Memories of Gaia: Seeking Shadows in the Storm

Chapter 20 Hurry up to wait

Aira grabbed a pale green vine that was growing near a giant lilac as she fell swiftly through the air. She had greatly enjoyed the looks of terror on the faces of the elves as she sailed through the sky.

Her favorite expression of fear had belonged to Sun Drop, who had nearly choked on the pastry she had been enjoying seconds before Aira sailed past her. It was a look she would not soon forget.

Aira was lucky the vine had been there and had grabbed onto it tightly, swinging through the clouds and out of sight of the village.

She released the vine and half rolled have tumbled on a cliff that overlooked the ocean. Aira paused to laugh, replaying Sun Drop’s face over and over. The wind grew stronger, blowing her hair back as she wiped tears from her eyes.

Aira pulled herself to her feet and jogged to the side of the cliff, leaping swiftly into the waters below.

Akari was proud of herself for being as strong as she had been back on the island. She had not had any time to be plagued by anxiety attacks as she fought to save the two morons from the vicious grips of the sirens.

Nyles was still laughing to himself over the whole ordeal, allowing the laughter to mask his fears of being back on the tiny boat.

Rowan, however, was in a sour mood. He had finally snapped out of his trance as they made their way through the graveyard of ships. He had no memory of acting foolish, which was something Nyles was happy to supply.

Rowan had turned to Akari for clarification and was horrified to discover that Nyles had been telling the truth.

“You acted in the same manner.” Akari had reminded Nyles, who found the whole thing even more amusing.

“I thought time was a leaf and you could predict things like that?” Nyles said, nudging Akari playfully in the ribs. She smacked at his hand and glared at him.

“And as I said before, there are a million outcomes for every decision. And apparently choosing you two as companions was not a wise one.” But the insult did not leave the intended sting as Nyles laughed, shaking his head.

A misty rain began to swirl around them causing a sly smile to form on Nyles’s stone face. “Would you rather have traveled with Valeena and endure endless bouts of rain?”

Akari rolled her eyes, choosing not to answer him. Instead, she turned her back on the gargoyle, invoking more laughter to irrupt from him.

The rain ceased well before the boat returned to shore, the sun already returning to the royal blue sky. Akari was thankful to be off the thing, allowing Rowan to help her off.

“We still have a long ways to go,” Nyles said, looking in the direction of the desert. Akari nodded absently, stretching her arms skyward, surprised by how many of her joints popped in the process.

She was hungry. What little food they had brought was long gone, as rationing was not Rowan or Nyles strong point. ‘Perhaps we will stumble across an animal or two to roast as we journey back to Kingyosou.’ Akari thought, trying to use her powers to see any future paths that lead to food.

A chocolate colored horse was grazing in the field to her left as she followed Nyles towards her hometown. ‘I am not that hungry!’ She laughed as the idea of eating the horse danced into her mind.

It was well past noon by the time the trio entered the city walls. Akari was slightly disappointed that they had not stumbled upon any animals, but was happy to have at least discovered various berries growing in abundance near a grove of trees.

Nyles had been vocal about his feelings on the detour but quickly stopped complaining when his eyes found the purple clump of berries.

Akari was pleased to discover that they were the first to return, making her way to her secret room near the cherry tree. She emerged moments later with an assortment of pastries that she offered around. Rowan took large, greedy bites, glad to be munching on something other than fruit. He wished they had at least attempted to catch a fish or two when they were back on the boat.

He felt his already red face burn with embarrassment as the memory of the sirens returned to his mind. Rowan glanced towards Nyles who smirked, somehow knowing his thoughts.

Akari was the first to spot the brilliantly colored bird soaring through the air, hopping to her feet to get a better look. Valeena landed the bird near the river and dismounted quickly, happy to be on land again. They had spent far too long in the sky and her body ached.

“Did you find it?” Valeena asked Akari, confused by the smirk that crossed her lovely face. Rowan and Nyles exchanged looks, each shifting uncomfortably.

“Yes, it’s in my bag. I take it you located yours?” Akari said, returning her attention to Valeena, who sensed they were hiding something.

Valeena nodded, setting the sword on the ground and rubbing her tender muscles. She definitely needed a new way of lugging the heavy blade around. Valeena bent down and used the cool water of the river to wash her arms.

