes as she struggled, her crystal glowing a hazy yellow. The world seemed brighter, the light intensifying, forcing Valeena to close her eyes as it became too much.

“Stop it!” Aira demanded, jerking her arm tighter on the girl’s throat. Akari gasped, the light dimming, returning to the regular shine of the afternoon sun. Aira lifted her hand and tapped Akari’s crystal, pressing on it and using her fingers to try and move it.

“Akari, what happened back in Caspian? Why did you jump out the window?” Valeena asked, stepping closer to the pinned girl.

A look of confusion spread across Akari’s lovely face and she began to panic. “That-that was not me!” She said, casting her brilliant orange eyes down, refusing to meet Valeena’s eyes.

“Then who was it?” Aira demanded to know, releasing Akari suddenly, sending the girl sprawling to the hard, grass covered ground. She landed on her hands and knees, gasping with fright, hanging her head low, the sparkling blue gems from her decorative hair ornament jingled together like wind chimes.

“Well?” Aira prompted, cocking her head sideways and staring at the scared girl. Akari sighed, catching her breath and brushing blades of green grass off her lovely kimono. She sat on her knees, placing her hands lightly on them, her orange eyes still looking at the ground in front of her.

“During the Moon Festival, I overheard my brother talking. He was saying that the Queen was crazy for wanting to kill me and to take my crystal. He said he would not allow it.” Akari paused, shaking her lovely head.

“I panicked, my head was spinning. Tawny is my best friend. She just happens to look almost exactly like me, enough for people not to question it. I told her what I had heard and that I could not continue the festival. She told me I was stupid and that I must have misheard as the Queen has been nothing but sweet to me- us, really.”

Valeena tried her best to ignore the punch in her heart that Akari’s words had produced. The Queen had been sweet to her, but never to Valeena.

“So,” Akari was saying, pulling Valeena back out of her thoughts of self-pity. “We switched places again. She was the one who announced Kingyosou was now a part of the Star Kingdom. Not me, I would never. I fled here, while she enjoyed the rest of the festival...” Akari never looked up for the ground as she spoke, tears silently rolling down her mocha colored skin as her voice trailed off.

No one spoke. None of them could believe that she had simply switched places with a girl and no one had known any different. An imposter had walked among them and even Tellah had thought it was Akari.

“Where is Tawny? You said something about her jumping out of a window in Caspian?” Akari asked softly, finally lifting her head and peering around at the group in front of her.

She listened intently as Valeena filled her in on what had happened after the Festival. Akari nodded her lovely head as she took it in, her eyes finally meeting Valeena’s.

“Wait- you said that you would hand deliver us to the Queen once you had all the crystals?” Akari asked, her voice soft but her orange eyes were filled with terror.

“Yes but-“ Valeena began, stopping short as Akari held up a hand to silence her. She used the other to gesture to the group, the tears falling freely.

“You have us.”

Valeena opened her mouth to protest but stopped, her eyes scanning Nyles, finding the Gaia crystal on his forehead. Valeena shook her head, trying to find a way out of this.

“N-no! I have a plan!” Valeena stuttered, fear making her words sound angry. “I only said that to buy us some time in order to find the remaining Elements. I never thought we’d all be together so soon!”

“I suggest we split up.” Rowan began, rubbing the back of his head as he too, realized the danger they were suddenly in.

“There are two more Elements left. If we form two groups, we can look for them faster.”

“We don’t have the other ones, remember?” Elden looked accusingly at Valeena who appeared shocked. She recovered quickly, pointing an accusing finger at him.

“You threw them at me, remember?” It was a weak attempt at passing the blame and she felt her face burn red from embarrassment. She looked down as a silly smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

“Elements? I have them.” Akari said, standing smoothly as she took her other geta off her tiny foot. Her orange eyes refusing to look at Elden as he stepped forward, demanding to know where they were.

“A wolf had dropped them off to me as I hid in the shed near the bridge during the festival. I could hear the music, then panic. I peeked out through the door when I thought I heard a giant bird call.” Akari informed them, carefully leaving out the part where she had saw Valeena crying in the mud, wanting to spare her the embarrassment. Valeena jerked her eyes towards Akari, who quickly looked away.

“They are in my room, I can get them if you’d like.” She offered, smiling shyly. Akari began to slowly waddle down the dirt path, her kimono too tight to allow her to walk in a comfortable stride. She led them to a white and gray stone shed that was only a few feet away, half of it was concealed by a large, pink blossom.

Pink butterflies that were larger than any Valeena had ever seen before, fluttered gently in the soft breeze, giving the illusion the blossoms were flying away.

Akari reached out and took the silver woven handle in her hand and opened the door, revealing a small bedroom with a red tea kettle resting on a small oven. She entered the room and picked up the black bag, offering it out towards Valeena who shook her head, pointing to Elden.

“How about this,” Rowan spoke, snatching the bag from Akari before Elden had a chance to move forward, invoking a dark expression to cross his face. “There are three elements in here and we are splitting into two groups so-“

“I am going alone,” Aira informed them loudly, cutting off Rowan. The elf held up a hand to heed any protesting that the others may have offered.

“There is a legend back in my village that says, “When we die, our voices become nothing more than ancient whispers, never leaving this world, but always there for those who are willing to listen.” An object in the Temple of the Ancients is said to be the first whisper ever left by my people. After everything I have learned on this journey, I believe it may be one of the Elements. The Wind Element, that is.”