Akari offered her a pastry, and she gladly took it, her stomach growling to remind her that she had not eaten in a while. Elden took one as well, biting it awkwardly as Akari stared at him.

“Elden, perhaps tonight you should stay behind.” She said, tilting her head to the side.

Elden said nothing as he nodded his head, knowing she was right. It had been several nights since the last time the beast had plagued him and he could not put Valeena in danger again.

“Do you think she is returning?” Rowan asked, his eyes searching the field for Aira. He knew he was not the only one who sensed she may not come back.

Nyles shrugged. He had only met Aira briefly and felt he was not the right person to answer. Akari and Valeena said nothing, however, as they followed his gaze.

“Do any of the time leaves show a path in which she returns?” Rowan pressed, glancing at Akari who closed her lovely eyes. She nodded, a look of doubt crossing her lovely face.

“Only one.”

Rowan sighed and scratched the back of his head. “She has the Heart of Gaia. If she doesn’t return, we will have to try and find it. That and the wind Element. I don’t think Caspian gave us enough time.”

Silence settled over them as they waited for the elf. Valeena watched Rowan sit in a position where could subtly watch the field for signs of Aira. He had the pink blossoms in his hands and burned them slowly, his eyes flickering between it and the field.

Akari wandered into the city to find some food, refusing to allow anyone to accompany her. “I need some time to myself,” she said, disappearing into the trees.

Valeena said nothing as she sat near the riverbed, her thoughts of what she would tell the King. Yes, she knew of a secret way back into the castle but it hidden in the trees. She was unsure if she could find it again.

Valeena stole a glance at Elden, who was resting with is back against a cherry tree, Iris sleeping not far from him. The massive bird did not seem to mind his curse as the horse had back in the pass. ‘Maybe he can help me find the entrance.’ Valeena thought. Weeks ago she had figured out that he was capable of seeing in the dark and felt they could use that to their advantage.

Akari returned moments later carrying a bag of assorted foods. She was visibly shaken and stumbled down the stone steps, Nyles catching her in his stone arms.

“What happened to your arm?” He asked as he took the food from her and helped her to walk closer to the group. Her right arm had three angry, red scratches on it, the middle one bleeding slowing.

Momentarily distracted, Rowan climbed to his feet and rushed to Akari’s side, removing the tin of ointment as he examined her arm.

“I had gone to my favorite shop, one in which I have entered a thousand times. Moe was there, but he was not himself. He seemed angry. I went ahead and did my shopping but when I was ready to pay, he growled at me. I could not understand what he was saying.” Akari shook her head at the memory a tear escaping her lovely, orange eyes.

“That is when I noticed that there are fewer people in the city. He grabbed my arm, shouting once more. I used my crystal to help me escape by causing the overhead light to explode. ”

Valeena knew she should not be shocked by her friend’s words. The Queen had become known worldwide for her cruelty. And yet, Valeena had felt Kingyosou was off limits as it seemed to be her favorite vacation spot.

“I have been so caught up in focusing on my journey that I failed to watch my people.” Akari continued, softly thanking Rowan for his assistance.

“Do you want to check on your family?” Nyles asked, his stone face looking past the girl and back to the city.

Akari shook her head no and hung her head. “I do not have much of a family. I was adopted by a woman who wove beautiful pictures out of silk. She went to the Star Kingdom a few years ago, and I have not seen her since. ” Akari said softly, wiping away a fresh tear that had escaped.

“I was excited when the Queen said that she would take me to the castle. I wanted to look for my mother. My time leaf, as you call it, sees several paths in which she is still alive.”

Valeena hung her head, feeling ashamed of herself. She had been so jealous of girl and the positive attention she was receiving from the Queen. But it was all a show.

“I have not seen my brother since the night of the festival when the Ankou and Pyro Rook fought,” Akari informed them, her eyes meeting Valeena’s for the first time. She seemed to be studying her, her eyes narrowing. Finally, Akari shook her head and sat down. Whatever she had just learned, she was not happy about.

Hours passed and there was still no sign of Aira. Valeena felt anxiety growing in her heart as she realized that they would have to leave in a matter of minutes. With or without the stubborn elf.

Valeena pulled herself to her feet, Nyles and Akari following suit, glancing at Rowan who remained still. Finally, the reap sighed and nodded his head as he rose. He took one last glance at the field before following Valeena, Akari, and Nyles.

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