“I can’t let you go alone- “Rowan was saying preparing to follow the beautiful elf to the ends of Gaia. But Aira shook her lovely head and scoffed.

“My people have never let an outsider in their village before. It is against our rules. Doing so may get me banned and then how will we get the object?” No one protested as they realized she was right. Rowan reached into the bag and pulled out the Heart of Gaia.

“Here, you keep this then. And Valeena, you take- what’s this?” Rowan pulled out the tiny stone heart that the Goddess had left behind when she had vanished from the world. Valeena left a tug of embarrassment at having kept it.

“It’s the Goddess heart. I’ll take it. It’s not- it’s not an Element.” Valeena answered softly, her words coming out in a rush as she extended her hand out for the item. Rowan handed it to her with a shrug, reaching in the bag and removing the vial of the Goddess Tears.

“Take this too.” He said dropping the vile in her still open hands.

“Now, I have the Phoenix Ash. Who is going with me to find the last Element?” Rowan asked, placing the black egg like item in a pouch that was hanging off one of his belts.

“I will, man,” Nyles responded before Valeena could. Rowan smiled wide, his two rows of sharp teeth showing as Nyles pushed passed Elden to stand by Rowan.

“I will go with you as well,” Akari said, a soft smile playing on her lips as she looked at Nyles, who winked at her.

“But first, let me change.” She stepped back into the shed turning to face the group, “No peeking!" She teased playfully and shut the door, the sounds of her giggling escaping from the crack under the door.

Valeena uncrossed her arms and let them fall to her side in defeat as the air from her lungs escaped in a rush. She felt her body go numb as she realized that she was once again stuck with Elden.

Before Valeena was able to protest, Aira took her by the arm and made sure she was looking at her.

“You are coming with me first. Stay here, Amar-Gwad.” Aira hissed, tugging Valeena’s hand and forcing her to follow her up the stone stairs leading to the vibrant city crawling with soldiers.

Aira led Valeena down the smooth sidewalks, the soldiers ignoring them as they passed; having received word from the Queen not to touch them.

Valeena felt uneasy as they passed by a group of soldiers talking. Aira strutted towards a shop not far from the bridge. It was a small, rectangular building with a blue tiled, sloping roof.

Aira slid the cream colored paper doors open as a cloud of sweet smelling incense drifted out to greet them and entered the aging shop, releasing Valeena’s arm.

The shop had several round, wood tables containing odd trinkets of gold and silver and folded articles of clothing. Aira strolled over to a table on the right-hand side, the shopkeeper glanced up from the book he was reading, two pointed ears stuck out on the sides of his head.

He said nothing, offering them no assistant as he went back to his book, sipping tea from a gold painted ceramic cup. Aira held up a pair of ebony pants that were covered in scales that reflected the light like a window repelling the rain water.

“Dragon scale pants, the strongest, most durable material, made by elves from the body of the last surviving beast.” Aira shoved the pants into Valeena’s arms, startling her. The pants appeared heavy but were light weight and felt oddly silky.

Aira then unfolded a brilliant scaly top that shimmered from a vibrant sky blue to a rich forest green depending on which way the beams of light struck it. It was a fitted, sleeveless top that hugged the chest in scales much smaller than the ones on the pants. Black netting trimmed the edges of the hem.

“This top is made from Mermaid scales. Lightweight yet will hold up in battle.” Aira explained as she laid it on top of the smooth pants, Valeena longing to try the beautiful top on. Aira then picked up a pair of ebony ankle boots that had small white wings extending outwards on either side.

“Pegasus lightweight boots,” She said, holding them out for Valeena to take, the material feeling it small strands of fur.

“They will make you move swifter, travel further and are quite comfortable.”

Valeena smiled, she could not believe that she was out shopping with Aira, and she was helping her pick out clothes she herself would never have thought to touch. Her blue eyes saw a lovely flowing blue, strapless dress and felt the familiar itch of wanting.

Aira then stepped forward and lightly touched Valeena’s hair, disgust painted on her lovely face. She then recoiled her hand and wiped it rudely on her skirt in a way that suggested she had touched something foul.

“I have never cut my hair myself in a moment of self-pity. Maybe keep it pulled back with a lovely, little ribbon. Or shave it. Save us the trouble of looking at it.” Aira rolled her silvery eyes as she said this, picking up a long, sky blue ribbon and dropping it on Valeena’s head, cocking her head sideways.

Valeena pressed her mouth into a thin line, fighting back the insult that burned on her tongue. Instead, she smiled brightly, enjoying the momentary spark of shock that danced in the elf’s eyes.

“Thank you, Aira!” Valeena exclaimed as she turned to find the fitting rooms as Aira strolled to the counter to pay for the purchases. She knew the shopkeeper would give her a discount as she was Elven as well. Aira scoffed, sneering at Valeena, who paused in her steps, slightly confused.

“I did not do it for you. I did it for us.” Aira said. The shopkeeper shook his head as Aira held out some odd looking coins, her silvery eyes finding Valeena’s blue ones. Valeena saw nothing joyful in the elf’s cold eyes.

“If you truly want to save the world then stop dressing in silly blue dresses as though you are on the catwalk. Dress as though you are a warrior! The world needs a hero, not a doll.” Aira then casually strolled towards the doors of the shop, pausing just long enough to say, “And for the sake of the Gods, don’t get yourself killed!”

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